ns TYPING SERVICES iMihiiir *«r**r« I *na M* mi wkseseembm F rm landing wood stow* 79" iiar p'ftf Escattant condton $700080 Can MO oo<1 around town' car. $300 Call Pet* a! 343 <49/ 1985 Honda civic 4-apaad Runs A looks good Price reduced lo $3700 84.000k. super gas fmloaqo 344 4713 85 Bulck Century custom. 68k m,im In good condition. $ 1500 Call 486 5345 86 Plymouth Colt Sadan. great gas mileage E*ca8ant condition $7000 Call 342 5759 88 Civic Hatchback. AUf M cassonn new clutch X lent condition 96k mile* $5700/080 342 7815, fnva mswtgi 150 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS *79 Puch moped, needs tune up f ■ Ceftent transportation 150 MPG Hahn* fenny, lock 4 cabta $195 080 345-579/ 155 BICYCLES Mountain Blk«. Mtyata Rriga runner cromo triple Putted frame Deere com ponents, $325 Hybrid. Miyata 2 10 cromo frame $175 687 8469 ^ MT SHASTA PACHAMQA COMP Top of the ime w/futi Deore. bar ends and new helmet Oers./ed frame B*e like new. not a scratch Must see A must Sdl. all tor $660*000 465 6812 18 Specialized Rock hopper Moun tain Blka. White, good condition. $30C Call Jim at 666 2881 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS For sale, Brothers CE-50 correct able typewriter Period condition $130 OBO Call 486 7793 IBM P C Jr with md processing soft ware. Panasonic dot main* printer, cd or monitor $250 687 6469_ LASKM HUNTKRS Postscript $599 PC or Mac 1-600-607 7799 PC 299. 35 5 MHZ. 20 meg HD. 5 1/4 DD, color monitor, printer. |0y sticks Good shape. $400 Randy, 495 7721 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH!!! We boy. sell and service VMS VCP's snd stereos Rwmpson Electroncs 1122 OM 343-9273 175 INSTRUMENTS Peavey 4-channel MP-4 mlaer amp with speakers, patch caMm included Never used $400. DtHon 346 1260 iso RESALE CLOTHING Halloween Magic. Praato! Change-O' One messy closet equals one tatter waliet Cash paid evoryday lor used Oualrty clothing at Second Thoughts 77 W 11th 663-660' 205 OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS MAJORS College ot Business Is looking tor peer advisors! Earn upper division credit' Applications are available m 271 Gilbert Questions"’ Attend our mlorma tonal meeting on Wednesday. October 26 at 5pm in 333 Gitoeri or ca» 346-3303 Application deedhne Enday, Oct 29. 5pm _ TRAVEL East Coot $179“ Mexico City $188* Britain $849* France $965* Belize $869** Thailand $430* Brazil $450* Australia $530* s tm* *rwtz or " xnSrt ca. *mr ■ «r; «;iu3r! " rxJcjBrt a-jcjM » c«a *» vGm «*»*>*■* dntyaor* CowalTtavd 715 SW Morrison S600 Portland, OR 97905 205 OPPORTUNITIES CoTtaf* IcMtnMpt Available Recotded message gves details 1-206-24S-S040 EXT SS Gucmacum RAISE UP TO $1000 IN JUST ONE WEEK' l ot yOul Italemity SOIOtity A clue Plus $1000 lot yourself And a tree T Shill SiSi tot tailing I -600 9320S78X 75 I ~.~.'