fTaCKSttfiE-^ MYo*4fc "a > HALLOWEEN ’93 Costumes (many) • Cosmetics (ail kinds) • Wigs • Feathers • Masks (large selection) • Fabncs • Tights & Leos • Mustaches • Beards • Noses, Ears & Tails Skop Early. Largt selection! I 41 W BROADWAY 686-2671 V on Eugenr't Downtown Mall J Nod S>l t 30 J 30 in 12:00-5:00 i WHAT DO YOU THMK? STREFTWBL MONDAYS MTHE EMERALD ’ I_GCTKu A J PAC-10 WEEKLY PICKS Oregon Daily Steve Emerald Mims Mane Daws Scott Michel* Joke Charbonrwou Simonson Ross Berg Jeff Pasloy Oregon *1? at Washington Oregon Oregon Washington Washington Washington Washington UCLA -20 at OSU UCLA UCLA UCLA UCLA UCLA UCLA wsu.i? aiAruona Arizona Arizona Washington St. Arizona Arizona Arizona USC ♦ 14 at Notre Dame Notra Dame USC Notra Dame Notra Dame Notre Dame ASU *11 at Stanford Stanford Arizona St. Stanford Arizona St. Arizona St. Notre Dame Stanford Svracuse *11 at Miami Miami Syracuse Syracuse Miami Syracuse Overall 9-9 12-6 8-10 8-10 9-9 Miami 12-6 HUSKIES Continued from Page 13 ning bai l Napoleon Kaufman, who t urrently ranks 12th in the country with 109 yards rushing per game. Oregon's offense will need to play at the level it has been at all \enr to have suci ess against the tough Husky defense. Washing ton will he without its starting linebacker and second-leading tackier, Andy Mason, who suf fered a knee injury against UCLA. However, the defense has liecn a force this year, led by lineman D'Maroo Farr, who is having his best year. "This is the best defense we've faced this year," Brooks said. The Huskies are currently rid ing a 16-game home winning streak that dates back to 1991. Oregon has not won at Husky Stadium since a 34-10 win in 1980. CALL 346-4343 BEFORE 1 pm TOD A Y TO PUT US TO WORK FOR YOU TOMORROW! PERSONAL HALLOWEEN CLASSIFIEDS Got your eye on someone special, but too shy to say "hi V Say It with a [xrson.il classified Octots-r 29th in the annual BAT BEAT Place your ad at the Bookstore or on the third floor of the EMU Or stop by our table on ttie EMU Terrace tins Wednesday & Itiursday *03 GREEK HAPPENINGS l*H AX A Our shifts were whae m the bepnmng of the mght' Thanks to« a great Grain* party See you toon' Thssiks. Gamma Ptw AXA I<>» KaMstaan I'm tinted to have you at a Wife MS Only a lev more days and you hod out who I am * YBS XU Kristin O.-XU Hoses are rad. Moists art bkta. I love cats than your Inal eke a vbs nwsf* iJ^iCeseeM ~ O^fUA C I ANSI 111 I> poi ic:11 s Deadlines I inc Ad* i p m oaf buunrtt day p»*or to mtrmon IHipUv Ad* I pm. two bmmr-M Jjyt pt»or to tmcniott Errors/Refunds IVer.knknuef IWiXitmlninr v United mi c«r nkfattond do m t fruit ai m* !>!•%!srhmd cm* thu • Kancn (hr mranuig ai thr ml 4 rrj»*v\i b* 1 PM Krtoufc hr kftMrxi to»mk» <*i» So u«h irhaadi ml hr t*ut\J den thr *i < mho must hr tan! ««hutmuurh* ti mur 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS Amy. no! too much long* and you *«8 mw. the! your t*g saMer *n Oi OmeQt t» me* Tn*i iS your hnal Ctoe My ttvorM orvA a Mourur Dee I V you. YBS CHK) KELLY J. (cute as a button') Beware ot strange men with candy Corn 143 the* noses Love. Y.atrangeBS XU ABIGAIL XU You are such a sweet heart A I am So glad you are