D«,iv Emerald Sports Oregon Get ready for wild Homecoming (ft readv students; the always wild and unpre dictable Homecoming Weekend kicks off tonight yvith the "Crush the Cougars" bonfire and barbm.ua in the Autxun Sta dium parking lot. Of course all you returning stu dents know how out of control and really wacko this night usu ally gets. It will be years until anyone w ho was present forgets lost year's bonfire before Oregon's game against California. Ten thousand screaming students rip ping up more than 1.000 stuffed teddy I tears. Whew! Friday night's festivities are set to begin at H p.m. and more than 500 cougar pinatas will be set up around Autzen Stadium for stu dents to pound. Hotter get there early before someone else gets the candy corn and Per dispensers. For those of you who don't have a sweet tooth — don't fear. There is plenty of fun set up for you as well There will be three Mercury Cougars in the yvest end of the parking lot, and for St, you get three swings of a baseball bat at the car. The highlight of the evening will come around 11 p.m. when the voting will lie done for Home coming King and Queen. .Saturday morning there will be plenty of activities prior to the Oregon-Washington State game, but that will be nothing com pared to what happens at half time. The Pacific-10 Conference has granted Oregon a special exemp tion to extend halftime to a full Sunk Mims hour so the "I>m k t Jomecoming" parade can take plat*. Every ( lass has already man** their floats for the procession from Aut/en Sta dium to Hayward Field Fire trucks will also transport students by class from the name to the parade. The main event of the parade will he the coronation of the Homecoming King and Queen. Once the selection is done, the parade will return Ivk k to Autzen Stadium where the well-rested Ducks and Cougars will play the second half of their game Once the game is over, the Homecoming Dance will hegin at Me Arthur Court The featured performers are International Anthem. The Crawdads of Pure Love and a hunch of other bands that can't find a gig anywhere outside of Eugene, singing their own versions of ‘Whoomp, There It Is.” There will he plenty of room reserved at the front of the stage for those of you who feel tfie need to do the “hippie dance,” which is made up of people in tie-dyed shirts spinning in circles in their hare feet. For all those who haven't fig ured il out. the above merits obvi ously will not oet or. in fact. I don't think anything different o< i urs for the Homecoming game 11ns is my fifth veer at Oregon, and I hove never heard anyone take s|mk ial notice or even men tion that a game is the Home coming game. By the wav does basketball, tennis, volleyball or any other sport have a Home i ommggnnie. or is this weekend of ina< tivitv set up for football alone? I don't even know what is sup posed to happen on n Home coming Weekend, or what hap pens at other colleges What is Homecoming supposed to mean or represent? All I know is that T-shirts commemorating this weekend are on sale, but they don’t clear this matter up at all The one spei ial event set up for this weekend is the "Home coming Pep Rally" at the KMU Courtyard, featuring head coat h Ku h Brooks, broadcaster |erry Allen and some others. I sure hope this is (letter than the pep mliv last year with Allen and Iwis kethall coat h |errv Green You all remember that rally when Green tried to stir up the dozen or so fans who showed up 1 know I II be there, if for no other reason than to see if Brooks can clear up what this Home coming thing is supposed to mean. Steve Mims is the sports editor of the Emerald. Bring in your current Student ID and get a Folkways card entitling you to 10% off all purchases through May 31, 1994. 762 E. 1 ith Ave. Next to the Kxcelsior M 3 -8667 Al»> downM.iii'v in tlir Fifth St. Public Market m i:. 5th avr :204 FOLKWAYS IMPORTS r*« . v. \ f. \* A. • • V Af*X'NO T»'i $20 off Doc Marten’s $10 off Clogs $5 off Converse $4 off Vans Shoes $2 Off Posters & Tapes #/KZA# Expires 11/1JV93 57 W Broadway 687-0139 & 957 Willamette St 687-0139 Halloween Greetings Appear OCTOBER 29 in the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds Cw-. gm K'w.'.'rdvhno, AH? r Black Cal Cutie, Watch out after dark tonight. I'm coming to get you1 THICK OR TRE AT' Jack O Lantern. ss Thurs., Oct. 28, 1 PM Wf'M WAITIMC res row... Rm 300 or UO Bookstore or on the EMU Terrace Wed., Oct 27 noon-4:00 & Thurs., Oct 28, 10-1:00. Buy a BAT BSAT & spin the wheel. CVAAAMKCO WIMI Mr "HAiMir" r® r##a rmwomm mmi