115, TYPING SERVICES M M4-0TM. noam <% 0*AD scnooi aapmovCO 20y»a> iraAMAWt tart ground T«rrr {apart* u# '•Hum* *t* *c» Ertt ng Uw pr ON CAMPUS1 jo tmc rrwuo p«o Word P'OCAASrf'^teHng Ttrm Paper* TtwwtDitMrriattona Cal! 683 6068 Anyimp rrrmo/Kormo f 'tm p«rtixydofev*ry CaS ftonda a( 935 ' 89? pvaringximat «nd> WE LL MAKE YOU LOOK GREAT ON PAPER EdMn« • WrUnf Anirtwa • TypW*f Al wnting mry3 mt*oor*m Pte/Edtt 343-2747 *Ou*rar*#«d E tt or fit# 'miM IMIHIlll lirbafi l *rw1 MS 1M1 rfr* 1 t >uf% t S'#*I CARPORT A YARD SALE! Furnish ings: couches, chairs, lamps, latiies DESKS, clothes (mostly women's A toddlers) accessories (shoes etc ) BIKES, some kitchenware, stereo DMcesaccessones. household goodies span ring the range' AS between 4 brts and SIX GOOO VALUES 34S-6793 *»«/»» Blew Sal A Sun 30ev3isl _ Fit One Crow Country Ski Machine S50 667-662' 135 BUY OR TRADE SEEKING DESPERATELY! 2 Lenny Kravitr tickets' PLEASE cell Chnsti el 342 2101 uoPETS Large Iguana lor sale 3 yean old Complete set up $300 invested, anil sod lor $150 344-0415 usCiPS TRUCKS IMS Flat WO Convertible. SotVhed tops Runs great Lots ot new parts $1350 060 667 2677 81 Citation New Tags, am Im cas setts stereo Reliable transportation $350080 746-8185 'W Nissan Pulsar 8E.50K mSea. great oondbon $7500080 Call 343-9038 t8M Honda Prelude 43.000 miles Like new. at options $11.250 080 7468678 _ 'W Nissan tones 2 Dr . S-apd. As. •BAIFM cassette Escellent condition and new twee $4400 484-4843 '78 Pucb moped, needs tune-up Ei cellant transportation 150 MEG Hslmst. taring, lock K cable 1195 080 342 5797 Specialised Team Stumpjumper Doors XT equipped Eiosient condemn $4501080 Leave message 6834173 Trek 820 touring bike. 8100. Trek 400 Sport tour. $140 2 man Tahiti inflatable kayak, $100 345 4264 ft" Unhrega Alpine Pro. 18 speed, sever, new Avocet seat «W cable Good condition $160 Mansa 343 9997 155 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS For sale. Brother's CE-SO correct able typewriter f’ertecl ocmcktion $9C OBO Call 485 7793 1ASKJI PIUXTEMS Postscript 1399 PC of Mac 1-800-607-7799 TV91 Graphing Calculator Never uaed With manual. 365 465-2167 1993 EVEREX 19623 Computer 4 MB Ram. 3 1/2" and 5 1/4" Doves SVGA. 1024 » 768 256 color sciaan 3 button mouse Mooam Ptmtat sr/some software XLNT condibon A must saa lor only $1000 Can 464-6186 _ i/:'SOUND SYSTEMS CASH!!! Wa buy tan and server) VMS VCRl and aersos rnompaon Electrons* 1122 Oat 3439273 Sony In-Oeeh Cat CO 99390. AM/f M. M. power Changer Control. Detachable 'ace. 3350)060 343-2363 175 INSTRUMENTS Acoustic guitar. Gibson Epipbone. Two *e«fcs old. b»and new Pad $240 •*» sac/«i«ca tor $180 346 9660 180 RESALE CLOTHING Halloween Magic Presto' Chenge-O' One massy dose? equals one tatte* waftet Caat> pad everyday ’<* used, quality clOtteng at Second ThoogMs 77 W nth 663-650? East Coast Mexico City Britain France Belize Thailand Brazil Australia $179** $18S* $949* $965* $969* * $430* $450* $530* •AlrUrr n t** <* *rwr%! 'mto cn rxrttf cxt-^mr 'tm xi r&jfrd M rtk #r. «udr* or ictr v6#ui Cj* *3 -fr wcr^Mdt dHtotcn Coundlltawd 715 SW McxTtson »600 Portland, Ofi 97905 mmm-imi • mmm* 205 OPPORTUNITIES Are you an English ma|Of «nth * 3 0 GPA Of beder7 Then come work enth others « the E nghsh Peer Advising 01 lice Ee/n credit while you Pin<*. nerve Farv w*we.e* Call ■U!