105 PERSONALS u or o iimui 1 *00 4*3 70*0 »>t 1*7 Cm To6 1 115 TYPING SERVICES A! >44 075* AOe»N .» GAAO SCKXX APPAOVID y«a/ ”*<**.*<*»» t«*c> ground T«f"7- £>ac**fVl ..i’ '«Aur^« «uw v*« f <*! l asm* cv ON CAMPUS’ X) THE TYPING PAO »Vord PfOC«»iAgflE d*>ng T#rm Pap*r»Th*M»t>t»»«rt»tlon» CaB 683 60f* Anyt*n* WE CAN HELP YOU GET BETTER WRITING GRADES THIS TERM E cMng • WrtPng AmIMmkp • Typing A! WflEng And WbyACtA AFAAn 10V0 Pn/Edtt 343-2747 TivA*'*^?***' 'T -IT f ^fQjOCfr' IMIHIIII Hjfbjij 1 jnd M1* "4' ’J'ii- *>£5 344-4510 130 FOR SALE MISC CARPORT & YARD SALE! Furnish ings: >»*?oches ch am;'., tables DESKS clothes (mostly women's A fodders) accessor «<» (ihow etc BIKES, wmt' k.ichenwar© stereo pieces accessories household goorkes span rung the range1 AS be?»w- ■» t>ts and SiOC GOOD VALUES 3456793 960 A '■.& A BU»r Sat A Sur moist_ DESK, like new A lxI a design *be»ge background Mrt.il U$©*u’ for "om puters, general study. ofAce $46 *44 3 766 Fit One Cross Country Ski Machine $60 68/ 6621 135 BUY OR TRADE SEEKING DESPERATELY' 2 Lenny Kravit/ tickets' PLEASE ,l: Or.il, jl 342 2101 145 CARS TRUCKS 1969 Fiat 850 Convertible Southard tops Runs great Lots of nm* parts $1350 060 68/ ?fi77 __ 69 VW Bug new fays '** ■ ■ it ; ivtxjr* tor 40.000 miles on new engine Good tires $ 1200/060 88 Nissan Pulsar 8CL50K nr»«?«s great COnOtron $/500060 Call M3 W38 1989 Honda Prelude 43.000 m ies Like new all options S11 ,?50 OBO /46 66/H _ 89 Nissan Sentra 2 Dr 6 sex? a AMT M cassette F xcattont condition and new tires $4400 484 4843 150 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1983 Vespa 100. I'SO actual msies S6QQOBO 444 7181 .ISM for Jim_ T9 Puch moped, eed* *^ l. * cetfent transportation 150 MPG Hem** fifing, «ot» 4 cable $196 000 342-5/97 155 BICYCLES Specialised Team Stumpjumper Deore XT equipped h-wwi coodibor $45O«O0O leave message 683- 4173 Trefc 620 touring bike $300 T’<** 400 Spun tour. Si40 ? man Tahiti inflatable $100 345 42'<>4 16 Univega Alpine Pro 18 speed. Sliver, ne* Avocef seat mi cable Good condition S16C Man-m 343 9997 ^65 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS for uK. Brother's CE-50 correct able typewriter Period conation $90 060 CaH <85 1793 LASUI HUNTKXS Postscript $599 PC or Mk 1-800-507-7788 1992 EVEREX 38525 Computer 4 MB Ram 3 i.r an) S I *" Drives SVGA. 1024 « res 256 color screen 3 Dutton mouse Modem Printer e/some sottware XINT coodtlron A must see lot only S1000 Ca« 464 6t»6 _ ire SOUND SYSTEMS CASHW W« bey %** mx3 wv<« VMS VC*» *rwl f Honpfcjrt f J»eiranc» u»o* M>9sn Sony tn-Omh Cor CO 9*360. WA> M M'-fxm*r Owvger Cont*oi Dttaenatw toe* $320060 M 2363 175 INSTRUMENTS Acouittt guitar. Ofbaon tptptvon*. two wMa o*i. tram naw Pax) K40 ma McrtftC* for Jlflo 346 9668 iso RESALE CLOTHING Hallowo Magic Pr»»to* Chango-O' Ooo m«*ay dOM< «QiA#S on* latter wttfkri Cm* port «v«wyclay Kx uMXJ. quality dotfeng * S#co»xJ Thoughts 77 W nib 663 650* i« TRAVEL See The World... For Less, $179" $188* $249* $265* $269" $430* $450* $530* '.