Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 26, 1993, Image 19

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    at the
+ Intern Fair
28th City of Eugene Human Resources Ok Risk Servict
27th City of Eugene
Library, Recreation Ok Cultural Services
both City of Springfield
both U.S. Air Force Recruiting Squadron
both U.S. Army Recruiting Office
27th U.S. Federal Aviation Administration
both U.S. Marine Corps
both U.S. Navy
both U.S. Naval Reserves
27rh U.S. Off ice of Personnel Management
Kith U.S. Peace Corps
28th Champs
both Knit Locker
27th JC Penney Company
both K-Mart Corporation
both Mariposa/Savannah
Kith Meier Ok Frank
both Rent-A-Center
27rh RH Macys
Kith Shopko Stores, Inc.
Consumer Products
both Black Ok Decker / Dewalt
28rh Frito-Lay, Inc.
both Lanier Worldwide, Inc.
both Mary Kay Cosmetics
27th Ralston Purina Company
both Wallace Computer Services, Inc
Graduate Schools
27th Lewis Ok Clark College-Teacher Education
27th Monterey Institute of International Studies
27th Thunderbird-American Graduate School
of International Managment
Kith U of O Graduate School
both Willamette University-Atkinson Graduate
School of Management
More to See, More to Do
Just in case you can't get enough, the following
organizations will offer informational group sessions, so you can
learn more about who they are and what they do:
Wednesday, October 27
Northwestern Mutual Life
Black & Decker / Dewalt
RH Macys
EMU-Oak rm.
EMU'Maple rm
EMU-Oak rm.
Thursday, October 28
Teach for America
Wallace Computer Services.
Battelle Pacific NW Labs
Meier & Frank
1 l am-Noon
4:30- 5:30pm
5- 6pm
6- 7pm
EMU-Oak conf.
EMU-Century F
221 Hendricks
EMU-Walnut rm
Consider A Career in Sales.
It's Rewarding!
As the at supplier ot
customized business forms and
labels. Wallace Computer
Services. Inc is eager to attract
graduates interested m a career
with a short learning curve aix) a
high earning curve
As a Wallace Sales
Representative, well prepare
> ou tor success with a compre
hensive sales training program
Your training program will allow
you to develop your own leads
service major accounts, and
design forms to solve custom
ers' problems and increase then
II you have excellent
business and interpersonal
strengths, (kus a college
degree, prefer abty in
Business, success may tv
waiting lor you We oiler a
guaranteed salary, unlimited
commission potential, and the
opportunity to move ahead into
management or marketing
Wallace will be on campus
attending the University of
Oregon Career Fair, October
27th & 28th Please stop by our
txxith to find out more about
youf tuture in sales ot attend
out evening information
session, October 28th
We ll also be on campus
to conduct interviews
November 3rd & 4th. To
schedule an interview, please
visit Career Planning f,
Placement Service at 244
Hendricks Hall or call Pete St
Germain at 293 8343 lor further
details Equal Opportunity
E mfiloyer
Hhm' Simtcs.hIuI (.imTs T.ikc lonu
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th« volunteers end corporate advertisers whose contributions make this and other important University programs possible. Thank-you.