THERE’S ONE THUG EVERY COACH TURNS TO. DAVECHARBONNEAU. TODAYWSPORTS. C Women in Sports, Art, Literature, Sciences, History, ...and more Smith Family Bookstore 768 East 13th Avenue 525 Willamette Street Eugene, OR 97401 Women's History Month Shirts tire Here!!! OREGON VS. WASHINGTON ST. 1:00 P.M. AUTZEN STADIUM SAT, OCT. 30 HOMECOMING Admission $2.00 with airrtni l O I I) OREGON BLOCK PARTY UO VS. ARIZONA UO VS. ARIZONA ST. 7:00 P.M. MAC 7:00 P.M. COURT Admission FREE with current UO I.D. with Women’s Sports IN TOUCH 111 - NORMAN MF SMANflor «N» t m#raid A group of women ride their bikes past Foi Hollow to Ridgeline with the WOMBATS. WOMBATS teach women in town j WOMBATS are teaching women how to have fun while getting exercise on hikes roups such as YWC A. NOW .uul WOMBATS ill have something in common they are made up of women and cash have coherent interests. The YWCA works with women in the community, NOW is concerned with improving and equalizing the rights of women, and WOM BATS Women's Mountain Bike and Tea Society is devoted to getting more women on their mountain hikes. I he mission ol WOMBAT S at first may not appear to be helping women in any great way, until one takes a quick look at history and realizes that it was the bicycle that helped liberate women. When horses were the main mode ot transportation, women would either mi "lady like" hy side straddling their steed, or they would he pulled in a eat rtage Once women started catching on to the idea that they could pedal across town carriage, they then realized that functional clothing and breath ing easier. t >nce they were able to breath, they were ihic to speak, ansi thus came voting privileges. This may he a crude history lesson ol whv hikes are synonv E33B NORMAN Mi ‘.(AAN1.X th« Fr"*>alfl Jacquie Phelan, founder of the WOMBATS, talks to a group of women interested In learning more about bicycling. WOMBAT S is a community of women who help and teach mountain hike techniques to each other and have tea pat ties. I he group was started by mountain hike guru Jacquie Phelan. It the name is unfamil iar, it is because she has been cheated oj much deserved recognition. Phelan is the pio neer of women mountain hik ers, winning every race she entered fresin 19M -1 l,*t> Not even Julie hurtado has come close to this. Although she trained with |sjs4 she loincd with RAAM first women-only mountain bike Camp. In PPM, WOM BAT S was horn. Phelan made her long await ed Oregon visit to Eugene earli er this month and made some lustorv More than to women showed up. the largest group of Phelan led them through the street?- ot Hugene up to the Ridgeltne trail There she gave pointers on maneuvering hikes through switchbacks and get ting started on a steep hill. Although there were women stretching from one end ot the trail to the other, Phelan led trom the hack and helped any one who was struggling. Alter the ride, the hikers grouped at Amazon park and had tea and scones. I hose who were part ot this event realized that she need not he a hard sore rider to belong to \\ l)M BATS Phelan's objective was tun among themselves It was refreshing to see women who weren’t competing against one another, hut encouraging each other. Moun* tain hiking isn’t as rugged as it is made out to he in the media, and may he the women ot WOMBATS who will help oth ers realize this. After all, the point of ihe sport is no have tun Tamara Jones