*#*#* o * ***, *-:r- y '* 'V, -• J.3rt » f jwwa 1 w nr ^ i’ ir-'rafurn Council Travel 715 S W Morrison #600 Portland, O* 9790S MimiW • 108-m-MM America s oldest and largest student travel organisation East Coast Mexico City Britain France Belize Thailand Brazil Australia 205 OPPORTUNITIES Ars you an English major with a 3 0 Gf’A or befcer? Than coma work w>th others to m© English P«#r Advtsvng O* lice Earn credit while you ‘earn more about your major Drop try PIC ’06 or phone 34fr 35/0 tor more information BUNGEE JUMP North Amenca s highest bungee bridge Jumps Net! on Sonde** Beseivibon* A Gif! certificates t 503 520 0303 BUSINESS MAJORS College of BuimeM is looking for new peer advisors! £.»'• jpper i«v; son credit and have lun* Applications are avarfaDie *n 271 and are due tomo# row Question*? Call 346 3303 College Sc holer ships Available Recorded message O'*** 1 -206-246-5040 EXT 55 COUPLES NEEDED 18 22 year olds Pilot study on relationships At Oregon Research Institute $40 per couple _Can Non, at 3456226 Have some time? Want to work with kids7 (grade* 1 • 12) Be a tutor A friend 4 J Schools, ESI program 66/ 3145 Luin lo fly thlt otnlar and riM •boy* It ail Can Scon Spnngate at 341 074Q tot mote tnloamaliQfi 210 HELP WANTED ATTENTION Student Protects. Inc has on* open teat on its Hoard ol Directors The Board meets twice a month an am ploy* over 40 students m the opera tion ot Footnotes Students only, two year committment Apply in room 34. t MU bet ore Octoter ?9 2io HELP WANTED BILLIONS OF $$ *iavp tweri earned m tfw #nvwonm©riii* mduatry uMt year * apandtog kocaty PTf T Tr»n»og MfyVCTQ MlaaJaaippt family wkl nanny to cfPft *or 1 thrwa year o*d tov© dog* S430tefc Conn©ctan infant ©*p©r\©nc© n«c«a aary Bu»y houXhoW $400 to* Cal Qwyy Narvn>©® at 343 3755 CRUtSC SHIPS NOW HIRING C«m Up to $2 000*'month • wc*W trav at Somm© and Gar©«« ©mptoyment avatar*© No esperwnc© naceaaary F c* 'T>of« information cal t 205 634 04W X CtSCXW database RES4: ARCHf RS Earn S7.50/hr So ****** company naodA MSPT n©ip to rtnmaft.^ and *new* data tot a ?©ai m tat# database Bright. hardwortang ioO nctuW* «©« hours $©nd mwum© (* ft* >x4 appfcamy a ScJNrar* Sctmn ’tWf Gw -i Gnx«pi ’■**» molMtf *d otJwluAi* ! 300 «ryS3ftSl .:fc-* ;WJ v» presenty r-torview ing Cal 466 3644 **i 12! Nannie*. n*j nave IN? ;**«*♦•• * 0 1 , mu' I ri©r<#y Li - «■•• nationwide $ ’50 SASC.'w* 1 ' ’ *e.ir -.t.v< A ri.ifn A tor part Cal Oregon Nan-new ji M3 .) “V Needed Bouncer* A eocfcUri *«*>**» Part &ma Apply n per*on sit Gurtc * Restaurant 80» f. 13th 2 00 6 00pm NOTET AKERs 1 PHIL 103. CIS 131. J 202. »nd BE 226 P» UpPf QOhfi has ihr m%* 4? $2VaH> Apply iJ f OQtadfetn Pocffi 34 {MU it Of;__ _ •" POSTAL JOBS — Start S1' 4 i tv * f o* .»PP'« at ‘>n CaM 2 •»> 90/8 j'-v** *-C3pw>) / RESIDENT MANAGER Nw'W*ng with i -.." *«*«(>■ ?