. " -1 GTF Position AvailaWe in FTE) __ Jekivtum iftj m Suer 4 F.Mt . Va^uv • Ft«iw Ou 21nd « N00 p av ASUO # w IVfQf/ AIM_ Secondary Special Education Program Tuition and ttipand avaiabla to quaked per sort s >nterested >n earning speoai education certtftcatwo For more sntor mat*on please write to Sand Dams. 175 College ol Education, University of Oregon. Eugene. O 97403 SUBJECTS NEEDED"? Decision making study S6 to $40 lor 2 hours No background needed CaH 346-49/6 Weekdays 9am 3pm 210 HELP WANTED AtMrachoot itudy halt (ulor to> Edxxi Elwrwrsary (1358 E 22nd). 2 30 3 30pm M E totv i'Vxw K CaKxih. 687 3204 iishmms Earn up to 12.000 U.OOCymo on Kjhmg vttuel* or in cannenaa Many companies provide transportation and room A board Eor nxy* information caff ' 206 646 4'66 ail A6069 ATTENTION Student Protects. Inc has one open seat on its Board of Directors The Board meets twice a month an em ploys over 50 students tn the opera ton of Footnotes Students only two year committment Apply in room 34. EMU before October 29_ Mississippi family seeks nanny to care lor 1 three year Old Must love dogs $45(Vwk Connecticut family. 2 1/? children, »nfant e*penenc« neces sary Busy household $40C/wk Call Oregon Nannies at 343 3756 CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Earn up to $2 000*rmonth • world trav el Summer and Career employment available No e«penence necessary For more information call 1 206 634 cal news & sports events Contact An thony tor more mto 346 5611 The Or agon Perfy Emerald >» an AM:Of 210 HELP WANTED FUNO RAISER Qirtm S40C n ^ dtvt Omoutm Club* ffiQMtat «i ftiwMh' aoa '*ym' «t w _ Oanarat labor n#*d#d for *mas: *n<> scat* project >n $Out* Eugene I M** No hour* Cat* 343 &30C__ Janitor-graveyard shift ’> h'Vday Cat 346 5(506 between 2*6 p « MONitTofTcduioc Gat you' itudent *>an t«p*d. piv* saw $300 par month Hy fuAtvna itudmU Wor% o#y» waaAand a Oragon Amty Nofbonaf Guard momy tor coftog# *tud»et# Caa 686- *96*0 Morning Delivery Moo * start* at 700 *m appro «mataty t to * *4? hours a day Ratjuras 'e**dt+o vahicle Apply tn parson Oegcn Datf> l.m« am ..KX)fMU AA.UX Not# taker n«»d#d for tnctdantaf F#e Committee f iparience and ciancai ifctii# 'tended Jofc JmctxHof' & «tpfrafton * EMU So*# 4 A(f*catar dMk*n# ‘*i Oct 32. 6 00 p m CM 34fr 3*49 Vy nfto _ Now accepting application# for the position of editor-i«vch*ef for THE INSURGENT This c* a mne month *b perxl position tnqutff at SuN Of# of th« t MU Daedfrw a October 26 The Insurgent n Positions available: Ov*J Care Task force Non tracMonai Affair# Coordma tor Job dasenpbon# and appfacaticns available In Su«te 4 EMU Oeadkne Oct 72. Spm ASUO »* AAfTOi AQA *•• POSTAL JOBS *•• Start ft t/4 l/tv • benefit* for appkcatKkn & information Ca# ! 2f6 324 6228 i/am-iQpmj 1 days 225 APTS DUPLEXES PROSPECT PARK ('ouniry quirt tn thr city* 1. 7 A 3 Bedroom Apartments wst* private rtaefcs. vflwt. pool tennis courts, playground APd more 1710 North view Blvd _484-6553 Take over my tease Beni paid till end of October >r 2 bedroom apart men! at ?424 f tfflh leas* , appomfcnertf SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 696-1130 345 W 10th 15th A OLIVE * Studios and lofts from $395 • Covered parking---Very dear 96 W 15th .. v 46* 6633 250 DORM CONTRACTS TWO FREE Dorm Contracts Mov*ng soon' Calf 346 6999 or 346-8»59 250 OORM CONTRACTS tSO ll four* (» you !»