Its TYPING SERVICES IYIM IMIHI1IC hitoi U>4 M> mi Word Prcx essing and Editing fast and Low Cost Footnotes EMU Rcxxn • 146-28V) '\iC££c£fs5 344-4510 Beautiful Floral loveseat N»de-A Bed. Great condition $t5C 683 ft!. ' King size waterbed sate $40 highest offer Ca Tommy a? 686-4435 135 BUY OR TRADE O.P. Equipment Swap Buy v*' *d Complete set -.ip S30C invested *• sell tor $150 344-04 1 5 145 CARS TRUCKS Seized Cars, trucks bo.v-. - whin ers, motorhomes. by FBI IRS Of: A Ava>iat>ie your Area * ■ .» ’ B00 436-4363 f «t C i?tQ_ 1970 Volvo wagon Good v .'xt town’ car. $300 Caii Pete at 343 ’59/ 88 Nissan Pulsar SE condition $7500060 Ca» 343 9938 1989 Honda Prelude • Like new all options $11250 060 746-6678 __ 90 Qeo Metro., door 1 saeed. a tires muffler 45K mt-ey great cond' t«on $3400 683 3966 150 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 79 Puch moped, eeds n-,.«up f * oallent transportation 150 WPG M#Hv# tamng lock & caw* $t95 060 34.' 5797 155 BICYCLES Trek 620 touring bike $300. Trek 400 Sport tour. $»40 2 man Tahiti inlijlat*** kayak, $100 345 4264 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS For sale. Brother • CE-50 correct able typewriter Perfect condition $90 6 i 4n?> • 4 i LASER PRINTERS Postscript $599 PC or Mac 1-800-607-7788 TV-81 Graphing Calculator Never used With manual. $65 465 2167 1902 EVEREX 38825 Computer 4 MB Ram. 3 1/2“ and 5 t/4" Doves SVGA. 1024 i 768 256 color screen 3 button mouse Modem Printer w/some software XL NT condition A must see tor only $1000 Call 464 6186 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH!!! We buy, sen and service VMS VCR I and stereos T nompson Electron** 1122 0#! 3439273_ Sony In-Dash Car CD #6260. am * M Mi power Changer Control. Detachable face. $350/060 343 2363 175 INSTRUMENTS Acoustic guitar. Gibson Epiphone. two weeas o*d. tyand new Paid $240 wi» sacrifice lor $180 346 9668 180 RESALE CLOTHING Haiiow«*o Magic Praato' Changa-O' One messy closet oQua *> one ’alter wallet Cash paid everyday for used quality clothing at Second T noughts 77 W nth 683 6501 205 OPPORTUMfTEES Are you an inglteh m«jo» wrth « .10 GPA $70 tor 'nor# *nformabOn op* nAvumw \ODE i^TnriiwmMi' [_ \\ 346-4341 BUSINESS MAJORS College of business te tooting for new poor adviser*! Cam upper dnn Ston crodRf AppfecaWor* avtttebte 27* Gitosrt Questions? Attend the in to'mat mx*# mooting today X 5pn*. n >33 Gabon or ran 346-3303 Appttca bon Oeadbne Friday, Od 29. 5pm College IchoUrthip* Available Recorded message gives detaAt *•206*24*5940 EXT 55 Graduating'* Need a job"7 B - * et e* ptems non -!i?tte known treaty prevn-t "*• .v - w ■>- j< rm N- >'5 at'.-.< ..•r-tng “U • Canada without lengthy -mmsgr k»?. h*ss*et f’©*i in’ sA:>t tet 8 a^.nn' Way f *66 fc Richland A* *9352 (mF.F.Ks mewm RAISE UP TO S1000 IN JUST ONE WEEK' for '-atem*, - • ty 5 CtotJ Plus $*000 tor you'***” And ;i free T shtrl punt ‘or *». g * 800-932-06*78 * 75 Have some time? »V» • * * w •' Aids'7 igrades * *2) Be a tutor & trend 4- J SchiXHs. ESi program 687-3*4;. jLearn to fly this winter and rise J above it ail i Scot* SprmQate .