EDITORIAL Ethics dictate: forget Packwood’s diaries Personal diaries, it seems, aren't so personal after all. That seems to be the opinion of the Senate ethics com mittee. which voted last Friday to subpoena the diary of Sen. Bob Packwood. in an effort to uncover more evi dence to support allegations of sexual misconduct that have been leveled against the senator by more than two dozen women. Packwood. charging the ethics committee with attempting to conduct a "drift-net" search for informa tion against him. has refused to comply with the sub poena. 11<> also has issued a c lear threat to those senators who would support the enforc ement of the subpoena, stating that the diaries contain information not onh on Packwood but also on the sox lives of other members of Congress. Whether Backwoods warning will be effective in deterring the ethic s committee is uncertain. A more important question i-. whether the committee has a legal and moral right to compel him to reveal the personal thoughts contained in those diaries. Some observ ers in the ( ase, inc hiding !-arry J Sabato, professor of government at the University of Virginia, have expressed the opinion that the committee can make Packwood surrender the diaries if thev wore pro duced and maintained with public, money. If so, then Pac kwood’s journals are fair game; thev were tran scribed from audio tape by staff members and wore kept, once transcribed, in Par kwood's .Senate office in Wash ington However, the difference between what is within the committee's rights to subpoena and what tsn t seems fairly arbitrary We can assume Par kwood would not have used his staff for thi; purpose of keeping a diary if he had known doing so would forfeit his right to keep that diary private Past attempts by government to fore e public officials to reveal their diaries have met with mixed success. In 1077, the Supreme Court upheld the right of former President Richard Nixon to keep his diaries out of pub lic hands in the? wake of the Watergate scandal. How ever, investigators charged with uncovering information on the Iran-Contra scandal of l‘)Ht> were suci esslnl in making President Cleorge Bush adhere to a subpoena requesting his personal diaries, the contents of which made headlines in December 1992. Hypothetic ally speaking, if the technology existed for investigators to read a defendant’s mind — if some invention made it possible to probe a person's inner most thoughts no one would feel comfortable allow ing that mind-reading device to fie used. What's the difference between private thoughts in someone's mind and the same private thoughts when put to paper (or audio tape)? It Packwood had relayed Itis thoughts to his doctor or his lawyer, instead of his tape recorder, every word would he protected. Why should it be safer for a person to talk to his psychiatrist than to himself;’ , Emerald PO BO I 31V9 lUGfMC OftCGON 97403 T‘-t> Or*} v> r.» •> * "'fW.W ,* put>.«*h«*1 da * M .lily V'.'Oa-/' * * ‘ t. ' ' " ; me v. *\v yea' and Tuesday and Thursday dur>ng me summer by me Oegon Da y Emarakf bu&i*h,rtQ Co . Inc . a< me Urvv*r*t> o< Oaoon. I Oregon The operates indeporxXmt'> o* me UmvenMty arth oh - es a? Su^e 300 of me | *?• Me^o aJ Unu'y a*x1 % a menbe o» me Avt* a’ed f*»rv. The i •» private property The removal Of u^’ o’ papers ■•» prosecularve EdMof- M«*l P<*hard! Anthony fc*"ey K»fy So»0 Associate Editors Scot Oamens, S!udo"'t CJr*(v^^fAcfnrif.es, Reboc. .1 Mt»"itl Comma o.-fv Rt**ir& » •*>>«* Sara* Meo-Jerson. Am* M*U«fcteM toward Kloplensle^ v.n larvg leong Tf.va N f I A.»b«tn «o*rist|arf a l*a Sa . . a Scott S-monson Stepnar»e Sisso SuM"' e St offer’s Ju o Sw«*-'M*o. AAc.neM Thompson Agu .1' Kev.n Tripp. Amy Van Tuyt Oar o Ae%' General Manager R«ed? Advertising Director M.W Wa»o' Production Manager M *'e*e Ross Advertising: f>e ? o He - lyndsey Bernste.-' S.jtv* Dutta N e Me*/mark T «•'**.» ■.jpe o Jeremy M.i-kon M f .10 M cite Van V O'Bryan II. Racbae< ’• ■ Ke »e> Wane Angie W>ndfMJ»rn Classified Becky Mo nan* M. 1 *;r* v*c»> M»- .i Sm Tje Tack Distribution tV.» jc ' Anderso k>nn 1 cv\g G»»nam S*mp*o>' Business Katny Carbone. SupOr\ VkX. Judy Con , Production Dee McCobb. Product on Cpo'i>n*f