165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS ISM P C Jr with word proee**mg so* war* Penaaonrc dot «*i porter. cot or rnemrtqr S260 68743*6® laseji nuxma Postscript ISM PC or Mk l-MXVSqT-TTW PC 2S8. 36 6 MM2. 20 meg HD Sir DO. color moTHtor. printer. joy «*<** flood shape. S*0G **andy. *86 TTSt i'-SOUND SYSTEMS CASH!!! We buy **« and »rvy:* VMS vCP-1 an! demos Thonpeon I Mtronrs HgOP MSB'!_ Sony IrvDuK Car CO **2*0. AM > M H> power Changer Gomroi. Detachable lace. 6350/060 343 2363 175 INSTRUMENTS Peavey 4-cKannal MP-4 mliar amp with speaker*. patch cablee included Never used S400. Drllon 347* *260_ 12 String Acoustic Guitar S20GOBO 5*68249 180 RESALE CLOTHING Hallowaan Magic. Praatol Changed)1 One messy closet equals one latter wallet Cast-. pod everyday (or used, quality clothing a! Second Thoughts 77 W nth 683-6601 205 OPPORTUNITIES BUNGEE JUMP Norm Amefica s njgnesi oungee Jurr*» t**d on Sundays Reservations A Gtft certificates i 503 520-0303 BUSINESS MAJORS College of Business is looting for peer advisors! tarn upper division credit’ Applications are available m 271 Gilbert Questions'’ Attend our informs tional meeting on Wednesday. October 26. at 5pm m 333 Gilbert or call 346-3303 Application deadline Friday. Oct 29. 5pm _ Call Anywhere In USA Anytime 112 hour $10 prepaid phone card Send $2 00 * SASf tor sample card A .nip PO 230443 Tigard. OR 97261 College ledelsrtMps Available Recorded message gives details 1-206-249-5940 EXT 55 Have some time? Want to work with kids? (grades t 12) fie a tutor A tneod 4 J Schools. ESI, program 687-3146 SUBJECTS NEEDED?’! Decision making study $5 to $40 tor 2 hours No background needed Call 346-4976 Weekdays 9am 3pm 210 HELP WANTED Mississippi family seeks nanny to care for 1 three year oid Must love dogs $4$Q'wk Connecticut family. 2 1/2 children, infant experience neces sary Busy household $40C*wk Coil Oregon Nannies at 343-3756 CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Earn up to $2.000-»/month ♦ world trav m Summer and Career employment avertable No experience necessary For more information call ^ 206-634 -0466 X C6069 225 APTS DUPLEXES 10 HELP WANTED ATTENTION Student Projects, t#K h** <*m open wxH on #9iv 0*fy f mer ah* a vnm^ng students w*h a working knowledge of photography to cover x> C*l new* A sports events Contact An ftxyiy Icy mors mlo 345 561 - /Nr O «gon fWy EmenNdiS «r HfOt Janitor -graveyard shift 5 tvvday Ca* 345-V06 between 2 5pm Morning Dali vary Mon f ? Mart* v 7 00 am apprf>*«maf*f> 1 to * I V hours a day Requires raftaWa vah*cN Apply in parson Dragon Daily I m«r aw 300 E MU AAf Ofc __ Nannlaa. •« hava th« perfect <4? to# you* Fnendfy lam**--#** nationwide $150 WSCVwh k># t yt*«r May Airfare A tea pad Cal t »«gor Naor«w *1 30-3/56 Now accapttng applications for tha position of edltor-in-chlef for THE INSURGENT This ch9 Mad, rm 12. (9 12 A 1 -4pm) — POSTAL JOBS "• Start $1 1/41/hr ♦ benefits For application A information Caff i 2'6 324 6226 (7am 'Qpm) 7 day* 2t5 WORK STUDY Work study positions available The University ot Oregon Upward Bound MSRC is now hiring office assistants tor the 9309*4 academe year The pro gram *s looking tor someone with good computer skills and typing ability Appfr cants will also be requ'red to perform a vanety ot office tasks and assist in pro gram development The starting pay >s S6 50/hr For more information call 346 350' or pcfc up an application at 1B59 E '5th Ave The Upward Bound MSRC is an equal opportunity employer 225 APTS DUPLEXES L*rg4 3 Bedroom. 