Ex-local now a Best Kisser By Katy Soto Ckagon Daily fmaiakl Tim Arnold is... well first lot's explore what ho is not. Ho is not married to Roseanne. he is not from Seattle, and he is not one of the best kissers in the world. Actually, he is the drummer for Best Kissers in the World, a l>and who just happened to form m Seattle and have just released their first album on MCA Records. Arnold started out as a drum mer in Eugene and helped form the Daddies He also worked with Raw Head Rex and Flat lander He first started playing in Spencer Butte Junior High School, and he graduated from South huge no High School in Originally. Arnold moved to Seattle "because 1 had left the Daddies, and I wanted to keep playing music. At that time The Daddies were the biggest band in Eugene. 1 didn't want to go back to playing empty venues, when 1 had been playing with them. I am basically addicted to playing live." When Arnold was just begin ning to cultivate a love for drums, the people he was around in Eugene really encouraged him. “They encouraged me very much." he said. "Eugene and its people have always been really good at that. There are always people to play with." Arnold moved to Seattle before the press and record companies descended upon the city to find the next Pearl Jam or Nirvana. When asked if ho thought the media hype hud ruined Seattle as a city. Arnold replied, "I nev er hod a sense of artistic com munity. not like in Eugene. The only difference now is that there are a lot more people who are not creative now. "Seriously, the only difference I've noticed is that I can't find a COURTESY PHOTO Tim Arnold a former Eugene resident Is now the drummer for Beat Kissers In the World. The bend's first album Is titled Been There. parking space anymore," Arnold said. "1 had to soli my car because l couldn't find a space ” Arnold has been with Best Kissers for a little over a year. In that time the band has been tour ing steadily. "(Touring is) easier than every one says it is." he said. "I like it letter than being at home. Kxcept when we tourer! in Springfield. 1 would rather not play at all than play in Springfield.” Best Kissers have toured with bands such as X, 1.7. School of Fish and Social Distortion. "We got to tour with X and that pret ty much covers it for me," Arnold said. His experience with touring is still young, which may explain why he is still so infatuated with it. "These have been my first tours ever." he said, "so l am not tired of it yet Starting m Novmn Iwir we'll [hi gone forever.” Their first album, titled Heeri There, features such singles as "She Won't Get Under Me. Til I Get Over You" and "Goddamn " Their lyrics, which are written by Gerald Collier (who is coin cidentally the only original mem ber of Best Kissers), (leal mostly with breaking up with women, being with women and women in general. As a drummer his part in the writing process is "not to obstruct it.” Most of the band's songs are written by lead singer. Gerald Collier. His reflections on Kugeno are nostalgic. "I lasted a lot longer than most people." Arnold said. "1 lived there for 15 years. I miss it a lot of the time, hut I am close enough that I can still visit EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS an evening with 8* ^ FRl NCV. 12th SORENG THEKT, 6 huctent K, ^>6If ■ if- u| Hul t ! MU M ir> Dr ik. Hulf Crnt rr ut Irf i IN CONCERT • Live Concert Shown on Big Screen TV • Over 50 Bottled Beer* and 4 Beers on Tip • Special Weekend Prices from 8 pm-2 am • k Great Stop between Bars or Clubs OPEN 1U HOURS Of wiuKi. Idvtrilw tn liw...... ODE ■dp TOUR HOTLINE: 7W3S4-2SM BAND INFO: 2351 COLLEGE STATION ROAD, SUITE 504 • a jmSy GA WITH i! iSTKANGEl i» NiONuuN »f MCA N Tictots milabta at EMU Mata Oasfc. Tha Racortf Gartfaa CO Warta, Faca tha Marie, aita Houta of RaeMs. 1»