Volleyball faces tough home games By Scott Simonson '«■<>« 0cWy £ Oregon volleyball head coat.h Gerry Gregory said his learn has made some real improvements in recent weeks and thinks it is capable of beating anybody it ploys Gregory also said, "Talk is cheap We hove to prove we re capable Oregon, its confident e bol stered by strong efforts m losses agoinst two of the notion's pre mier teams in the past two weeks, plays home matches against Ari zona and Arizona State this weekend The Ducks. 1-JO in the Pacific - 10 Conferenc e and 4-15 overall, are but k at home after two week end road trips to (California. < lo gon was 0-4 against the 1’ac 10 schools from California, hut three of the four teams hove been ranked in tin* top 10 nationally throughout the season Gregory was pleased with Ore gon's effort in matches against Cal. No 3 Stanford and No. 1 UCLA. The Duc ks' most recent match, o 15-13, 15-10, 13-15. 15 H loss to UCLA, whic h is unde feated this season, drew espe cially high praise from Gregory "That's the best performanc e we've had at IJCLA in ttie tnslo ry of our program,” he said "That's also one of the ties! teams UCLA has ever had." It wasn't a win. but it was a confidence builder. If there is to !*< a turning point for Oregon this season, it may have occ urred against the Bruins. Key perfor Oregon swing hitter LaReina Woods gets set tor e pess ms fellow team mate Angee Henderson, who plays gulch hitter, looks on. ■nances by quit k hitter Angee Henderson and svsmg h111t-rs LaKeinn Woods and Kalin Kerr highlighted the match. Now. Arizona and Arizona State t ome to town Oregon plays the Wildcats, ranked 21st in the notion. Friday at 7 p m Oregon plays the Sun Devils, ranked 17tli nationally, Saturday at 7 p in Both teams beat the Ducks ear lier in the season. "Both Arizona State and Ari zona will be a real < hallenge Both have proved they're fine teams." Gregory said. "Both schools (mat Gal and Stanford last weekend. Sweeping the Bay Ansi schools is not an easy thing to do, so we know that they're worthy opponents." Gregory said the Ducks have lx>th the confidence and the abil ity necessary to win against the Arizona schools "I expect that if we do the job we're supposed to do. we'll see two great matches." ho said "There really is more pressure on the Arizona schools than there is on us. We are considerably bet ter than our record, and I think if they take us lightly they will lie making a mistake." Ducks show new guys By Dave Charbonneau fVi*y. Ji C.j-V fmttfrkl Jerry Green has yet to see them actually play basketball in an Oregon uniform, or prat tic* jerseys for that matter. Rut one thing seems obvious talking to the veterans of the Oregon men s Imsketlwll team: The Ducks' six new guys are damn good "I love 'em." Oregon guard Orlando Williams said "1 haven't seen this much talent since my redshirt year when I watched Terrell Brandon. Jer ry Reynolds and Richard Lucas." Duck forward Jeff Potter, who will lie starting his third season with Oregon, smiled big when asked about the new talent "They're really good." Pot ter said. "You don't see them in magazines, hut they're great people and great players." The Ducks held media day Wednesday at Mc Arthur (inert to introduce lorry Green's new players, six to lie exact. Because of NCAA regula tions. Green is virtually not allowed to even be in the same room as his player if there is a basketball around, so Green has no idea about how this team will gel once official practices begin Saturday. But the players seem to have a pretty good idea already. "The last two years haven't been the greatest." Potter said, but alreadv. I ui: mw a lot of different •» betwtwo this year's and last years teams The pi« k-up games are a lot more intense One of the new guys, fresh man guard Kenvn Wilkins, said he's already esc ited about playing in Mat: Court "I hear it gets really loud and shakin' in here," he said "That's what I've always thought i ollege haskctivall was all about." Wilkins is the one player Green expects to get playing time right off the bat, hut added that juniors w ill not get seniority over the incoming freshmen. "Our freshmen are going to hove to plav, ' Green said "And if our freshmen play bet ter than out juniors, they'll he the ones playing " Besides Wilkins, the other incoming freshmen include guards Henry Madden and (arnar Curry. Joining those three as Green's first recruit ing group are junior transfers Rrion Smith at guard. Darryl Parker at forward and Zach Sellers at center. The Ducks will introduce their new members and the rest of the team with "Late Night With Jerry Green." at McArthur Court Monday beginning at 7 p.m. The First 500 people through the gate get a free T-shirt and the first 5,(XM) fans get a glow-in-the-dark necklace. CALL 346-4343 BEFORE 1 p.m. TODA Y TO PUT US TO WORK FOR YOU TOMORROW' §&f SfHf f/a/looieen Greetings Appear OCTOOER. 29 in the Oregon Oailg Emerald Claesdiede 50c per fine! (S uwddline) Art $2.00 turn_/**vw_ PtuMRA_MTU MCBMM_ OLPOUNL Thunl, Oct 26. f PM Lift ’re unit inn far you... km 300 or Of) Oaoketare or an the IdU Terrace lOed., Oct 27 naan-V.-aa 0 Thorn. Oct 28. tO-f OO Read the ODE Classifieds everyday... 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