Speaker urges voter registration By Stephanie Sisson Oepcie f rrmrata More people in Kl Salvador need to lie registered votnrs Itefore the March 1994 elections. ar>d Eugene citizens can help put pressure on Kl Salvador's go\ emment to register voters, said a representative from an Kl Sal vadoran women s group Satur day. Maria Isabella Morales, orga nizing director for Melida Anaya Montes, spoke to 60 members of tlie Committee in Solidarity with the Central American People about the importance of the upcoming Kl Salvadoran elec tions. “The elections depend on all undocumented persons being registered to vote," Morales said with the help of a translator. "We're demanding that the Supreme Council carry out an extraordinary campaign to regis ter all to vote." Morales explained that the Month 1994 elections are the first to occur in El Salvador since peace accords were signed in 1992. In these elections, a new president, a new national assem bly and new municipal govern ments will he determined. However, because so many Kl Salvadorans are not registered voters, including 60% of the female population. Morales said the right-wing presidential can didate has a good chance of win ning. Morales said that if this can didate w ins, he has said he will not honor the peace accord because "he didn't sign it." "The government is placing ns many obstacles as possible in the way of registering voters." Morales said "They know most Erin Weeks, freshman at South Eugene High School, helps paint tor tha low Incoma housing last Saturday at the CISCAP work-s-Thon. people would vote for the left." The Farnbundo Marti Nation al Liberation front has fought the present Salvadoran government for 12 years to win the right to change FI Salvador's social sys tem without violence Now. along with MAM. the popular opposition plans to use the elec tions to advance a revolutionary platform. "We will continue to struggle, centimeter by centimeter, until we win fulfillment of the peace accords." Morales said Morales’ speech was the kick off for a C1SCAP all-day work-a thon. Teams of volunteers washed windows, painted and made repairs at Eugene Emer gency Housing's t dilhorn Apart ments and the Royal Avenue Shelter Another team worked on the Frxxl for Lane County’s Grass roots Garden Projtx t Volunteers raised sponsor pledges for the numlx'r of hours worked The mouov C ISCAI' rais es goes toward educating the community, special projects, grass roots opposition to I S mil itary intervention and generating pressure for a mole just'' l S policy toward Central America Duckerate Your Dorm Dorm Window Display Contest Decorate your dorm window and display your Homecoming spirit. Must be done by Wed. 27th. Talk to your Dorm Pres, for more info! Winners an nounced at the Pep Rally on the 29th. AND WIN!! MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL A.Y.C.E. PIZZA & SALAD BAR (M l Y(K ( \ \ / Yll That's Right! AH YOU Can Possibly EAT Of The Best Pizza This Side Of ^Anywhere. v TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Hlvd • 484 2799 • Artulahle at Campus Only I SNAPPLE NATURAL BEVERAGES • KIWI STRAWBERRY • FRUIT PUNCH • LEMONADE • PINK LEMONADE • RASPBERRY TEA'PEACH TEA $199 PER 6 PIC P. NUTTLES * BUTTER TOFFEEl PEANUTS MAXELL UR60 NORMAL BIAS RECORDING TAPE MAXEUUR90 NORMAL BIAS ! RECORDING TAPE 59* Rn. $1.59 185 E 18th Next to Safeway 1950 FRANKLIN Next to Food Value VCREEPY CREATURES FLOPPY WITCH HAT Reg. 2.65 $199 TECHNIQUES STAGE WHITE MAKEUP 990 CREEPY CREATURES SPIDER WEBS ^ 2 $100 FOR 1 OJI HALLOWEEN PUMPKIN VOTIVE CANDLES ORANGE OR BLACK «U7 FOI^l00 Comp, valuo to $6.00 EUREKA HALLOWEEN CUTOUT WALL/TABLE DECORATIONS ^%o7r$1°° Reg. $1.75 I CREEPY CREATURES HIBROW DISGUISE KIT J HERSHEY 16 OZ. BAGS •MILK WITH ALMONDS •MILK CHOCOLATE •ALMOND JOY Reg. $2.99 HALLOWEEN NON-PERMANENT • HAIR COLOR • SPRAY STREAMERS your si 99 CHOICE -