- ■ awed person. Mo^t be »*»;.*?<:«“*•' et! and available between 6 30am !;• OOpr* M F Apply n p*.« * -«t, M Tft 3-6pm. t MU Food Servce (Jfftc# I MU Mam Kitchen 100 People needed to lose weight now. 10&% natural t00“- ,...v v 'nM yuft?.1 y tMC/ 215 WORK STUDY Data coding and #n taring *> cMJa ofN* da»»c«j taaaa laanan* Tu.Thf atQWI J4565C6 _ Familiarity with MacEicat Mfcroaoft Data ratrtavai and input Ganrrai <** t*:« iXitiaa $6 06 • an hour t(M5 Hr* A «««* for mora atlormjtion. cart T WAama. CoSaga o* f**-alwn 146 5i73 Th# CoSag» o» tducafton « at A*Kmutfivft«cton opportunity **rv*?iw Propel SaftrwJ# it now hiring for t) Advwrtiamg FundrftiMng M*V' .Kjr*» i) Adrmi|if|iv« Atsmtant i*xJ 3) Co--(Vector St=t Monday, No* i ___ Work study poeWona available- The Urvv*r„ty o* On»go* Itpeard PkM*d MSJ3C tt ncm h«rtog o** * assistants tor the 900W academe year Th« pro gram s kjefcmg *cv someone mth good computer t* #* and typ*ng at>My Appk CJ»ot!i ¥rl! also tv* seju-red to i**-'orm a w«nety ©I olt*ce Ias*s jtmJ assist *n pro gr am development Th* starting pay ‘S 56 bO/hf for more information cai 346 360' 0* p«Ck s-iP 4r appAcakon rtf ift59 | t*»th Awe The Upward ftourK) MSM( .* an nM yppurfonty employer 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Beautifully Remodeled 2 Bedroom guesthouse '6 ■ •<• • S* v 4mpu» o Or.*r< S' '■ • dap ft?88f Bradford Rd Cat* M t 6tXX) 2 blocks to campus *w . > * »■ ■' Boors, carport 2 l-VBdrm* targe yard No Alt I ••rep*a*;« *• » «><| an heal SBOO tilfest ed ctepos* **► »f» 225 APTS DUPLEXES ' !»*><)»*grt Si * >u9 A CUikV1 ! BOfIM A,.» at.f* . •* Oo'w k> U of O SttocomQ S Quulfnm %36&:mo Jennings & Co. 4WE 11th_MU-2271 PROSPECT PARK t \mnirv quirt in the city' '. A 3 B#Oroom ApdtftT*a court a. pMy^oofXl -r i1 more 1710 Northvt«w Blvtl 484-6553 T«h* ov*f my Imm M«?i! end of OclufMf A,- coocJitvofi^ fyi mah#d .! «a cmkJ Th*©« mcata cU*»'y l ea thru 10 Cj^1 Ahfy 3009 1491 H Mh Spimgfiekl N*c« 2 b«dfOom* l <*..-!** $390 No Pet** SJv.-w? t*i m** SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 666-1130 MSWIOlh THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON firr-J "Wetl. I've got good gnua and I'va got bad gnus." Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson Ml SUSIE' would sou SIGN TWS LEGM DOCUMEHT * WHKT \5 \T3 IN ESSENCE. IT ANNULS our knowledge or each OTHERS EXISTENCE AND IT PROHIBITS ANN FUTURE SOC\AL INTERACTION SPECf'CHLM. *T STMES TMM 1U HtNt* tX) OUT ON K DfcTE. WO IT IMPOSTS STVtK PEHM.TIES OK AUT PWT THKT ATTBOTS TO EKSA6E TWE OTVER IK CONVERSE.. ! ! * rrt Aiyvasv ihtailtimg MOW FAST SMt SVoNtD _ THAT _ 25 APTS DUPLEXES Furnished studkx, private baft* A hdeh an t Sect? & parittftQ s/Kiudsd 3 km PVC SJ-^> Cal 4*1 5*4? 