116 TYPING SERVICES WE CAN HELP YOU GET BETTER WRITING GRADES THIS TERM f «ln« • *M«ng /UatMM • Tw*>* *1 t|M «™a tuciMtt ■»»»«*■ Pm/Edn 343-2747 fcnor I r#« Pn^wctB* Word Processing and Editing Fast and Low Cost Footnotes EMU Room 14 • 546-28S4 no FOR SALE MISC Freestanding wood stow* 29' Aom ©ter Excellent condition 1200060 Cs■ Good (hapa. $400 Randy. 466 772! 17: SOUND SYSTEMS CASMtll We buy. »ea and xxv'Ce VMS VCPi and iMraoa Thortyeon Elacironci 1122 OM 3436273 _ Sony tn-Deah Car CO ttltO. AU1 M H.-power. Changer Control. Detachable lace. *360060 3402363 17‘j instruments Paovey «-channel MP-4 mlaar/amp ■Ml apaMira. patch catMa nciudad Raver ueed 1400. 04ton 346-1260 175 INSTRUMENTS 12 String Acoustic Ouitsr 1200080 WaP49 is: BESALE Ci-OTHiNG HaBovaan Magic PraMo' Changa-O* Oa massy closm •guafc on* t»nr« «M Casn bard *v*es Earn up to $2,000 $4 00Omo on fishing vessels 0* cal neers & sports events Contact An thorty lor more into 346- 55! ! The O egon Piety Emerald ta an AAitOE FUND RAISER ft»ae $600 n 6 dsys Group*. CM* moeval adrdvrtusa iSOOPV-jtt1 ml IQt General labor needed lor small land scape protect m South (ugene F-lexi Die hours C«l 343 6300__ Janitor-graveyard shift. 5 hrs'day Can 346 3606 between 2-6 p m _ MONEY FOR COLLEGE Gel your student loan repaid. plus earn $300 per month lor tuM time students Work one weekend a month Oregon Army National Guard has money lor college students Can 666-7920 Morning Del hr ary Mon f n. .tan. at / 00 am . appronmately 1 to t \!7 hoot* a day Ftequree inhMta vehicle Apply in person Oregon Daity tm» aid. 300PMU AA/EOf Nannlea m have the perfect tot) tor you' Fnerxfy families nationwide $tbO V»50-«* lor t year stay Airfare A tea pan Cal Oregon Senna, a Mint NoM taker needed lor Inctdantat Fee Committee tipenence and eternal eki«e needed Job (Maopaon I eppmaeon m EMU Suae 4 Appkaton daackne Fn Oct Z?. VOOpm CMieftJFWtar rio No* accepting applications lor me poatton oI edttor-irvchiet for THE INSURGENT Tins is a nine month etv pend poaibon Inquire at Suite One oI the F MU Deadkne ie OctoCer 28 The inaor2«Bm^oaja»^a2Jj^g2!!i2l22LJI»n£2I2L« POSTAL JOBS *” Start St 1/41/hr y benetrts For application & information Can I ZiSMA-aaSl/am iOpmi /days 15 WORK STUDY Wort alwdy poaMona aviNaM- T ^ Urvvonfcfy o* Crape** Upward Bound MSfC <1 tw h*tnp oWc« AMUltarHS .* an n>^« uppertun*? •r'c*?**' 225 APTS DUPLEXES PROSPECT PARK Country quiet in tHe city' \, 7 A 3 Bodroom A»xv*'r--«rin * ♦' pr'vaNt dacte» v**WSt pOO* he»vt«* court*. playground and more 1710 Nodhvtaw Bivd 484-6553 1491 N SprmyfM»k1 NJca 2 badroom* , » ? > »'.»■■» -g $390 f*o Pain Sryw»*'' t*» j*ci3»r»~wt SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES M0-1130 34 5 W 101 h 15th A OtfVC Stutfro* a*v1 lofts $396 96 W iMh 4*4 MU3 *550Htah Si $pac*ou§ & Clean 1 BOHM AvariaM* -‘ow Close k> U ol 0. Shoppy j A $36£vm(.: Jennings & Co. 468 E 111b_M3-22M l Bedroom apartment. . Wot;M •* campus $36&’mo Bets oMy 343 KBS 250 DORM CONTRACTS TWO TREE Dorm Contract* Me* 'g soon* Call 346 6999 or 346 80*9 $50 is yours is you taAe over my dorm contract* 344-0413 255 ROOMMATES WANTED $200 month in women s co-op Ui»>> bee. cable. phone included >n com pteteiy fumtshed hor»M!