> 7 4 ' _ *00 People needed to loaa aratghl now 'OCTs natural ’OOS guatartrwo 12061 ZW-MO? ?*5 WORK STUDY Project Marid* »s now hiring for n Adverting f undussmy Manager 2) Adfl*n*»tr stive Assistant. and 3) Co t>f«:1iK Stipend awstatfe Ap prowmatety <5 hour* p*r ©me* Ap pfcofonn and joO deeenp&ons avwafy* a! (he Women'* Center Suite .1 Project SeferOe >» an affirm afrve actkyveQuaf opportunity ©m ptoyer Deedtone *or apptcahon •« Monday. Has 1 Word study positions everiatte- T < Unrrers*ty O* Oregon Upward Bound MSRC <* now hw-og ofic* aetriterfft Icy the 93094 academe year The pro gram *s kx**ng tor someone ©nth good compote* sA«»n and typing atytoy Appfc cent* wttf atao be »©qu*md to perform a variety of off*..* tan*a and .i*vn.rvJ -n pro gram development The starting pay * fc» 5 * dep ft.'Bfl/ Bradford Rd CaH 3434000 2 bfochs to campus, new paint. wood floors, carport 2 1/7 Bdrms, large yard No cats fireplace, electnc forced *» host $800 itttMl andctapasi 4f& 1 r» 225 APTS DUPLEXES PROSPECT PARK Country quiet in the city! 1.2 A 3 Bedroom Apartments with private decks, news. poof, tenms courts, playground and more 1710 North view Blvd 484-6553 Take over my Inm Mem pa*1 u«M end o' October A.. condrt.cn>n0M.gh SI Spacious a Clean l HOHM Avertable now Cloee to U ol O, Showing & BuiDne S366rmo Jennings S Co. 4SSE 1**6SSS-22T* : wQUADS FwnaM naadad lo occupy quad. Vwy cfoan A vf*’> l'f^x1y S?4A'f*io UMWaS paid 14m and A*d»r >u 2tJ<* Fumiahad quad S209fnwnm Ooaa lo campus A«»iat4* Novamfcar J * SM it yourt ta*« ovw '*y contract 3468650 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Famala for 2 BOKM APT. 1 block from camput- $31&mo Wa tar aawapa Inctudad C3W 342 171k Two fa mala a. ro*pon*«* cm* r%*at for a J oodroom rxjuaa. Soutfr ba gaining Ok ’ $*00 • ufcMiaa l «V»va masusag#, 88’ /Q62 280 MEETINGS Tha Muslim Student Association will rr>not on I '*1ay OctoCsw J9th m 110 MMtamette Malt hom 5 1 .10pm to< «*<* lion voting AS memos** art* mvixi’ agnu lu part«:ipal« 290 CAMPUS EVENTS Exercise your brain with the varsity sport of the mind. Sion Upl Oct. 25th-29th at EMU Rec Center or at any Residence Hall For More Into Call 348- 3711 "Everything You Wanted to Know About Family Services on Campus" Presented by Karen Logvin, Office of Human Resources, Child and Family Services The first in a series of monthly brown bag seminars. EVERYONE WELCOME! UNIVtlSlTf Of OREGON Child and Family SERVICES Thursday, October 28,1993, 12:00 to 1:00 Kt flrve Family Center Rm.23 EMU 285 CLUS SPORTS CYCLING Mandatory meeting Thursday Octofcrh .’W 7 C«J» C C*V1 mas* «’ Can Harry al 346 901/ CAMPUS EVENTS Nepal Whitewater) A ,1u)ier >i*«l program. tOAluring *n erofcng "Hit mraJA lfrow on UO OudIX» pfogwn t amajmg 55 day dff»c«ni on tn* K a- t -.>K H vrw tn Nrrtvtr $5 Thur«lay Ott .’8, 100 W«am#n« Mas. / 30 pm 34»A366_ ODE Classifieds 1-stop shopping WARTS i ENTERTAINMENT W5 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT ERSTOMPERj * BIJOU L AIL NIU » ROMPER 3TOMPERJ (, » IR THK UNB OP P1UJ m* wuJm t» 1*4 Of» T WIL BE FROM )WK LACK. OF effort, not wine. GET BACK. TO TOJR DESK \ WINE. __' *J&k ft golw. somBur 006WT TO PM ME IF I OOKT IEARM MmvUNfc.