1-15 CARS TRUCKS Sairad Can, *• >*. t*s*e* * ■m™* wi m&ot»*yrum by f Bl (RS D€A Arn/ia&4 you’ orw Cart • 600 436 4 363 i it C*.MO 1170 Volvo wagon Ckkxj ur , Town car, S30C CaH Pm** A’ m:* *' '** M Nissan Pul mar Sf ‘*)fc m-m conrtfror $7500000 Ca^JJ4>9^8 10 Oao Matro..: do* ■ S spaart «"* muffWsr 46K m^rra grwat v..©ndi ?*>n 13400 683 3966 iw MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 79 Puch moped. t„(v» op t* c*H«nt transport! on r^ lock A cj&* S‘96 080 M2 5797 155 BICYCLES DIAMOND BACK APEX $->7SOeo 346 8249____ Trafc 620 touring bike 1300 T «w AX Sport touf, $*40 2 man Tarvt> infiaiapia kftyf*. $100 3464264 18 Spacialliad Rock bop par Moun tain Bike Whop by PiC ’06 or phon# >46 35’0 Ipr rnora sTriormafeon BUNGEE JUMP North * i*«gh#S* Dung*# !***)• A^T* NMtJ or Sunday* A*|*ni#ltoni A 0*6 cartsheales ' SO3 520 0303 Call Anyvrtsaf* In USA Anytime 1 •? hour S10 pro p#«) phon# card Sand Si? (X3 • SASf tor (grarins > 12) Bn a Juicy A frvond 4 J School*, ESi digram 667 3M5 Loam to fly this win tar and ri sa atoova H all Cart Seoti Spnngala at 341-Q74Q for more nlormat.-pn_ SUBJECTS NEEDED"! Daoaron making study $6 10 $40 lor 2 hour* No background naadad Cali 3464976 Waafcday* 9am 3pr [ ODE Classifieds 1 stop shopping ii 205 OPPORTUNITIES CBA Peer Advising Needs You! \re you u business major interested in : • (wiping other students ’ • tmpros mg communication skills? • meeting (acuity and stair.’ • earning upper div ision credits ’ Appimfufn Afc avaiUMc tn Hi (ulhert Then: %tll he an tnf»rmaix*u] meet in jt K«t.»nm M *• 00 in R>»«i ; * < Uon J4i> 1260 12 String Acouettc Guitar $200/060 5*6-824» 180 RESALE CLOTHING Halloween Magic Presto! Charsge-O! One messy closet equals one latte* wallet Cash paid everyday lor used, quanty dotting at Second Thoughts 77 W nth 663-6601 210 HELP WANTED CRUISE SHIPS MOW HIRING Earn lo $2,000* month * world tra> #1 Sommer and Career employment available No «*perter*.e necessary For more information call ’ 206-634 04nn a CbOt^J_ DATABASE RESEARCHERS Earn S7.50/hr Software company needs Mt APT help to research a/to input data to/ a real e* late database Bright, hardeorhihg nxs vtouaus. »:«* hoor& Send <«umr or Nl i4S»l ebon at Violtwars Science* t 'JC 7 Gar tier A»* ? blocks kom campusi ■*«« 4444 Freelance Photographer Must be UO Student rh» Oregon D<*Jy Emar aid >s seefc-g students w4h a working knowledge of photography to cove/ - cat news & sports events Contact An thony tor more into 346^61 The Or Boon Du* v EmerafcJ -. an AAt < .'f FUNO RAISER Rase $600 n 6 days Group*. Dubs mceval w! ncKtou-itt ’ 000 ;;s 3B61 ei' IQi _ Morning Delivery Mor> f n starts at 7 00 a m appro mmateiy t to i t *2 hour* a day Requires refcabie veh4.se Apply >n person Ore^y D»iy Emer aid. 300 t MU AAlCjf Now accepting applications for the position of editor-in-chief for THE INSURGENT T r*s * a run* month s*. perto positon Inquire a! Su*te One of toe i MU Deadline .» Octooer 26 The Insurgent .s an equk opportunity cm(iotw 210 HELP WANTED Janitor-greveysrd shift '- \ U\ Calf 345 5flOf> Nrfween ,?5 c% Postal Jobs Available* MUv i