wam»TBCK»jo«B 0 »t Vt fiCTl HMD nwft (AOM * chlv c.mnw» 3 I HUGE SEXECTION OF •MASKS Be** & BtiSf-*'*! , fcrt:: "1^7 • WIGS & MAKE-UP • PARTY PRANKS f •& TONS MORE STUFF , CHAZPRO A VARIETY STOWE OF FVN1 i »u*s 'Z OLD fRI€MD9 %un I/-4 1029 WIlLrtMGTTG Oregon Daily Emerald Sports Finally the baseball season ends When Joe ( larter belted the dramatic World Series-! Inn lung homer in the bottom of the ninth Sat urday night, nil I could think was. Thank God this is over " Whoopee' A team from Gina da [list defeated a hum h of m rilffy. fat gu\s m a game i ailed "Amerti a s pastime Puh-lease Don't get me wrong. I grew up loving hasehall. i ollei ting base liall cards. playing nine years of little league and making numer ous trips to Civii: Stadium in Portland to see the Portland Heavers plav Hut about the time I hit high si hiKil. something ( hanged Baseball lost something I grew up reading the box ores every morning The firs! I»-.i:it | w i -: id < ! ■'< k w o:;Id lie the Dodgers Steve < .arvev Ron ( lev Davev lopes Reggie Smith, - Baki Vngeles favorite team, and the Dodgers had the same guv s every vear Mv other team was the Pirates Hill Madhx k. Dave Parker, Willie Stargell. Pirn l oli. Again. I ■ mild name Pittsburgh's starting line up instantly Pile e.irlv 1980s rolled around and Garvey went to the Padres Then (lev went to the Cubs. I .opes to the As. Smith, Baker and Stargell retired. Parker went to the Reds, and Madlm k went to. of all teams, the Dodgers Dm Chawonneai H\ the time I was a freshman in high sc.lioo 1, I began to fall in love with tint "new Dodgers Mike Marshall. Steve Sax. Pedro (.uerrern, Mike S< iosc.ia. Two sears later they were gone loo. About three years ago. I gave up on the sporl altogether. It's not I mm ause the game is so boring, or be< ause ( US has done a terrible job marketing the games, or bet ause Marge Si bolt is a racist. or because Ceorge Steinbrimner lias the Yankees bai k It's Imm ause it s impossible to base a favorite team anymore. I mean you < an hove a favorite team, but it c an have nothing to do with the players on the team bec ause the\ will inevitably be gone to another team in two or three years. Your other option is to pic k a few favorite players, and follow them wherever they go Hut then you c ould end up liking teams like* Cleveland and San Diego. Mv point is this jo** Carter was I hi’ hero lor the Hint’ Jays this sea son. but ho likely won t even he in Toronto in two years Paul Molitor won't he there either And John krnk and l.ennv Dvk stra will he out of Philadelphia also Baseball has no camaraderie left Players no longer care who they plnv for or where they play As long as they have a shot at the i hampionship and make very good money, they'll play Actu ally, the former isn't even a nt* es s11v in most ( ases I didn't watch one single game of baseball this season, and I don't regret that What I do regret is that baseball has become so lame and money-driven that it drove my interest right out the door 1'rue. basketball and foot ball are heavily driven bv mon ey . but there are still play ers yy ho are dedicated to stu king with their team until they either win a title or he retires Dan Marino |im kelly Michael Jordan, (ilyde Drexler These guvs have all dedii at ed their c areers to one team Major League Baseball had only a couple of players left with the same dedication. Unfortu nately. one of them retired this y ear, lbs name is George Brett. ftnr Charboniwau is a sports reporter for the Kmerald Exercise your brain with [ THE MALLARD MAULERs] [the soda qu ackers If you know four students (or if you are four students), sign up now to compete with other wild and crazy adventurers in College Bowl, the varsity sjx)rt of the mind! It’s an exciting game that tests your knowledge in everything from literature to science, from music to film. Two teams with four players each square off in fast-paced rounds dedicated to making you look either extremely intelligent or extremely embarrassed. You might end up representing the University of Oregon regionally and even nationally! So. get a team up (name it anything you want - the wilder the better) and exercise your brain! Register: October 25th-29th. All dormitory teams sign up with your RA, everyone else sign up at the EMU Rec. Center, or call 346-3711. Preliminary Rounds: Wednesday. November 3rd. Campus Finals: Wednesday. November 10th. Cost: $3 per person or $12 for a team.