Homecoming duck ARCHIVE PHOTO FROM THE PAST: A snow duck was butft during Homecoming activities in October 1966 KIDNAPPING Continued from Page 1A She vvus wrapped in the blanket taken from her home and a bla< k jacket that Hare wns spotted wearing earlier. "Without the canines, this girl wouldn’t have been found until daylight.” Hirr said. Hirr said the girl was taken to Sacred Heart General Hospital and released to her family Hare was arraigned Monday afternoon on charges of first-degree bur glary and first-degree kidnapping. Birr said an investigation is pend ing and additional charges may be brought against Hare University public safety offi cials ore using the incident to educate students on how to keep criminals away from campus " The student body needs to be aware of stories like this.'' I)rav ton said "We estimate that a lot of people who want to commit a i rime are looking to do so on campus " Drayton said the University v\as able to avoid any problems from Hart* because publit safe tv officials worn notified ftefore he could commit o crime "I just want to list! this as an example of what turned out right.'' fie said I low ever, he said, the l 'nicer sity attracts a lot of potential criminals, and students need to call puhlit safety w hennver thev see someone suspicious on cam pus Students, lat ultv and stall should be extra cautious with asking to get into 11 >« ked build mgs or residence balls, be said PILLOWS. COMFORTERS. COVERS. SHEETS, AND MORE! ROCK SOFT FUTON 1231 ALDER ST. (503) 686-5069 BUY ONE 14" AT BIG. PRICE And Get a 10“ 1 Item For Only $030 ( KHHl ni(\S(iay:; ()nly iw iiHipon i*'t pun'Ju:*' K h • J»-liv«*tv only ('ampin uea only Kxpttes l.V «VrO 687-8600 -LES IS BACK-i (tOrmtfti 0/ Hampus Parttl! OPENING SPECIAL 112? Akief block o*f nth) Open Monday- Friday 8 AM to 6PM REBATES’ From Chevron hack on a set oi four Atlas* tires. 00 luck on an Atlas Premium Power battery e oil filter service. Stop by our station during ( hevron's "New lire* elehration rebates lint hurry, oiler ends November 10. 1993. • Imutml at rrtv'r «,il ».»r* 4rf*ndm* Ur* ui Ml* lim i» i-. I ,\()U "'I NIKI \.i ii< iiiviK .uni >r I « u «* «»»<»•»* NOU H‘>~ [ Artm'wtar AikI Ihxtywnr To Mau l) All Yoor Workouts! Muik.i hi mail's si.ulmu .1! IV kf thirds hiiihi) ib bin lufr. Ivl> 1 si ft EUGENE'S TOTAL FITNESS STOKE ATHLETC IXhivKmv. .{Xhv0 tiiukfr.mi ‘>» W. Hmadwiiv ,V».V12H8 ‘M