my juste# Lev. YBS XU Janet Xu The days are go»ng last and »oon you w*M see the one you are looking tor YBS XU JESS Z. XU For your final c*ue. I'm a Scorpto _What are you? Y YBS _ xu Katherine. XU l knew from the start that you'd be the one W*h a name kke yours. How could 1 not k>ve you a ton'? Y YBS XU LISA K XU I'm so eaoted tor us _to knotty meet* Y YBS XU OphetoL XU ITs almost time For you 10 know That «s*t me who tovee you so Y YBS XU STACEY XU You're my W ms Oh lucky me' But who «n the world could I be* Y YBS XU This Is your last due XU It s not vary good Your name is Bobm (B) And Fm from the hood Y YBS XU TO AnnaMarte XU Who's the most beautiful pledge «n the world. Do you know who I am now7 if I! you do. keep guessing* Y. y b i XU XU 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS MEtPI For (drool project Wil p«y a devout Mmdu to teach me atxrui your faith P.easw ca* Enc at 4868846 leave message Thant yrc. Jan, mad ma d Ova EMU MAM OEM on October 72nd kx tram OPEN HOUSE! They re going lo have TREE samples A drawings' U OF O (I MOLES 1 800 44.’ 7080 eat <87 Cal Tot Free (100 Reward lor finding me (t my cal) a quid, cheerful cottage to 'em Marx bus A grocery Mol north ex loo tar areal. Eugene (Fee pax) if I move in ) Busy female doctoral aludem arfto nicer rent references 486-J931 no LOST & FOUND tost cocker mli dog (t8th/M»= Or Ben ocular txiff cotor wtvie spot on no— Kt*\ 343-Q46Q___ lost IhtWi. ('looks like small coilte) sabia colored Neutered male ttw >ng awnce Monday, October 19th last saen at f7tn & Patterson M you've seen my dog p»— can 343-6297 115 typing services At 344-07St. ROBIN t* GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED ?0 year tbesus'diss Back ground Term papers/Fu# resume • I -.kfeng laser pr ON CAMPOS} BUOQET TYPING Quality for less 74\ 3631 Eugene cxmrvTK* scavices WordpriNrumi Hrtumr-t k.U Hra*anahlr Hate* ?2h HtttiH JO THE TYPING PRO Word ProcesamgrT(Ming Term Papers These* Dissertations Cali 663 6066 Anytime IF YOU'RE WRITING EVEN ONE PAPER THIS TERM. YOU NEED US MtirmnitaMn'iM AJ writing eySra and subjects wetooms Pro/EdH 343-2747 'Guaranteed E nor F ree ° rejects* TrrmomDmm f fee P iegai Fxceitent condition $950060 683 8827 - '79 Puch moped, needs tun© up E x client transportation ISO MPG Helmet taring, lock A cable $195 000 342 5797 155 BICYCLES Trek 620 touring bike $100. Tie* 40C Sport lour, $140 2 man Tahiti inflatable «aya*. $!0C 345 4264 Bicycle Sale. Road bikes. NO MOUN IAIN BIKES, all day Saturday 332 W 5th Pnvale cottection Frames and complete takes 345-2823 DIAMOND BACK APEX S2IV060 346 6249 Mountain Bike Mryata Ridge runner cromo triple Dulled Irame. Oeore com ponenta. $325 Hybrid. Miyata 2 10 cromo Irame $175 687-6469 MT. SHASTA PACHANQA COMP Top of the hne wrlutl Deore. bar ends and new helmet Omraued Irame B*e uke new. not a tatter* Musi see 6 must sell all tor $550060 485 5612 IS" Sped ek ted Rock hopper Moun tain Bike. lAftute. good condtion. $300 Can Jim at 6662881 BULLREGARD by James StoeckI UJHAT A(tt WOU DC/fJCi MDtRMMTH ALL rueS£ itAves? I'm sruov/Me, PAerolWrUfSiS M. S >oL-oa v Class YD wee Jusr SitLPlUO A a f ibvU Dots Hi n&ulU >r our?