Today the Classifieds seem more like Top Secret. Career Planning & Placement Service 244 Hendricks Hall, 2nd Floor. 346-3235 it! S JUSt the details you're fuzzy on, or if four years are up and you're still in the dark, come to the Career and Planning <5k Placement Service. They've got the into that you'll definitely need to know': •How to writeresumes. •Organizing your job search. • Internships •Interviewing strategies It's called focus. So call the Career Planning Placement Service today. Or even call our Newsline- 346-NEWS-to find out more about our programs and services. Get in the know. With thousands of job contacts a year, we can point you in the right direction. Well, at least in some direction. C ause after all, it's not what you know, it's who. . . ;u\r kuLhtxg. Come Out of Hiding Let us know who you are. Come register with Career Planning sk Placement and be tipped off to all the ways to survive after school. Based on your interests, you'll he updated on programs and opportunities as they arise. Employers call you! There's also the Resume Book, listing resumes tor employers to find easily. We can also put you face-to-face with the over 100 yearly interviews conducted through Career Planning & Placement. It all of this still sounds like jargon, come in for an appointment to help define your skills and open your eyes to all the possibilities. Look at what else there is to take advantage of: •Counseling Appointments •Career Assessment Program • Workshops and Classes •Career Information Center •Summer Employment Program •Part-Time and Work Study Jobs •Computerized Career Information •Letters of Reference File Service (AS® *****4^ Help WantedJIO^ n Abov^Average For interview M +***£& Hei£Wantelil2 achievers 5S individuals* Hel company Will train for The job for youl Appb jerson u* - * «£££l At they practicaUydescrmey ■ QuaW sal* ,FFtCE But *ttey will be fin capable. .n^ppUcauonsfro^n, to ot .he following J Pays well resume to the address. You knowwhattodo^ ter Remaining Fall Workshops Resume Writing- show-off your skills Tues, Nov. 2 2:30-4:00 221 Hendricks Mon, Nov. 15 2:30-4:00 221 Hendricks Tues, Nov. 30 2:30-4:00 221 Hendricks Interviews- build confidence & strategies Wed, Nov, 10 2:30-4:00 221 Hendricks Tues, Nov 23 2:30-4:00 221 Hendricks Job Search- conducting a successful one Wed, Nov. 17 2:30-4:30 221 Hendricks Internship- opportunities for experience Tues, Nov. 9 2:30-4:00 221 Hendricks