> 3460991 280 MEETINGS The Muslim Student Asaocietion will meet on Friday, October 22nd m 1 »0 Willamette Mall Prom s ?pm tor voting on proposed amendment* and nom*nt» torts lor the e*acut»v* committee 28'. CLUB SPORTS LACROSSE All woman interested in playing la crosse come to Cedar room A m the t MU on T uesday, October 26 si ^ OQpm no CAMPUS EVENTS Everyone Welcome P*»l end future widenti AMAZON OPEN HOUSE SAT OCT 23RD 2-4 PM 2227 Patterson l twn about the controversy •urroundtng th*» unique community and the campaign to mw Amazon n quality lower income hou*»ng Update*- video*-tour of Amazon home* and garvtona Free refreshment* Ad apoaior*d by ACT A ASUO «■« «%»J« k> i»< EMU MAIN DESK OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY, OCT 22ND, 9-4 ; Exploring Mt. St. Helens and NorthwH Oregon Trail* A-,,’*- r A ' .« ' : <>«gi • “ Thursday. Oclotot 21. 7 30pm 110 WMtanwffti Mali 290 CAMPUS EVENTS 290 CAMPUS EVENTS COMMO SOON' i MU Man OMfc S"m OP£N UCXlSl t nday. Oct 22 I Ht I SAMf't t S' Exercise your brain with ©GD!LIUi@E mwL the vnrsitii sjwrt of the mind. Sl«r> Upl Oct. 2Sth-2‘ >o * ** [romper stumper ^urimraii^ £ »•» HEAVY METALJ [m ,»v, in the line or riHEj Films DoIWRkhtB? ..JMBHHL. f by o fHtnml tjttcvtmon bmtaKf by WJUttNO COMMUNTTY PVOGAAM ‘u^RaDc^dcarFB 6:00 PM iiimumowhin 180 PLC . ADMISSION $2 OO MumKii witH ip $3 OOCINIHAI PUN1IC 320 SERVICES Free Pregnancy Tacts I Wgano P'wg-.r’t i H^jppCtft Career ( M It! V4S 0400 A.i!* • *j **.-•* • «• Kij I ti'iy !<^rjci«V< Ci)M * *v! Aay WiM _ Episcopal Campus Ministries I kurulit I mun| I u« Kjiik S VO Vr*ur 1 V.'*> f l‘Oh Supj*rf 4iui tiiuudian group lolloping I wmMK wrkixiv fJKt '***' ’ mutton u4to m . iwuMtod ad to Wm Omit Ody Cmmtol 3464343 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON .«MU Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson WtRE I M*. MAW AND COHTtNT But hot EUPHORIC SO Head I'M NO LONGER CONTENT TH UNWAfP-f Mi DM \s Ruined 1 NttD TO STOP TUlNWWCb WWUX I'M AHEAD 1 I I * CROSSWORD By Eugene Shttfer ACROSS 1 Bankroll 4 * BS broadcast 8 Bin at.ad 12 T sir dun 13 BaaiI 14 ’The Mummy’ autfioi Anne 15 Handle of a sort 17 ‘ Uoe man 1or the county* 18 Reuben ho War 19 Ha knit* the mean mg of fete 21 Cuomo temlory 24 Gallery ft ihOUl 25 Chari ihap# 26 Bando of basabaH 28 Radoac tiv« gas 32 Conoart 34 Symbol of mtrcacy 36 Slarao couni ar part 37 lotas thaipnoss 39 Astrona-.il Gin som 41 Not at on« % 42 Makxly 44 Thinly u/attaiad 46 TooK a qucfc k>oK 50 B6B 51 McNally * 52 Wh«*« Whitman i lilacs btoomad 56 Initial chp 57 l »c ol *Monly Python* 56 *!**• Bottla* 59 Blond 60 Saivas tha porposa 61 f ukmous I •/ ' DOWN 1 Bwumt or»# 2 Pail 3 Indention of a v**4or 4 Urban axnmuUK § supply 5 Nan*# lo ad|#cl«v# sufti* 6 Pr#%#nta t*on 7 PotitO. for on# 8 *Th# f irm’ author 9 ’Soulh Pacrftc* ro4# 10 Ptnnaci# 11 Ch#rrsh#d 18 Seandma Solution llm« 21 min*. Y»«t»rdjy i iniwtt 10-21 vmn fug 20 Profit* 21 22 Sl«ad 23 Goof! court# 27 Chtcfcon %«fvtng 20 t)#ad 4% 4 — 30 ftetpont* txiffy 31 P»*cm ol mute* 33 Mud ikng#/* mud 35 Kfam d#n » canwr 38 Command to an ana*.* dog 40 Summits 43 Altaied tha decor 45 Whatever amount 46 Salas 47 Us Tumai 46 Opponent 4B Mauritian casuaky $1 Bulking bravo 54 G anal i cist's atit* 55 We*