\0C* \t o66 1 25 VV. 11th Avenue IOOD MORI SINT I 1‘»~« TRACK TOWN PIZZA SUPPORTS WOMEN'S SPORTS Bring in your ticket stub from any Women's Volleyball game, and get $2^^°^an^ *ar^e P'zza Expires November 29th, 1993 TRACK TOWN PIZZA CAMPUS 1809 Franklin Blvd 18 1-2799 WEST 2511 W. 11th & Wilson 484-1262 STAFF BOX Steve Mims sports editor Jeff Paslay graphics editor Anthony Forney photo editor Dave Charbonneau, Scott Simonson STAFF WRITERS Thomas Bergstrom, Norman Mesman PHOTOGRAPHERS Tamara Jones, Susanne Steffens CONTRIBUTORS Jake Berg editor Michele hoss production coordinator IN TOUCH with Women’s Sports Success comes to women’s sports j Women’s track teams lead an impressive list of successful teams vet tin- years, the l 'nivtTMty’s women athletes have played Ssigi .1 big role in enhanc ing the reputation <>( the athlct u program at Oregon I he Ducks currently sport teams in tennis, golf, track and field, cross country, volleyball, basketball and softball, and all have had then fair share of suc cess. When people think id women's sjsorts at Oregon, they most likely think of track first Oregon head coach tom Hcinoncn has been with the Ducks since 1976 and lias built up one of the most stable and successful programs in the NCAA. Since the NCAA started has mg a national meet in 1682, the Ducks have placed in the top 10 seven times. Oregon has also had numerous individual N( AA champions. In the first NCAA meet in 1^82, Lcann Warren won the individual title in I ,“>00 meter race, leading the I Hr ks to a fourth-place finish. (’laudettc ( itocnenda.il picked up where Warren left oft, winning the 1,500 the very next year Kathy Hayes, another star distance runner, won the national crown in the 10,000 the same seat Together, Warren and ( iroenendaal led l )rogon to a fifth-place finish (.iroenendaal shortened her distance the next year, and went on to win the champi onship in the 800, leading the Ducks to their first NCAA Championship in 1685. In 1688, Annette Hand's national title in the 5,000 and Jill Smith's victory in the javelin helped the Ducks take third in the nation. As it turned out. Smith was the first of a trio of throwers that have made the Ducks the team to beat in the javelin. Paula Herts won the national championship in the javelin in 1‘WI, and last year. Ashley Sel man won the title. Selman's title, coupled with Kelly Blair's championship in the heptathlon boosted the Ducks to a fourth-place finish at the NCAA meet last year. As if his wizardry on the track was not enough, Hetnonen has also done a masterful job of building up a strong cross conn Flit PHOTO Kelly Blair, the NCAA heptathlon champion last year, is one of Ore gon's most successful female athletes ever. try team. Ik-skies numerous Pacific-10 Conference Championships, the women runners have won the District VIII title 12 times in 17 years and have never fm ishevi lower than fourth. At the NCAAs, the Ducks won titles in 1983 and 1987- In 1983, Oregon was led by a third-place finish by Kathy Hayes and a ! 7th-place finish by Lisa Mar tin. In 1987, the Dusks landed three runners in the top IS as Annette Hand, Penny Craves and Li: Wilson tore up the course. Although not nearly as sin cessful as the trask program, Oregon's basketball team has its share of success I he most glorious season of all came in 1989 when the [lucks beat DePaul to win the National Women's Invitational Tournament. It was the fust and only national title for the team The Ducks have always been competitive within the league. The Ducks won confer ence titles in 1979-80, 1981-82, 198 3-8-4 and 1985-86. One of the finest athletes in Oregon historv played tor the Puck' from 1978 10 1982. Bev Snmh led the team in storing lor two ot her years ai Oregon and led lire team in almost every mentionahle category in her final two years with the Ducks. Smith was a Kodak All American during her junior and senior years and was also voted player of the year three times in the NWBA, which is now essentially the Pac-10. I hough it has never been able to make it out ot the regionals, Oregon’s volleyball team has compiled one of the best postseason records ot any team at Oregon. I he Ducks .ire 41-U in postseason games dat ing biu k to 1970 I he Oregon softball team has had little luck in postseason play, but had one ot its best sea sons in 1989 when the team accumulated a remarkable 54 wins and only 18 losses, finish ing second in the Pac-10. Pitch er Katie Wiese and Kim Manning led the Ducks that year and each were voted to the All-American team. — Dat e CHarfxnineaw Advertise in the ODE Classifieds today!