fTc*N MMUUCM Th %A |A 4UW! «-«u IUT U ■ MBU10 »«» t? *> ■ art cotm 0*1 flow ' % <4 l*»). 703. »00 Su« M« 3 !S 'AN ENTENTAMINO. HUMOROUS. QUIRKY AND SMART-ALECK INVESTIGATION OF AMERICA'" om wn k om. n ua ***** 5 30 (W). 730 TWO THUMBS UPT _WOL4MMT _ 1NT0#WEST ^ iAMmo. a-aa «■? umvji ^ r7HUi mCKIH^r 9 35 M* 330 "A Howling Outrage!" BIJOU I AM lull l*t Aar'1 If 1) i„ Wf I.' M • BUOO lAII MM BIJOU! AH Hit! f adultonl/i rIII woom ftjn! •rrTrjrr.rn 1 LATE NIGHT with Track Town Pizza Medium Pizzas Discounted After 10:00 pm Daily and All Day Wednesday MEDIUM ONE ITEM If PIZZA / *6.95 j Additional topping-. J $ 1.00 each TRACK TOWN PIZZA /,r7\ 'IVo convenient locutions to serve you CAMPUS 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. WEST 484-4262 2511 W. 11 tli & Wilson in COffCERT ★ CI2 ■ ★ F,i-«■ Sat. • Live Concert Shown on Big Screen TV • Over 50 Bottled Beers and 4 Beers on Tip • Special Weekend Prices from 8 pm-2 am • A Great Stop between Bars or Clubs 595 E. 13TH & PATTERSON 3 *.2-1727 OPEN 24 HOURS WHATEVER YOU NEED YOU JUST MIGHT FIND IT ...IN THE ODE CLASSIFIEDS! Le Guin to appear in Eugene By Jeremy Mason / or ihn OrpQan Dn&y f m&fUa The Nebula Award. The Hugo Award. The National Hook Award - Ursula k lx Guin has won them all Le Guin will be at the Hull Gunter Wednesday to give a read ing from her varied works and a book signing at 7 30 p m The event, titled "Magic, Karth. and Fire” will feature the author and editor of many award w inning novels Ijp Guin will be featuring her latest editorial effort. The Norton Hook of Science Fiction. Some of the contributing writers in the book include William Gibson, Harlan Kllison, Game Wolfe. Mar ion /.iturner Bradley. Fredric k Fold. Kale Wilhelm and Damon Knight (a husband-and-wife team from Kugene). "This will be a Ireneht for the Dine Arts (iouncil,” lx Guin said "I will give a reading and then there will be a question-nnd answer period," la1 Guin said. la) Guin, whose most famous works include The left Hand of Porknoss, The Dis/mssessedand The Harthsoa 7'n/ogv. has Us ome known throughout the world for her deeply spiritual w ritings She intertwines her influences of the women's movement. Taoism and pure science fiction to create worlds that no other author has approached lx* (-inn said the Northwest has deeply uffis ted her writing, and she has lived in Oregon for 30 r m COURTESY PHOTO Author Ursula K. Leguln will be at the Hult Center Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. tor a reading and book a signing. years I a- (>u i n said she is rvadv to release a selection of new books. "In two weeks, Blue Moon (h er Thurman Street will l>e released. Ii is a collection of photos and [MM'ins Soon, another |Kxttrv Ixxik and a Ixxik of short stories should Imi released." he Guin said. Available at the reading will boa signed and limited print by l.e Ciuin and designer Sandy Tilcock A selection of her past and present books will also lx: on sale to the public. The cost for admission is SKI per person, and all pro< eeds will go toward the Lane Arts Council. For further information, contact the l.ane Arts Council at 485-227H HELENA Continued from Page 9A mailt) and released with a hard-fought K rating, and it is a spectacular debut lor Dina tor Jennifer (ihuni liers Lynch Being liom a daughter to David Lynch must have Been confusing enough, not to mention spending half of your life on the set of movies such as Blur Velvet. But to want to direct movies and have to follow in the bizarre footsteps of a father like Lynch could prove to l>e almost impossible. Not so for the woman who wrote I hr Dianes of Ijcniro Palmer. Boxing Helena is the oddest lov e sto ry. but seen through the eves of Lynch it is almost fathomable. The story, which was penned by Lyn< h. is the story of plastic surgeon Nick Cavounnugh (Julian Sands), who Ixs omes obsessed by the enchanting ly beautiful, but extremely coni cited, Helena (Slier ilyn Penn). Nick becomes consumed with the desire to pos sess and take care of Helena. She, however, wants nothing to do with him It is painful to watch the lengths Nick gives to so he can see her and Imi near her It is nightmarish to watch her rebuff him over and over. Nick's "love'' for Helena mokes a mockery of the whole idea of co-dependant, v From early child hood Nick is ignored and emotionally abused by his mother In Helena lie finds the same endearing qualities; she tells him he is "worthless." "a fail ure." "pathetic" and awful in lied. For some strange reason these insults make Nick want her more. Nick is finally given the chance to love/own Hele na She is injured in an at t ident and Nick takes her to his home to care for her Helena has no way of getting avvav from him because she is incapacitat ed Though her t npabilities are limited physically, emotionally she is still strong anti still wants noth ing to do with Nick. Nick fixes this predit ament by i.mating a condition in which she needs him to live Thus, the fairy tale ends anti the nightmare begins. Julian Sands does a superb job playing the naive and nertiv doctor, only he is much too sexy to lit as desperate as the doctor is Sheriivn Fenn also gives tlu- audient.e her liest performance. Neither would have been able to give these per formances if not for the perverted, but artful, screen play by Lynch. GET WICKED TONIGHT AT TAYLOBS COLLEGE SIDE INN! The _(lOCK-A-BILUf - IOCK S' IOLL) 1st 50 thru the door receive a “ctt W’CKrn TOnicmt" t-shirt I Koala Springs with paid cover after 8pm. Music Starts at 9:30pm October 30,1993