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Come by and visit us today! SUPRA HEWLETT PACKARD Microcomputer Support Carter 202 Computing Center ( Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM 348-4402 4 A <« IIIUS I AW tTNTTJt COMPUTING CT NTfcJ* BOOKSTORE Florida swim coach fired for misconduct GAINESVILLE. Kin (AP) • Tho University of Florida fired women's swim coach Mitch Ivey after n university investiga tion of his relationships svith his swimmers. The investigation began after ESPN reporters showed up on campus thn-e weeks ago to work on a story about Ivey's interac tion with former and current athletes Ives denied the charges of mis< ondtict after his firing Mon d.iv night, saving the university would rather avoid had publici ty than stand behind its coach. "It's real unfortunate." Ivey told The Gainesville Sun in a story published today. "1 was told that putting rnv arm around a girl and using foul language was deemed reason enough. "Rather than saying they’re pleased with mv performance and standing behind me. they're saying they can’t have the had publicity. It shows you that all of that talk about Team Florida is just baloney. It leaves me hail ing pretty nauseous." The university began its own investigation after ESPN reporters showed up on campus three weeks ago to work on a storv for the program "Outside the fines Coaching in the ’90s." It is set to air Friday. Tht- program's host. Hob Ley. told The Associated Press Mon day the* show will contain alle gations of sexual misconduct against a "world-class coach who has a history of marrying his athletes and also of having sexual relationships with them." Lev dei lined to identify the coat h because that segment of the show was unfinished Florida athletic director Jere iny Foley said the university is "always proactive any time we're dealing with issues such as ESPN was asking about Ivev. who has been married three times, did marry his sec ond wife while she was at Stan ford "She was of legal age. Florida knew all about that when I got the job," Ivev said. Florida's women's swim team issued a statement Monday hacking Ivev "We... as a whole completely support Mitch Ivey no matter what has been said. He is one of the best swim coaches in the world and he is the reason that we have developed into n team that is vying fora national title. We are stunned by this decision and feel very sorry that Mitch will be denied the opportunity to use his talents to fitter ours." As a member of the 1968 and 1972 l.t.S. Olympic teams. Ivey i ante to Florida in 1990. Coaching clinic nears The l Iniversity of Oregon will host an all-day coaches clinic on Saturday. November f>. from H.00 a.m to 5:30p.m. at Mr_Arthur Court. Featured speakers include Ore gon's Jerry Green and boys’ state champion high m hool coaches COMMUNITY IS P 0 B T S from Tigard (Dan Barendse). Sweet Home (Ed Niemun). St Mary's (Kandy Shipley) and Prairie City (Buell Bon wiles) Registration is $30 in advance and $35 at the dour. Contact Bobby Braswell in the Oregon basketball office at 34f>-434(> with questions or for additional information The clinic is for MINI CARNATIONS $2.49 rmmt own mtkumt • UrH%m atatUMr jfywl/eitfu/ * I (»\M Ms \%t» (,»» \ S ( cw~ctmm I dOuj*«* fti? L I Vk >«p~. Or. f?«l .«-W t?N I kaaton. )<|w. Or *T«l • «S- 1*1 coaches from grade school through junior college. Grand Slam U.S.A.. America's only franchised indoor training (.enters for baseball and softball, is opening a new facility at 1800 Prarie Road, Suite A in Kugene. The store opens for business opens November f>, 1993 and will offer products for every skill level In addition, the store will also feature Slambal I/Basket ball courts with adjustable back boards as well as instruction, pro shop, party room and prac tice area. K1DSPORTS is now accepting registrations for volleyball and 2nd gradi! basketball. Volleyball is open to boys and girls, grades 3-H. Practices for volleyball and 2nd grade basketball begin Mon day. November 1st. Registration fees for volleyball are $30 for grades 3-5, and $35 for grades f> 8. The registration fee for 2nd grade basketball is $35 Registra tion deadline for volleyball and 2nd grade basketball is Friday. November 5tb For further infor mation, contact KIDSPORTS at 683-23743. Homecoming Pep Rally Come and join Rich Brooks, Jerry Allen, plus other players and coaches at the Fall 1993 "Crush the Cougars" Homecoming Pep Rally on Friday, October 29th, 11:50 12:10 at the EMU Courtyard. Show your sruiMNT I'Nrvmsm RELATIONS COUNCIL Duck pride and get your 1 ^ N picture taken with the U of O Duck!!