Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 22, 1993, Page 5, Image 5

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    Student Senate adds two to IFC
By Dantoi West
Orogor 0»>y f
The Student Senate confirmed two students to
the Incidental Fee Committee Tuesday night
Among the qualifications needed were in
volvement on campus, some budgetary skills and
past experience in the ASUO and other campus
organizations. Characteristics that were considered
important were objectivity and time management
The new members need to trv to be objective
when allocating large amounts of money to the
various groups and organizations. Time manage
ment was crucial because the 1FC wants to make
sure that its members' outside and extracurricular
activities don't interfere with meetings
The Senate confirmed Samir Kumar and Kris
Cornwell to the IFC. and confirmed law students
I.isa Lawrence. Keith Kramer and Matthew
McCauley to the Constitution Court.
Some initial responses from the new members
were positive and enthusiastic.
"I'm relieved and I'm excited about this new
committee," said Cornwell, a sophomore "I
believe that once we’re committed to get some
thing done, we're getting it done "
Although the new IFC may become a well
rounded. organized and enthusiastic group, there
wasn’t always a time when things looked so posi
tive. especially Inst year
Some of the members who served spring term of
last year faced problems on the board. Throughout
the year, some of the committee members became
burned out or uninterested in the IFC
Also, personal conflicts between some of the
members took a toll on the IFC as a whole. Some of
the members decided to leave be< a use of the tur
moil and others quit because of time conflicts or
because they were graduating
Normally, tbe positions on the IKC are elected
positions that are voted on in conjunction with the
voting for the ASUO Executive
Because of ret ent changes in the committee, a
burden was left on the shoulders of the IFC anil
ASUO President Eric Bowen. This term, it was
Bowen's responsibility to recommend students to
the positions available on the IFC.
Bowen was very confident that the students he
recommended were willing to put in the time and
energy to get the job done. Also, many of the IFC
members were persuaded that the new members
were capable of doing a fine job The Student Sen
ate. virtually without a doubt, confirmed Bowen's
Many of the candidates were aware of how
important the selection of the IFC whs going to t>o
in order not to repeat some of the incidents of last
"They (the present IFC) wanted to improve on
the members, l-ast year's lack of effort and progress
led to the attendance problem that some members
had. Hut this new batch of rnemliers should help
out with cutting down on internal problems," said
Kumar, a sophomore.
"I want more insight on student fees and to dis
pel some myths that students may have about the
committee," Cornwell said. "But more students
need to attend the meetings and advocate their
needs, especially if they need funding from the
IFC It's a partnership; there’s some give and take
involved in this "
Treasure hunt begins next week
University students who take
part in Homecoming Week fes
tivities will discover n new ac
tivity — a treasure hunt on cam
pus, with the lucky winner
receiving n 27-inch Sony televi
Beginning Monday, a three-by
five-inch plaque will he hidden
on the University < ampus. It will
not he buried, and no structure
must be moved or climbed to find
To help students, clues will
appear each day next week, in the
Emerald. The clues will he writ
ten hv Keith Richard, I Jniversity
archivist, and Constance Weath
erman of the Student I Jniversi
ty Relations Council.
To receive the prize, the win
ner must take the plaque to the
receptionist in the Offii e of the
President in Johnson Hall
Participants must he Univer
sity students taking six or more
i redits during fall term Univer
sity faculty and staff arc ex
cluded. Init student employees
may participate. Taxes, if any. an'
the responsibility of the winner
If the plaque is not found by
5 p in. on Friday, Oct 2*1, the
prize will l>e awarded through a
drawing during halftime of the
Oct. .10 football game The con
tact is co-sponsored by Meier &
Frank and the Student l 'uiversitv
Relations (xnini 11
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