«* j 34* -Q74Q tor more Otortnatipr' J Secondary Special Education Program Tuition and stipend available • > gua ' nd persons interested »n earning special maton pe 9544 e«t 406_ CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Earn ,.p to S*.000*/month . word wav el Summer and < are*, emptoymen' available No experience necessary For more information cal! I -206-634 O4(>0 X C6Q69 DATABASE RESEARCHERS Earn $7.50/hr Software company needs ton 5 PT help to research and input data for a real es tate database Bright, hardworking ind* Vduals. f!e» hours Send resume or *4 lmJ sptwcation st Software Sciences *907 G*/ dan Awe (2 blodi from campus) 404 4444 Freelance Photographer Musi be UO Student lie Oregon Daily £mer aid is seeking students with a work.-ng knowledge of photography lo cover to cal news & sports events Contact An thony for more info 346 55* ' The (> agon Daily [ meraM is an A A fc Qi FUND RAISER Raise $600 r 6 day* Groups Oubs mobvaf od rOwUii * 000- 775 406 * »«r ’ ?' Janitor-graveyard ahltl 5 hrsday Call 346 360t‘> between 2 5 p m Needed Bouncers 4 cocktaH servers Parr lime Apply *n person at (iutoo s Restaurant 50* F *3th. 2 00 5 OOpm T ues F t. Serious mqu^ -es onty NOTETAKERs -■ < PHIL 103. CIS 131. J 202. end BE 226 Prefer upper division or grad student who has taken the class Oetore '.Ur* $ S2Swk Apph jJ footnotes Room >4 EMU i.EOE} "•POSTAL JOBS "• Start S1. 4 < Yw • trtrt'eMi Fo* app**cat>ort 4 intoirtialior Can 1 2tfr?33-9Qj,8 i.'am-iQprti, / aa»a Postal Joba Available’ Manypovtons Gfeat baiiaftta Cai> i 600 4364366 t •! P 330D 10 HELP WANTED mm vALurr ma kcmm t tri Idn^o (A htfv'yg »rv »*v* Winter WHUC#' A v«w'> 0* pe *»t«0«t ar«* Jr* ,*'&'**’ Wart & tsar *taw cash*a»e. coc*v tj* **r« iisfchemuhari m*naa*m«w»t Hckj.*^o *v For appfcc at»«xt» A appoM^i^^ts MaodnC** K»« * — t£ > 1 * A ' 4pm The EMU Food Senrtce has a por tion op#oy^*‘- ’j *-** a -w*v^w^> NbMfd P0r»on U.;»t tv e«p4ft'e'V«l and avsdlfe** h4*wy**~ ft X^ar 12 00pm M# Aix>» M 5K > 5pm EMU Food Saw# !- ** r t MU Matn KACh#n 215 WORK STUDY | Profact Safertde it now hirmg for j i M Advert-*.*>3 f i/vlfAv M-»•'.*>*■ j J .’’) Adrrv'vsf'.jT.-ve AvwV.V-’ | £*l»a*metery *5 par *»«*»* Ap | M> Ncv ' .. Work study po»»ttont available- T> «' Uf>y«f1ity • (>e»J‘>:1 Upvr.Vd Bo.-KT M ,H * ' ; ” r r • M 's tor the 93004 OT.adOmc yaitr T*'jp pro gmm <» looking tor someone •*. in good cants wr-" atao be raquead !o perform a vnrv»v ol office task* .vk5 a&*.*t - p*o gram development Tho starling pay >* 34f» ,5601 o' pc* up an app^catvon 4' 18-59 t ' Mh Ave The Upward FV . xJ M$H( *. ,v aquij anorturwfy tx***?;** 220 HOUSES FOR RENT 1« Bedroom hou*e c}w**» *• • hood 2974 Portland St $660 rW#' ences No pet* o* *mc*»»s hft? / ikq 2 blocks to cam put. new o*vf *.*.m Apartments * ,r private dec**, wwu. poo* tennis courts, playground and more 1710 Northview ftlvd _484-6553 Take over my iea»e Me- ’ ;--*kd • ' »rsd of October A.' coodktion.f’g tyf mshad. uttrtHMI pa*d Three meat* dAty 1491 N 5th Sprtngftetd Nice 2 tx#d'£>om» L 4u > try F’y* >-j | $390 No Pet* Shoe*:- 0^ AU^iTPW'' j SPVOtASS ASSOCIATES ftaO-1130 345 W 10th 225 APTS DUPLEXES Uwg* ) Bedroom, ' V Buy* »om c»r> ‘t» ' ;'■* N Mi pat*' (X** $;« 4A*. .’S/BorM.'-OB?! Fumittwd quad WOBr'-ix-t* done to c*r>tH/s *%.*. .tt'-*’ *<4'v*-"4'-~ *« So pof*. Ami Eaut* Norlhamt 741J404 255 ROOMMATES WANTED lot 2 BDRM APT, 1 bloch from c«npu» $31S m o W» t«r Mrwag« inducted OW 342-1716 280 MEETINGS Th* Muslim Stuctent At*oc<«tton will m*#« o»’ f ' OckjCnp .'