Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 28, 1993, Page 12, Image 12

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    The History of the Citibank
Classic Visa card and the Age of Credit
Card SGClirity. In the 67th year of the 20th Century A.D.. Citibank intnxluced a credit
card aptly titled the Citibank Classic Visa* card. Established on the premise that a credit card should
oiler—24 hours a day—warm, personal service, the Citibank ( lassie Visa caal marked the end of the
Ice Age. And it ushered in a ness era. * With the introduction of the first I'hot oca rd, the credit caai
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bearing one's own photo and signature on the front, it vxm became
evident that Man was entering the Post Paleolithic Period, first,
Man was no longer looking like a Neanderthal, as one often does on
more primitive cards such as the Student ID. He or she could now
choose his or her own photo. Second, bv deterring other anthropoids
from using the card. Man was helping to prevent fraud. Surelv this
was a sign of advanced intelligence * The subsequent rise of services was nothing less than an
American Revolution. So as you might expect. Citibank would lx* them for sou. even if your caal
was stolen, or perhaps lost. The I .us! Wallet"" Service could have a new caal in your hands
usually within 24 hours. ('Sou can almost hear Paul Revere crying. “The caal is coming! I he
caal is coming!”) • When the Cireat Student Depression came along. Citibank introduced
New Deals—special student discounts and savings. Hence, todays student can enjoy a $20
Airfare Discount for domestic flights1 (ushering in the Jet Age): savings on mail order
puivhases. sports equipment, magazines and music: a k*v variable interest rate of 15.4%" and.
no annual fee. * f inally, comes the day you enter the Classical Age (i.e. when you charge
your puivhases on the Citibank ( lawn caal). Aon receive Citibank Price Protection to assure
you of the best prices. Just see the same item advertised in print for less, within 60 days, and
Citibank will refund the difference up to $150'. You receive Buyers Security'", to cover
Monarch Notes® Version:
With the Citibank Classic Visa card,
sou can build a credit history before
you reach your middle ages. And,
receive special student discounts.
Call today 1-800-CITIBANK
(1-800-248-4226). extension 19.
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those purchases against accidental damage, firc or theft, for 90 days from
the date of purchase'. And Citibank Lifetime Warranty'" to extend the
expected service life of eligible products up to 12 years4. Together they
gne you complete coverage; and with everything else...the Age of C redit
Card Security. • Its credit history in the making. With the help of Citibank's
services and savings, you earn some of the credentials needed later on to
purchase a car or even a house. • So call to apply. Students don’t need a job or a cosigner. Call,
also, if you'd like your photo added to \our regular Citibank Classic Visa card. The number
is 1-800-CITIBANK (1-800-248-4226). extension 19. «' If
after reading this chapter describing the prosperous condi
tions set forth by a Citibank Classic Visa card, one feels that
he or she has left forever the I>ark Ages and has entered upon
a new age, the Age of Enlightenment, then your time, as
they say. has come. Destiny is calling. And so should you.
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Not just Visa. Citibank V isa.
Ortrr r\p»m h HV'W Minimum ukct ^unKiv ptkr •* S Hlt> krKuo air foe C ilrhank vtudrm ^jfdmcmhrn .m i*krl% iv*urd N\ IM I !i#hi> i*oh I hr \nnual Pcncntajpr Haw Mr
pun ha%rM*K 4% ,r» of I* and ma* *af'vjuartrrh I hr Annual Pcnrnu$r Hair foe *a\h aJ'arxon N#% If a fmarxi’ .turjci t\ impoted the minimum t% SKrnt\ I hrrr in an additional
hnarxc .. t\a rye fi« ra*h >jih nhancc tranv*UK*n ajoal k» '*h v4 the amount afetch ia\h ad'-ox r tran\jktH*i ho**orr »t n*iH no< Nr Inn than S'lfO or greater than tKHK) C rrlain
vonditiom ami c vfum>m an'*' IVair rrfr» k» *our Sumnun <4 \dd it tonal Program InformjgHm HuNen Srvuniv n underwritten h\ l hr /urkh ImrrnaiHUul K K I >mitrti 1 rrtam
rrvtthand limitjt *m\ aj^pf' I ndrrw mten K the No* Mamfnhirr Imuran* c( ompam Set v nr hk exprv tano ijio N\ product and ts at lead the minimum Kturd *m retail mduvtr \
dot a iVtaiN W ivnrra*r arc avatUNr m *our Summar* ol Nddnumal Program Information Monahh* Vho a nr puNt\hcd K Monarv h Prew a dm won of Vimon & Vhudrt a Paramount
( .immunn,aluirt% ( l \ed h% permrewon *4 the puNnher i rtrhank trrdiUard* art rvuicd h\ l Hihank iVnith Dakniat. N \ Ndl ( uihank <V«u!h I *ak.«ta \ k NWmK*t I OH