REVIEWS Continued from Page 10A •songs on Nirvana's Bleach, tin* benchmark of albums where the Ivrii s moan nothing to the song And "Don't Have Time t or You is a * oo! mood song, sounding like it was rt*i orded in a bast* ment with one mike hanging from the t oiling in the middle of the room. Hut the shining moment of the album is the title cut. if you’re n sucker for songs with loud gui tars and sudden drum-filled breaks a la Helmet, this song will ku k you in the teeth Creep Diets is not a per let t allium, hut it's hard for many bands nowadays to come up with a sound that is original, not to mention 11 or K2 songs within that sound that are original Neither Fudge Tunnel nor Sea son To Risk are all that original, hut at least Fudge Tunnel do a respectable job of reworking an all-to-familiar sound into a lis tenahln album. - Dave Chaibonneau Oregon Porfy (maratt PERFECTLY GOOD GUITAR ★ ★★ GROUP: John Hiatt LABEL: A.M ohn 1 liatt's new album. Per fect/v Good Guitar, is just that. It does not have the lyri cal soul of Hiatt 's last three solo efforts, but it stands up .is a verv entertaining romp through his mind. Hiatt's main concern in the past five years has been family narratives and matters of love. This time around he is gist ha\ mg fun. Hiatt has left behind his band from the last two albums and brought in some new blood for this album The mam musical difference is that Hiatt has gone to a more electrit . but not indus trial. sound. He has wandered from th*> country sound he find been tm ing with for a w ft i !•* and trios to |nst play rock n' roll Most of the songs hover around the theme of trying to break out of the mold The first tr.u k. "Something Wild." is about |tist that He is tired of the sedentary family life and needs to return to his wild roots There is nothing compli cated here It's just straight ro< k There is nothing now on the title track either "Perfectly Good Guitar” is a simple lamentation of the energy that is often wast ed in the modem mtisit industry by creat ing elaborate production rather than just enjoying good music Hiatt may be playing with musicians half bis age. but lie has not forgotten his audienc e He may los e the energy of the voting musicians, hut lie has not aban doned the average, middle-age guy image that makes Ins imisii so palatable l or those of you who do not know who John flintt is. do not try matching Ins fat e w ilh any one on MTV Hiatt's fame has mostly come on the inside of the album cover where the writers are listed Although he has been recording his own material for two decades. III.lit is known as a writer. Ills career began when he turned 18 and left Ins home m Indiana From there Hiatt has bei ome one of the most prolifii writers in the business He lias written songs tiiat have been recorded In performers ranging from 1 mm\ l.ou Harris to Iggs Pop His own sound leans toward folk and hard southern r V % COME TO SWINGER'S HALLOWEEN PARTY AND COSTUME ■CONTEST! ► SAT, OCT. 30 ft PM & SUN. OCT.319 v*A\^v\ F,rst Plac*: S10° %.cY^s«cond Place: $50 Third Place: S25 SWG£KS tll&HTGLVB 535 Main St. Springfield 747-0307 LANE COUNTY'S HOME OF ROCK & ROLL \f\tt C,± 29 $3 :7ltp \uif uvcuIm^ atUM* Dirt «od RgM uutA Babbo VSffWfrf.:ir $3 Doso Voodoo Qoarshlft French ft* 3/ FREE!!! Anarchist Thaatar Itnii Z'uu- i nt<\ttiinm*-nt Musi be2l orover 13IE. f or Wwr vaKa‘ Nor w ifh ,%tt\ of No oflif Kp U \%*K\ J SPEND THIS WEEKEND AT EUGENE'S HOTTEST COUNTRY NIGHTCLUB ROCK ‘N’ RODi O 44 E. 7™ 683-5160 $400 Foot long Sub SUBSHOP 4 1225 ALDER 345-2434 Hot Mini W'.t* l*f a»»f discounts or CCM#««S L.COVTB BFFORF 9PWA PPM IOPM tC> IOPM ONWAPPS tb bat wing fffding fpfnzy at midnight SCANDALS THF BFST PLACF TO BF THIS HAllOWFFN yvvv CfNTrNNIAl. 'IA'i'I