with Women’s Sports IN TOUCH Block that hit rur photo Oregon's Karissa Meith (lelt) and Kalie Kerr (right) go up (or the block earlier this year against Georgia Alive & Kicking! OVER 20 STYLES! Womens Fitnevo Shoes Sfa'|» I Kilt NX Ilium*' T( Hi iK (i *k(r; KIIIIOK 1^ Art»vSiq> I’u* >, l ’r *N<>\» J'')' AVIA Hoitnn Ti.hu i S0U0 j ** I v m $v>" AH\ Acliiv sivt (‘"l aow "r NIKI-. Nr TittlIV.tv join r Mlllti. IllMitt NOW H‘)“ Actiwwar And Bodywear To Maldt All Your Workouts! M.uik.i sqw.ues .sunjrw .u 19" letfants unikmts bm /» W. Ilnndwav KV12H8 Mi»vIW> ’> KH.In ‘MO* V* 'MOOSwi IIS PARKING LS ON US! > YOU IUST MIGHT FIND IT ...IN THE ODE CLASSIFIEDS! Do you believe women’s athletics are as respected as they should be? “No, defi nitely not. One of the major rea sons is because of the alumni who give most of their money to the men's sports" MARIF.KA FARRENKOPF sociology, senior “Probably not, because they do not get the exposu re as the men do" CHRIS 3RAZFIFI.D math, Jualt• I don't think >>o, because when they j win a cham pionship the j public . vsn t respect them pco le siv,'Oh ..it's only a man.'" WILSON CHAN fine iiris, sophomore "No, because I think that there are many women who don’t take sports seriously. A lot ot women just do sports as exercise.” BENJAMIN DREW mrironmnitdl stud its, irishman "1 believe it's a mat ter of color, because it seems like people who are white are more accepted in sports than people who are not." YASMIN HAMID pre-journalism, sophomore "It seems like men get much more pub licity, receive more sc hoi arships and earn more money that women do.' LISA TAN exercise movement science CompWd by Susanna Staffani'Photos Oy Thomas BofOShom Softball coach Brown wins title j Brown’s team gets revenge on the defending champions. H sgs niversity of oregon head softball coach ;i Tami Broun was a memb<\ t this H » year's ASA Women's Major : istpitch l National Championship team from Redding, t alii. Lite Redding Re lx-Is took the championship in dramatic style as they swept |\ist the 21 time national champion Ravhestos Brakettes, CO and C2, in Stratford, Conn, in September, lor the Rebels, defeating the Brakettes in the champi onship was a revenge victory ot sorts. Last year, the Brakettcs beat the Rebels in Redding to win the c hampionship. Rebels pitcher Michele Smith got the victory in the final game, and she was named the tourna ment's Most Valuable Player, as well as hemp named "Best Pitcher”, l or the Rebels, it was Jen nifer Brundage's single in the seventh inning that plated first baseman Kelly Jackson, giving them the V2 win. Seven of the 14 players for the Rebels were named ASA all-Americans, including Smith, Brundage, pitcher Lori Sippel and Julie Smith. Redding finished the tournament with a 7-1 record, including a 28-inning, seven-hour victo ry over the California Commotion. Oregon West FITNESS - End of Term Special 2ti£AQQ0 MONTHS FOR WWW ■ no initiation fee 485-1 234 1475 Franklin Blvd. Reoyole Ihi/ poper!