Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 21, 1993, Page 9, Image 9

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    Senator finds Pell grant scam
Mow than 4.000 stuchmts hav»
collected Poll grants for 11
voors or more, and in one case
a student got the federal mon
ey for 10 years, Sen Sam Nunn
said Wednesday.
■The Education Department discovered the long
term tuition subsidies for 4,095 students when it
examined its files to answer a series of questions
Nunn had posed as part of a probe In the Senate
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
"I am not surprised by this revelation.” Nunn. D
Ga . said in a statement. "The Department of Edu
cation has l>een managed so poorly in the past that
it did not even know this apparent abuse had been
The disclosure came as Nunn announced hear
ings for next Wednesday and Thursday on prob
lems in the program. Pell grants make up the gov
ernment's largest cash aid plan for students in
post-secondary education.
Some 3.8 million of America's neediest students
received an average of $1,763 each last year in Pell
grants at 6,300 eligible schools.
David Longanecker. assistant secretary for post
secondary education, said federal policy on how
long students can receive Pell grants has changed
several times over the years.
Ho said it is not currently illegal for grants to he
extended well beyond tho normal four-year spun of
a conventional undergraduate college education
Hut Nunn made it clear he believes the program
is out of control
Committee investigators have discovered schools
that exist only to milk, the program for federal sub
sidies, he said Some schools apparently pay stu
dents ku id lacks to attend classes and let their names
he used on grant applications Other si hools rou
tinely falsify nxiords to win grants for ineligible stu
dents. Nunn said
On Monday, the department mailed notices
informing 21 orthodox Jewish schools that they
were being barred from Pell grants and other fed
eral student aid programs because their programs
did not provide training aimed at job goals Alt hut
one of the si hools are in the New York City area
I-onganei kef said the Jewish academies were try
ing to "rip off" taxpayers to finance their opera
A dozen or more other si hools that also offer pro
grains in (uduii studies are under investigation by
the department and more enfon ement actions may
follow, he said.
A federal grand jury in New York also is inves
ligating several dozen Hnsidii Jew ish si hools and
other institutions over alleged abuses m the .$•'.7
billion Pell Grant program
Winter foretold by worm’s color
Appalachia is in for a mild win
ter with a cold snap at both
ends. That is, if the eastern Ken
tucky woolly worm can he trust
The woolly worm lady, Rose
mary Kilduff, released her 12th
annual weather survey Wednes
Appalachian folklore holds
that winter’s severity can he
foretold from the color of the
Isabella moth caterpillar's
Kilduff and her spotters
counted 393 worms in Lee
County this year. There were
111 solid black worms, indicat
ing the frosty start and finish of
winter. Kilduff said a bunch of
lighter caterpillars portend a
mild middle.
"With 3f> light-colored ones,
particularly the lime- and cel
ery-colored ones, we will cer
tainly see gross in February os
we did lost year," she said.
kilduff acknowledges that the
worms sometimes "mess up a
little." Hut she said the inaci u
racies can be blamed on such
things as a 1‘1‘H volcano erup
tion in the Philippines and
unusual Pacific Ocean warming
known as FI Nino
"That confused the meteorol
ogists." kilduff said “So what s
a woolly worm to do?”
NAACP complaint
resolved by AT&T
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — The North Carolina chapter of
the NAACP resolved its fight with AT&T over an offending
cartoon in the phone company's employee magazine.
The state chapter of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People is restoring long distance ser
vice with American Telephone & Telegraph Co., chapter Pres
ident Kelly Alexander Jr. said in a statement Tuesday.
Alexander cited "AT&T's long standing, mutually respect
ful relationship with the NAACP."
However, a spokeswoman at national NAACP headquar
ters in Baltimore said Wednesday that no agreement had noon
made at the national level
The chapter complained to AT&T iast month about a draw
ing in a company magazine sent to 300,000 employees world
wide in September.
The drawing showed characters on several continents talk
ing by telephone. All the characters were human except the
one in Africa, which was a monkey.
The slate group decried the drawing as insensitive and
announced plans to stop doing business with AT&T. The
phone i nmpany said it was equally appalled and issued an
The company said the outside design firm that submitted
the drawing no longer employs the free-lance artint who drew
the cartoon, and it has dismissed one of its production man
The complaint also prompted a meeting among national
NAACP Chairman William Gibson, executive director Ben
jamin Chavis and AT&T Chairman Robert Allen. The meeting
concerned recruiting minorities, scholarships for black stu
dents, procurement and promotion goals for the company and
the use of black financial institutions. While no agreements
were announced, they agreed to continue talking.
AT&T spokesman Walter Murphy said Wednesday that the
loss of the North Carolina NAACP’s long distance business
was "especially painful."
Murphy also said. "We’re glad to hear that the NAACP fell
that Boh Allen's meeting with the NAACP loaders was fruitful
and that they understood how concerned we were about what
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