IN TOUCH with Women’s Sports Duck volleyball looks for success j Volleyball coach Gerry Gregory runs program in football shadow n Saturdays when 1 the Oregon! jf team at home, the Duck volleyball team is relegated to k'nn the other game in town This can either he a blessing or a curse. Advertising the volleyball match at the football game and allowing football ticket stubs to he used as tree tu kets to die voi leyball match may boost atten dance and pros ule an emotional lift to the volleyball players Then again, Duck fans may ho uninterested in volleyhill after a long day in Aut:cn Stadium. Oregon volleyball head coach Derry Gregory notices all this from courtside. ‘‘There are some distractions involved, including the fact that the crowd can he a little fatigued Our players are very interested in how the football team is doing, and that can he a distraction," (iregorv said. “But, it can really get us pumped when they have a lug win. It can really K- an encour agement tor us and our fans." Such is Itlc for .1 vollevball coach and a vollevhall program in an athletic department whose big-time spirts may either over shadow or henetn smaller pro crams " I here are always going to K inequalities in an athletic pro cram It's more expensive to run a toot hall or basketball team than a volleyball team,” Gregory said "Io keep with the Huskies and I'St' in iixfthal!, there -ire thmc' you have to do Tlu- Inch stakes, high-profile sports may require more atten non and resources, hut Gregory emphasized that money does not make any program, large or small, a success. I he equation is more complicated than that ‘Tor yeomen’s volleyball, the question I ask is, I \> we have the things thai vs ill allow us to he successful’’ " he saul. Gregory s.ud areas such as an adequate travel budget and facilities are necessary in order to build a competitive program. He says Oregon has those. liven more importantly, tire gory said, is quality o! the uni versity as a whole. A particular schools assets and liabilities play a major role in being able to recruit players. Successful volleyball programs like those at Stanford and l’t LA often are able to recruit from a wealth of talent that lives in their 'For women's volley Kill, the quest 1071 l ask is, “Do we have the things that will allow us to he successful?" ' — (. terry Gregory, ( h,I'llit’ylxdl o\uh respective go *graphu areas the Arizona schools have the advan tage of being able to otter warm weather all vear long. Ret pi . g players t»»e Oregon poses its share s>( challenge*, esjvt tally as the l ’niversity steals with budget cuts cause.l h\ pWC's Ballot Measure S "Lots of things create 'true gles tor an athletic department, hot us, one issue is shopping the education department here." he said. "A lot of voting educators also tens! to lv athletes 1 he loss has hurt us in recruiting (.Mten tunes, we can t recruit a player because she will hear that we re hurting, that we re in i budget crisis "Are we hurting.’ Yes atisl no. I urn to GREGORY, Page 7B n > i r AM ay i "y-j*] Oregon |unlor LaRelna Woods Is one ol the leaders ot the Oregon vol leyball team Pick These Sweats Once And You May Never Pick Them Again That's l x.*i a use Russell ’s NuBlentl (k»l\ -cotton sweats are \ irtuallv pill-tree So they II look better longer, and you won t have to keep pit king ugk tu// halls oil vour sweats. Russell Millet it NuBlentl sweats are made to lx* as long lasting .is the uniforms that they make tor professional athletes So t hooso Russell Mhlelit s NuBlentl sweats and leave the pit king to somebody else. RUSSELL ^ATHLETIC Heritage • Quality • Performance UNIVERSITY O * U I t U O N