IN TOUCH Golf finishes in fourth against a tough field j Golf team prepares for final fall tourney he t )regt >n w»'men's g> >ll If team continued its excellent tall season last l! weekend bv finishing fourth among a tough field at the Stanford Intercollegiate on Sun day. The ninth-ranked Pucks opened the tournament with a 5-over-par 297 last I riday. The Pucks followed with rounds of 301 and 304 over the weekend to finish at 9Q4, one stroke ahead of No. 1 UCLA. “That was probably our best tournament," Oregon first-year head coach Lara Mai k said. "We have had a string of great tour naments. We had some good scores, considering the course and competition I’d sas it was our best performance." No. Cranked San Jose State won the tournament at S(v3, fol lowed by second-ranked Arizona State and l SC. which is tied with the Puck' at No. 9. In addi tion to UC LA, the Pucks also finished ahead of third-ranked Stanford, seventh-ranked Ari zona and four other teams ranked in the top 20. “We just have great players," Mack said. “It has worked out well because almost every tour nament someone steps up and performs really well, and the rest of the team also plays gixxl " Karls Mills paced the Pucks at Stanford, shooting a I-over par 220 to finish ill sixth place. Mills opened the tournament with an even-par 7 L followed by rounds of 74 and 71 over the weekend. “Karly had a great tourna ment,” Mack said. "Sixth place among that field is excellent. GREGORY Continued fnm Page 5H We are hurt in some ways, hut Oregon still has some pretty good things to offer." On the other hand, schools that may In.- academically more stable or have a well-heeled ath letic department can't guarantee success, Gregory said. I le point ed to Washington State and Ore gon State, hardly the two most glamorous or prestigious schools in the Pacific-10Conference, but two schools with rapidly improv ing volleyball programs. The support the Cougars and Beavers are getting from their fans and athletic departments factors heavily in their success. And how do you generate support ? "There’s a relationship between crowd support and suc cess. I think that’s only nght. We reward success in the United States. That’s the way we do things. That’s not only capitalis tic, it only makes sense," he said. — Scott Simonson The Duek» got strong perfor mances from ihe rest of the te.itn .1*. well, particularly Leigh ( usov. who w.n tied lor tilth after an opening-round 72 on Friday Casey finished in 29th place at 228. Senior l app> Mack rccov ered from a difficult opening round to shoot 74-76 over the weekend, finishing in 4 hd place at 2IV Juniors Bocca (nersdort and Shannon Hare finished at 2 M and 2 55, respectively for the Pus ks I hire shot a low round ol 74 on Friday, and Giersdort added a 76 in the second round. The Pucks are currently preparing tor their final tourna ment of the fall, the Pioneer Bru in t lassie in Temucula, k alii., on No\. 1-V Following that tour nament, the Ducks will have three and a half months without tournaments. [hiring that time, the Pucks can have no formal practices, but the team will work out three times per week, have meetings and play together, although Lara Mack cannot be present or schedule the prac tices. "The break will be nice," Mack said. "The team has played well and we are excited about going to UCLA ” — Steve Mims women's Sports Never Looked Better! .Save on the finest In photo finishing! 199 3X51 49' 3x5 99* 5X7S 2J5 8x10s l»nn>iil %-iw* .«*»» 890 E. 13th Acroff from * u of 0 «oomtor# 342-3456 Mon-Frl I0am-6pnt Saturday lOam-Spm Advertise in the ODE Classifieds today! M-V..-A7 if %'»!$**■ »W‘ w u A R WIN NINE SIGN A This Building Has the Edge in Saving Money m Energy Costs Research Park Associates, the University ot Oregon, and the City ot Eugene know that the smart money is on Eugene Water & Electric Boards Energy Smart Design program The developers worked with EWEBs Energy Management Services in identifying cost-effective measures that made the first Riverfront Research Park building 30% more energy efficient than Oregon building code requires As a result. 1600 Millrace Drive has been designated as an 'ENERGY EDGE'award winner by EWEB and the Bonneville Power Administration Energy Smart Design. It s all designed to save on the cost of heating, cooling and lighting your new commercial building That's energy efficiency by design For more information on the Energy Smart Design program, phone EWEB s Energy Management Services at 484-1125 EWEB Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 East 4th Avenue Eugene. Oregon 97401 503-4*4-1125 In cooperation with Bonneville Power Administration