Great be* »■'**. C4Hf * 600 436 4355 ‘ *’ P \3C9 The EMU food Service h*s • por tion open**** f ^ O-T*" 4 WWf*> 5?» At-***! parson Must be e»pnrianced And ftvaMabte heheiw' fl 30am ’2 00pm Mf Appry *n P*r*>r M Th. 3 5pm I MU f cxxl Servxie (>** p fMi. Man Kitchen Work study positions available- Tn* Urxvinrty of Oregon Upward ftoutvd MSKC >% now hirng off*'* assistants for the 93094 acadamc year t h* pro gram •■* looking lor someone enth good Computer *Mt* *r*1 typing ab»irf y Apt* cants w*« also be reou»r«d to perform a variety of office tosh* and assist «n pro fir am development The staring p«*y * y5 5<>tv for more -nformahon cafi 346-3501 o* pc* up «r appfccaton a! i860 f IMP Aw* The Upward Bound MSftC t» an aqua appwiunify 0T&y?m 225 APTS DUPLEXES Largs 3 Bedroom. ? Bloch from .• !«r of campus, firopfacs private pat* Quiet 3750 465 7878 or 667 082’ PROSPECT PARK ( nun try quirt in the ctt\! 1. ,‘f A 3 Be** oom Atiartmsnfs *>■ th private dschs v*t»wn. tennis courts playground and mors 1710 Northvtew Blvd 484-6353 1491 N 5th Springfield Nics 2 bedroom* ,t ' , 1t « $.390 N Pet' ‘ ■• •* -v SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 586-1130 345 W 10th 15th A OLIVE . * Stud*os and K>f»s tfom S 39*> * Covered parking Very c»e«in 96 W ' sth V 4-H4 ->,u "aMvb . tS5CTb^TsP4' i BOMM A variable •■■ -* Cfcose to U of O. Shopping * (!.*■» *366. »v Jennings & Co *tm e i ith_«ey??n 240 QUADS Furnished quad $.!>*rr • • th Close to campus Available November ’si No Real Estate Northwest 741 2504 255 ROOMMATES WANTED femele for 2 BOHW APT. 1 bkx* from campus 6314 mo Wa ter sewage Included 0 W >42-1716 285 CLUB SPORTS LACROSSE AM women Interested in playing U croiM come V v>.W -t)om A • tf><* I Ml! on T u«ed&>. Qtfcate* 24 *t *< (XVn 290 CAMPUS EVENTS Hxercise your brain with the varsity sport of the ttiitui. I HUB \ Sian Upf Oct. 2Sth-2Rth at l Ml Kei t enter or at an\ RcsiiJeiue llal lor More Into l all 346 3711 295 ARTS I ENTERTAINMENT ■ ART CINEMAS ■ • -J92 E 13lh • 686-2458 • OHtCOiJMJ IMOWI VW.14 M»> |3 fllold »47N5'B\UTT l fob. m achohs V anymore 285 CLUB SPORTS CYCLING Mountain Bikeing mandatory meeting Anyor* lot#r*»|#d w#4com« Thtrvtery Octets? .># 7 30pm CmXv C Cat t m**# ' v 40 Harry .it .Ur JO? < jjo SERVICES r 320 SERVICES Private help '• • ' •ee pregnancy i at\ (Jetecfwn •Jn *»f »V»t M?W51 ‘.•.WV.’.V.NW.V.V.NWNN' a* / < : r c / i in / s i> A /* i 11 !v!‘A''!,''*'!'XwAVv-vXvi 320 SERVICES October is Customer Appreciation Month l unit MX) per ( .S ;1/.* v I I White lit uni v >tirt i the Mouth.ut ( K :■•!>< i _!Kn.’ Vi'itUmrllf St <>«' :s u, I K H R.S M I s 00 wt «nnr. lh* Man* u - g 12 *K«c hy 13 Chihua hua chum 14 Postal Cf**d word 15 txptatf) 17 Plat* pod* 10 fWason to say alas 19 Sutrtl* (XH/M 21 Custom *r 24 25 Sw**tMi 26 { visc*r a!* 20 Wh*o to say di* 31 f irs! chip 33 Ms Piggy 35 Missii* sh*lt*r 36 Gofl*r Calvin 30 Absolutely 40 Gutdo'i 41 Bo* sCOfe tally 43 I »<•“« id 45 No/row mountain 47 Burns' ' Ioum>“ 40 * bee n 49 Act the 54 Sun speech 55 f ued look 50 Kangs's kid 57 Key ft 50 Mountain lakes 59 f r«*h DOWN 1 Schuia 2 Charged t»