Earth First! journal here to stay By Lia Salciccia CVfpori Q*n\ € met a*cl The Forth Fir*t' lournnl began in l‘)80 ns a crude, photocopied newsletter, published from "wherever they happened to In* nt the time ” After 13 years, five more locations and an offer from the Eugene-based Southern Willamette Earth First!, the publication is now a polished, tabloid formatted journal with a fixed home in Eugene "The environment is not just falling apart, it's being destroyed." John Green, one of the long-term editors of the journal, said "When you take any action that's going to affect the earth, you have got to put the earth first in making vour decision And if you believe that, you're an Earth Eirstter " Earth First! and the journal that carries its name were born at the same time, the journal being a major networking and informational tool for the many Earth First!ors scattered about the globe. Just ns the group believed mainstream environ mental groups such as the Sierra Club did not rep resent the same interests be< ause of the Sierra Club's willingness to c ompromise. they believed the mainstream media ignored or trivialized the important issues in the light to save the planet The journal is published in true alternative style — structured as a collet live of four long-term peo ple with rotating short-term positions, put togeth er on computers in the house of the four main edi tors/publishers. run on a shoestring budget and relying on submissions for copy "I haven’t had a whole lot ol experience in newspapers." Kimberly Dawn, another long-term editor, said, "but I've had seven years of expe rience as an Earth FirstVr ” The four people w ho yyore yvilling to do tin* jour nal for the next year were also the only ones who showed up to a meeting who wore willing to com mit for a year. Printing costs are covered by subscription rates (a year of eight issues lor $25), donations and the sales of items such as I -shirts. The editors don't claim to be journalists they see their functions differently . Kimberley Dawn, who has committed herself to the journal for one year, said the mission statement of both Earth First! and the journal is "no compromise in defense of Mother Earth Hence, they try to stay away from articles about what Dawn calls "anthropocentric issues." or the presentation of environmental issues through the angle of its impact on humans. That is essentially the niche of the journal, Mi '4V,AN f John Green, one of the editors ot the Earth First! Journal, speaks at an Earth First! meeting which coincides with the philosophy ol Earth First! — 'That humans are soon as just one s|>et ie% amongst countless many with no rights suponor to other spin it's. ' long term editor Craig Honnovtlle said. Often the rei ipient of negative press from main stream journalism. Earth First1 has an opportune tv with its journal to present its side ol the issue I he group has been i ailed terrorist lor such i on troversial actions as tree spiking and sabotaging logging equipment, to name a few examples preva lent m the Northwest Hut Earth First! operates upon a different defin ition of terrorism than its a< i users "The media defines property destrut turn as vio lent." Dawn said "Earth First! has never done vio leni.e to any living thing Green said Earth First! has been i ailed .1 terrm ist organization partly from "propaganda by the government" and partly from "misinterpretation of what yve do Turn to JOURNAL P.a |<- 6A *20 OFF With Coupon. Expires November 12, 1993. Good only at 57 W. Broadway. 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Teresa s husband abused her most of the lime they were married Sometimes he would choke her until she passed out Sometimes he would threaten her with a gun Where do you go when you don't want to go home> Teresa and her children got help at a haltered women s shelter They got help from United W ay All because United Way got help from you You helped provide a haven for a woman and her children when they had nowhere to go A place that helped Teresa find what she thought she had lost forever Her safety Support United Way through the CFD Campaign Q IXJ < D O m oc Q. M A ill! 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