\enrlit slit- sil> mill rest lint until she mo\cs on lit. she ttill nnt fiml me. - I'lit- I'lntjuc $24,000 (iradualf Fellovahlpa for oolkgc KfiMiri and graduate* mlereited to becoming arcoadar, arltooi Uacbrra of American hialory. Aaaeriraa government. and aociaJ gaflw. Felioarahip* pay tuition, feet. bcioAl. room, and board Hoc lafiamalaia and •ppUaieraa cal: Jamea Madlauri Fellowahlpo 1-80C-525-6928 iBirmrl «4dmi Rccoflpn>f#ACT'ACr4* K)jcIxjt| SELF SERVICE COPIES ALL DAY EVERY DAY The Copy Shop Open Mon-Frl 8-7 Sat 10-4 hetmmi PtOmon A ferr, H*/* an i» 485-6253 BRING IN YOUR QUARTERS TO ROCK N' RODEO TUESDAY NIGHT FREE DANCE LESSONS I, AA E 7th 683-5160 342 - 335» 136 K. 11th • Fugcnc. OR. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY DAILY BEVERAGE SPECIALS POCR. TABl.ES FREE DARTSO rOOSBAl.1. ASSORTED EATS smoking prcfrrrcd Citizens oppose city gas tax By Stephanie Sisson Oregon l U-V f rn&ttX) A publii hearing on the new stormwater man agement plan proposal revealed that Kugene resi dents support much of the plan, hut are concerned about a proposed three i ent gasoline tax as a method of funding it Servil e station owners made it ( leer at the hear ing that while the\ supported the goals and poli cies of the new program which has been proposed in response to new federal stormwater regulations, they did not want another tax on gasoline "Consumers are already paying huge taxes on gasoline. said Mike Sherlock, owner of tin Chevron service station on Broadway A local tax is not fair to consumers or to gasoline serve es Robert Newburn, owner of Civic Petroleum Corp . said that a total gas tax would "place Kugene marketers at a serious disadvantage in competing with sen ii e stations in surrounding cities. He said the people of Kugene are already paying a 24-cent state lax and an 18.4-t ent federal tax. The city council is i onsidering a gas tax to help pay for the stormwater proposal because, a< cord ing to a stormwater fact sheet published by the city, the tax ( barges those "responsible for street related costs and helps street users see the rein tionship between their travel choii es and the lit' A gasoline tax is onlv port of tcity count il s plan for funding the new stormwater program I*ho i ity also wants to i hange the wav it charge* home anti business owners for stormwater t oxts Water meter size, the current hilling method, is not an at.curate measurement of a property s impat t on the stormwater system, at t ording to the stormwater fact sheet Instead, the t ity is propos ing to charge a stormwater fee at t ording to iiliper vitnts. or hart), surfat e areas sot h as rooftops, park ing lots and patios Pollutants t ollet ted by the runoff ultimately go into local rivers, streams and wetlands In November lfl‘10. the Environmental Protec tion Agent \ published new regulations concern ing the discharge of polluted stormwater into waters of the I Suited States " The new regulations require that i ities with populations greater than 100,000. mu li as Eugene, obtain permits to expel stormwater into U S water, which includes the Amazon ( reek and the \\ illamette River, Eugene's Draft Stormwater Management Plan is a proposal for meeting these new requirements and for finaix ing the program. "You do yourselves damage when you consid er a gas tax to pay for a stormwater system," Jim Hale, of Eugene, told the i ity council "Let s save the gas tax for more Important purposes." JOURNAL Continued from Page 5A "It's funny." Given said, "that they don't think that the destmc lion of millions of ar.res of for ost as iH'inga terrorist not — that 's good business ” Dawn said she was the vir.tim of violent» (>fr|M-tratt*d h\ loggers while the poli< e looked the oth er why Hut rather than focus on those issues, the journal aims to "focus on actions and issues rather than abuse." And issues abound in the jour nal The September issue includes headlines ranging from "Earth Liberation Front Ignites Britain" to "Mexican Sea Turtles in Trouble.” Although Missoula. Mont., the most recent home of the journal Itefore the Kugene move, was con sidered hv the editors an alter native community for Montana, they seem happy to l>e in Kugene. "I think Kugene will he con ducive to our well-being," Dawn said. Duckerate Your Dorm Dor in Window Display Contest Decorate your dorm window and display your Homecoming spirit. Must be done by Wed. 27th. Talk to your Dorm Pres, for more info! Winners an nounced at the Pep Rally on the 29th. AND WIN!! SUNDERLAND 5CVIDE0 GAMES 5th STREET PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 / VIDEO ADVENTURE VALLEY RIVER PL A2A if' CALL 346-4343 BEFORE 1 p.m. TOD A Y TO PUT US TO WORK FOR YOU TOMORROW! &m mm Hallauxien Greetings, Appear GCTGAER 29 in the Oregon Oaify Emerald Classifieds S0C per tinc.( (S ioordcJ'fine) Art $2.00 HftMl_PHMU fUUUUM_—MTU m&rMj_____ OLOOUNL Thar*., Oct. 28, f PM (lie re utaHinq for you... Rm 300 or lib Oooiotore. or on (hr. LMU Torracr. (fieri, Oct 27 noon-V.00 & Thuro., Oct 28. to-too Deadlines I inr Ads: I pm. »*m busincvNiia) prior to insertion. Display Ads: I p m . ivsu business d«i\s prior to insertion. 115 TYPING SERVICES At M4-07M. MOBIN * GRAD SCHOOL APPROVID 20-y*& thttMlit bac* ground Term pap«rs^Fu« resume %er we E Pting Laser pr ON CAMPUS? 115 TYPING SEP VICES JO THE TYPING PRO Woid P'OC«SJn^T dtirtg Term PaparaThMaa. DtMartatlona Call 683 6068 Anytime t03 GREEK HAPPENINGS Attention friends of THE ME A TING PLACE Vahan ar*3 Joyce * pursue oth-fl# •'letenta and me MP * be no more (t(V3Q iast day) Come W«t Oct 2/th 7 9pm !o celebrate me years o* MP tnendbmiMkS HELP* For school project .V i .-i, > devout Hindu to taacft me about your Please con Eric at A8&-6B45 l nave message Than* you Jesus & Racism Guest Speaker tuiuanl Basfctfbafl Coach Bobby Bras wall TONIGHT PHIMtTIMf 8 05 pm m Gdbart ?3> us TVPING SERVICES WHEN YOU NEED REAL HELP. REAL FAST. CALL USI tOva-WrtHAiHaTM-Tygna M aaamg tfytsa and autaaets Mtoorra Pre/Edtt 343-2747 ‘OuwaMaad tnor ft— I’rofada' BUDGET TYWNO Quality tor l eas 741 3631 Eugona Doonesbury D Y15: m xxj w nr ■ IRYTHJR* W£ aff* VW TO Hi YOJABOUI A JURY . ’ - RUMP DON 6. U BY GARRY TRUDEAU iAJYuVS YOUR STORY1 I'M a HJRFBR- fOR v* VA1ISS THE LAW ft'\WR MAW’MUP ft.ACt A HAEK*itVil> •mAHJNMt Sy PYnHXMAs-j hjrven ON MI &k AJft you RA>*W, CW£* a* Of US! CD HHY, y&! \ jJ*0*