Oregon Daily THURSDAY. OCTOBER 28. 1993 Measure 1 tax revenue could benefit students □ Higher education would benefit indirectly from implementation of sales tax By Julie S wen sen Oregon Daily fmtwjftf University students may be wondering why they should vote for a five percent sales lax when its proceeds would l>e devoted only for K-12 and community college education. Higher education was excluded from the measure because that option was most appealing to voters, said Ed Dennis, field director for the Oregon Student Lobby. Because only about 20 percent of Orego nians have a college degree, many people view higher education almost as a "priv ilege." but favor K-12 and community col lege education because they can relate to it, he said. Still, without that direct revenue from the salt's tax. Oregon colleges and univer sities would still indirectly benefit. As a sales tax devoted to K. 1