4*4 S29C 250 DORM CONTRACTS Tot Mta: Dorm Contract Hacarva art M<*s SJO C*» -totty J M* 6Bm WO tt youn ■ ythj U*a ova* my Oorm contract ,U6 8S20 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Female for 2 BORM APT. 1 block from campus. 1315-mo Wa ter sewage included DW 342-1716 Two females 'aaponaifcie, Quart. neat for a 3 bedroom Nxjv* South N*us. bo g»rwv/>g Dec t 5200 • uti&tMMi t save message 687 7062 iWh A Aider, share 2 Bedroom with active guy. easytjo-ng * and good study habAt $3 Cai Harry *46 9017 pn CAMPUS EVENTS Nepal Whitewater! A (* m«dui •tow on UO Outdoor Progr am s *nwmg f>5 day CftMCOrt on tto Kamfll Mrvtw m $& Thgrtdiy Ott ?B lOO W Haw, 7 30 pm Me 4366 m ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E I3lh • 686-2458 o*cu IN THE LINE OP PEFT PIHEj TAW S TWO ay ROAD SCHOLAR HALLOWEEN BALL!!! 4, -r Ho* * Hk*e-4 H> ' '•>»* 4 *V- Vh • Sandog* £ ItXlffM Dapple Gang Satynteiy CXI 'U*h X) p m fc'uoiflt HtilOA 320 SERVICES Fnw Pregnancy Test* f ugw-'-n Pr«gr*imcy S upport Cento* 3361 I lift 345 0400 W.v* • •. ■*•<- i 't>» ! ;>f>3 f '« t(> 4 TENTS FOR RENT iu?ai v * ionite u* .v'y QutdDO' event An v/tri t0a |CM 00.000 !K| ft 3/41 Because people ca»e I •>' • .t-■ Cy leH^vg l 4/ty ’V*?nC.1ion CiV1 t»l Way 66/ #65 ’ Episcopal Campus Ministries ItuiiHUt I vrnmj; hutiuiiil S *0 . 1 '►*> h l*>th mJ ili}(UtM»n jmup following i«ri>uiw wcktxm '***'« CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS 1 f iloflttd coitoq S Hiatus b Pent •A* 12 HiU hcOCk film 13 Puu * partner 14 Y«ar and f •tram 13 Not 1«i* 16 f aton t tight 17 Mirth 16 Dual* a 20 Dowagw't p«l. oft an 22 A Smoth wr*. brother 23 S#n t. arwJon 24 Senate employee 27 Fuat 32 Author Umberto 33 Recent addition7 34 Boi of tea tgn 33 Hopho/ •rdiy 36 Obsessed •••man 39 Conk out 40 Accent pkih+d 42 1 ah on and on 45 Just nay no 49 (i*n Hobart 50 Baton tch 52 Gan 53 Count’* count#/ part 54 - AJamot 55 Hungarian ptamiaf N*gy 56 Pradatar minas 57 Panflanft smudga 58 U N vafo of 4 *ort DOWN 1 Com tiara » 2 Thaatar bo* 3 Grand *C4to 4 S*grvty 5 So or a® of waaflh 6 Attar oonft«fta tK)fl 7 Splendor • Luanda » land • Aquarium favonta 10 Tacfcto bo* Ham 11 Sbaltarad 10 Viliam OjL Solution lima: 23 mint Tttmdty't mint 10 2* out docloi 21 *C<>fK;«n tratton* confunc t»on? 24 I nuryy 25 Iop ratvd 26 Cartoonnl Rub# 28 •— Blu 0<*nto di Blu* 29 Chaplin film, with *Tha* 30 Gun kobby org 31 — atory 36 Dam agon a raputa l*on 37 Smgar Torma 38 Abut 41 That >« abbr 42 Haady 43 Jai loJkmof 44 Scat rialiat ttatuatla 47 Cooearn 48 Watla afcmanca 51 Dntrats •goal