>’*• 1 ’0 Mfi;-1 •' * •' **’*'• Ia«- vc/A.-g A.: m«m(MPr» ,vr r-.. iKJRKl 10 290 CAMPUS EVENTS Exercise your brain with letBinxatais: @®WIL the varsity sport of thcuiimi. sum upf Oct. 25th-29th at I-.VIt Roc ( enter or at any Re»ideme Hall t or More Info ( all 346* 3711 THE FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON Smash your left hand down about right hare three times, then twice up in this area, then three times right about here Thai's Louie Louie " Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson HERE. DAD \ I D Utt. *Xi ' TO SfeN THIS FORM AND HAVE IT NOTARIZED NO 'l TUE. UN'JES.StGKtO DAD. AUE$T THAT I HAd. KtltR. PARENTED BEFORE, AND IHSOTAP AS L rme NO EXPEDIENCE IN TMt JOB,... ! -I AM UA8LE TOR MV MISTAKES AND 1 AGKi- VO PAS foe. ANV COUNSELING, IN PERPETU'W, CALVIN MAV REQUIRE AS A RESULT Of MV PARENTAL INEPTITUDE ’ I PONT SEE HOW SoJRE MiOMtl) TO WME * *.>t> wit Moot stoning owe Cf THOSE 2SS CLUB SPORTS CYCLING Mandatory meeting Thwrtdtty October I 30pro Odw C Cant maM *•> C*» Harry at 346 90* LACROSSE All *rom#n intaraatad m p^ay^g L* cro«a# com** to Codar roc^' A >n ir« 1 MU on TuWKtey 0t*OW Tti H 5 0d**r< Pr^n^nt’ Worried? V*»v • »V.»y fV 320 SERVICES WARTS A ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E 13lh ■ 606-2450 tfcSCOAJSTT mow +uW U » Miavttu tm, ftast—« w it til Mold uTTHuVA'liu. ‘klaa M« ciWitwiKNaw «C* UPOO«|gJ|L «U*P»**CAi.«*«uMtOAv S IUMM MU r? ^ «i ORLANDO ^ TOCm MMA4.4 04WI Wyfc IM ' OMPER STOMPERj BIJOU LATE NITE 4 £ ROMPER stomper v IN THE UNE OF FIRE 320 SERVICES f f«*« Pr»gn»ncy Tests ( M fV.xj .« h > S.4't ‘ < V' • >30 t Uff» ,u*< 0400 A * ■ •. **• - " 1 „** ♦ • ' •» Planned Parenthood ’ 1 u ^ * , '*m *1 birth COfAOl. p*«Qnin -» tr-v- unbiased counseling 320 SERVICES "Everything You Wanted to Know About Family Services on Campus" Presented by Karen Logvin, Office of Human Resources, Child and Family Services The first in a series of monthly brown bag seminars. EVERYONE WELCOME! , ft» ! v i I $ t T V 0 > Ok f (, O N Child and Family S E R V 1 C F S Thursday, October 28,1993, 12:00 to 1:00 Kt the f - nily Center Rm. ' EMU CROSSWORD By Eugene Shejfer ACROSS 1 Cafc«tt? 5 t apart 0 w«* phHan Ihroptc 12 'Puppy Lova* »>ngar 13 'Ststar 14 Noton 15 T ravalar * naad 17 T •/1 o# *Mr Mom* 10 Pul a 6!f4»n on 19 Af C wraaponry 21 Prank 24 Ori or g.i*. 25 Saharan 26 Sadat lima 30 Chaps 31 Has a go at it 32 Dandar 33 Ott TV gam# show 35 Soil drink 36 Mrs Harman Munstar 37 Propat tad a gondola 38 VtfU » haavanty IHHQhbof 41 Pick « target 42 Roman poal 43 Han* clwnt 1 record 48 Into 49 P«fch 50 *Jud«1h’ composer 51 lambs' dams 52 History chaptar 53 low pasta board DOWN 1 Chart 2 Spanish quaan 3 Sanctions 4 Spanl foolishly 5 Strong as 6 Scoundrel 7 Showed inlet «%! 8 Kap( man 9 Ona of Ban Carl wr^ht's •on* 10 Pradcafa 11 Dumbo » wings 16 Average 20 Garthann heroine 21 So ti,»d 4 * Solution tlm«. 24 mini Y«tl*rd«y‘t miwtr 10-26 y- **«i 22 Vionfly 23 Kogto' * target-. 24 Myihcai 26 F dH out ot piu< H 27 String instrument 28 Stanley Gardner 29 Patron./« the library 31 Clone 34 Play ground equipment 35 Warfare 37 Greek COn%o nanls 38 Body of U*S 39 Ark no* I edge 40 Heady for the picking 41 N* k's dog 44 f ootbaft 45 Hockey FloUiy 48 ‘A Chofu* L me* song 47 Crucial