'Q Bloch horn c«n for o) campus iif«piac«, povaie palio Ouiol S* 50 4»5 /B?8o< M/OKM PROSPECT PARK Cttuntry quirt in /hr city! 1, ? & 3 Bedroom Apartments wrth pr vale decks. news, pool, tennis courts, playground and more 1710 Nodhvlew Blvd 484-6553 1401 N 5Ih Sprtngfiotd NIC* 2 tMdroom* ; aundrj Pacing $390 No Pels Sfww' 0* ippiaoei *N SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES M6-1130 345 W 1018 225 APTS DUPLEXES 1 OREST VILLAG APARTMENTS Just minutes from downtown, hut a world away from city hassles I QUIET COMPLEX SWIMMING POOL WEIGHT ROOM BUS TO CAMPUS 2 Bedroom, 1 1/2 Bath $515.00 & $535.00 per month 687-1318 |^>nS^rKrH»utt»^>rnrTon>onalf and lofti fro** $395 ' Covered parting- Very clean 96 W 151* ^ 434 W33 ' 550 Hgn Si Spacious A Dear 1 BOHM Ava*iab*a now OoM lo U 0* O S*OPC>*ng & B$36&mo Jennings A Co. 4ME 111ft WB-M71 1 Bedroom apartment, 2 t*-x:ss from campus $36>S>*o f*e*s oMy 343 3325 2« QUADS Furnished quad $209 month Close to carnpu* Avartable Nnvemtwv ' *J No perln Real f %tara Northwest *41 2504 250 DORM CONTRACTS TWO FREE Dorm Contracts Wiv>ig loon’ Can V*6«W9 or J46-8I59 255 ROOMMATES wanted Female for 2 BORM APT. 1 block from campus $31 Smo W» ter sewage included O W 342-1716 $200month In women • co-op UU> txwv cable. phone included >n com pwjtefy tu*n*sh«d home 345 099i 280 MEETINGS CULTURAL FORUM MEETING 6 00 9 00pm Saturday 1003/93 Wai rvut Room. f MU Hosted by Indian A* sooatxon f varyortm welcome 285 CLUB SPORTS LACROSSE All woman inter***ted in playing La crosse come lo Cedar room A n the EMU on Tuesday. October ?6 *l 5 OOfm 290 CAMPUS EVENTS Everyone Welcome especially Past and future residents AMAZON OPEN HOUSE SAT OCT 23RD 2-4 PM 2227 Patterson (nart lo Amazon 0»y Car*t%ygroun$ Learn about the controversy surrounding this unique community and the campaign to save Amazon a« quality lower income housing Update*-video*~lour of Amazon home* end gardens Free refreshments Ad sponsored by ACT $ ASUQ 190 CAMPUS EVENTS EMU MAIN DESK OPEN HOUSE framings ' f '«*© Sar-p**« * Scao-afts FRIDAY. OCT. 22ND. 9-4 Today » »WI day I UU " l>*» Slew* OCt N MOUSt 9«m *0™ Coma »> Nx *>«« *amc*M f"i*> t»av««v« * il j— u^omkk wui w t M MIT WttM% IUMM M«AJ aurr 7Kfc«iM)i) ORLANDO (IT ow* Wi » m IOMPER STOMPEFL BIJOU LATE NITE 4 ““ROMPER STOMPEF [mm IK THE UNC or I THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson IS HAMBURGER MEAT MADE out or people FROM HAMBURG ? OF COURSE NOT' IT'S GROUND BEEF I DOKT THlHK. I cma Fimsu ■mis c 295 ARTS* ENTERTAINMENT lCctebf.it ion Jj . j'^sUjnJjy on the Market Slagf j V » Michael Kevin Kimble | kfl Kh inu»u from IV h c«> to* l r Fieldlf> Magic o r*lrnwvl w>*i .tu!. uurr j S « Metropolitan! ^ ! Sax Quartet J y,, Hole m the OceanS k tQo^uial fm* hf»UU iv».k H ! ltd 0* • Gnu F*d • U» EnMwsirt j KlwlDiwRAiORSHHE'Wi>Mi S Frietubhif** tirr ttuult in thr ()! )f (tain'/ifdj' «te MAKING DO TMt MIGHT THING* FRIDAY. OCTOBER 22 7 00.* IS* A lOWPti X«n KmmM1* SUNDAY. OCTOBER 24 MJO A ♦OOPti IIIM» IHOWN IN 180 PIC ADMISSION $ I OO ItUPINtl WIIHIP $ } OOciNIHAl PUU1IC 295 ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT 44 IHAMONt) 4 A» r*OCHX tfc'H*. 44 Dance-mania '93 Molto •< Mu«> Mk« ws. • *K **N,*V%! <*r* * • » •* u«* »^-.«» « • > A*’ •*»’ ' -* Um««n « ' --•** S,ilurtlay Or-totKM .’3 199J CATE Auditorium ■*’ V* v ***“**'■ II 00 pm Mwfrxyhl ,‘.*,*.VA\W/AV\NW.VANWV; hi < Yci h: £ i;i THIS $ PAP PR ViilVlICT Sa/t+uiuy, &cJ. 23 Glenn Sonarman l// tjjo Wtlconn 6S7.J7J6 320 SERVICES Free Pregnancy Teats l Pragrumcy Support Cent** 336 F Htb 345-0400 Waft vnj <;<»)« lum f'n 104 Planned Parenthood ‘ * P.ip smn»i^ •nfertioo ctx*:M birth control. pregnan cy le*!s and unbiased counseling «■* 0411 _ Unplanned pregnancy? 1st Way a plant !o thrnh things Over I arty detac lor) Somaona lo u*a to Personal. con UfatsUni 667-8551 EMU Cultural Forum PRESENTS Friday, flow. 5 th an eueninq 0/ “Stcxies Iwm the . \ ewe '.(title with LAURIE ANDER50N .Hull Centex 1 ickctv. $16 UoR) Students, $ IK (Icncr.tl ON \AI> MW At AU Hi t I ( SNIKtorilETS Friday, flaw. 12th an evening with THE 5AMPLES Nti teny fTheabut ( \4«Uny ) I ickcLs: $8 UofO Students, $ 12 General ON SAI F IODAYAI II AM At All Ill'll (KNTKR OUIIHS WXM\ Stall Tickets: $10 UofO Students, S13 (iencral ON SALE lODAYAI IIAM AT EMU MAIN DESK. »'0\X HALL AND UKAI RECORD STORES SI I m \ I IKK! IS \| I Ml \l \!\ 1)1 SK For more Information contact Adam Zack* or Sena Ba1l#h at &46-487S