*e ow my dofm eontmcl! J44-0415 25_5 ROOMMATES WANTEO Housing n«td«d stydont to apartment of Home CM M2 *>041 ftoo^ S2 1 ea*« message tor Jo**' $20Qmonth In wom#o • co-op tw !wtM. cafe*#. pnoo# «k*uded tomtSbed ftOf^wS 34(M)N1 280 MEETINGS TSe Muslim Student Aiuxmioo wilt meet on I -ti»> OtfoCw* ?2nd as \\Q W’,&an>9tim Ha! from S /pm to# vofeng on proposed Amendment# and fsomtra !K)n* to# (Tw #*acvi*ve COmmiWjxn 285 CLUB SPORTS BASEBALL AH those interested as trying out to# the Qub Sport* Basatws# Team ^w« * a meettnQ Wed . Oct 20 at ? 00 p m tn Cedar C A 0 LACROSSE AH women interested in playing la* cross# come to Coder room a ft th* l MU or T uStrtey • ktotw# .f xi fA)pr 290 CAMPUS EVENTS AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION College Degree Retail career Corey IX# Brows a Meier A T Manager oi t necutiv* Tracing and Re cruAment. addresses ttw* hope at ou# »>#*! mee'.rg * AH are makxavm to rt«dne*d4> October 50 6pm 225 CMOS 295 ARTS & ENTERTINMENT CAMPUS EVENTS Kav« lunch at th« Outdoor Program wh*t<9Wa!«r or **s*th*ng Colorado A C4f*toma»n , Wade-tr* day. Oct *0. C’ SOpm .if ?h* U Of O Outdoor Program >r> tn« baawrmirot of th< f MU t Hi l Exercise your brain with lEfflimuifflig @@WEa //it’ varsity sport of th^mimi. Sion Upf Oct. 25th-2‘tth .it t Ml Roc C'ontor or at any Residence Mall t or More Into Call 346- 3711 m ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT 290 CAMPUS EVENTS Exploring Mi St. Helens WK1 MorttlWMt Oregon Trill* Author W•'Su&van mU f)r**en1 A v«j»i *how lout O* Northwest Oregon Trurfa Thursday. October 2t. 7-30pm 110 Willamette Kail 295 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT wye* » i»(S* Mt »i» ORLANDO ^ C* IMl •SUP «• M» *KA u* CmjA fciM iW' CACIMOAA AMD «V) A mil MK' VT>1 MUM PM* LDotD)^ HEAVY METAL j ^ HKAL I OATtl tyA * ^ ROMPER STOMPER “HEAVY META it u »IN THE LINE OF I 320 SERVICES Concerned about pregnancy'’ We can he*p I 'oa pregnancy teats forty ck^ teefcon ' it Way Ml 7-6651 Free Pregnancy Teats E ugene Pregnancy Support Center 136 £ nth Mf> 0400 W ar* ofte Iinw t m IQ 4 Wesley Night College Christian Fel~ township' longht at 7 00 'or ranging program Kin A refreshments' AH a»e wiA.omo' 1236 K*>- a*i Si 1M(> 4694 295 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT 'ONI or I HI MAJOR / YRK VOH / S Oh Ot R IIMI " IHl NLW 1 ORA IMLS fT.i. til-'Tc hXq THE NEW BOOK BY SHEKMAN ALEXIS DON'T MISS Siurm.m AIcxk performing & Mt'.nmj; Ins hook I luirsil.n, CVi 2 I si .11 '’:00pm "I laughed and laughed and couldn V stop reading.'" - Lalit MarmsmjHksi • 1212 Willamette *485-0888 THt FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON ■ -ML ---- . | "Could you com* bock later? Ho t catching a tew Vi right now." bullregard by Junes Storekl fORGt T «« \*mPK f-Oft A UHILL AUTl/MisI CLMLS AC£ 6K£AT'-— TH£V ABC So Co**roBrAgcl X f££L LiKL I Ot~r HA\/£ A CAM- m tHI x U0P6 X Pon t CiT i>TtPPlD ObJ CROSSWORD By Eugene SheJJer ACROSS 1 Mot tub 4 Alga* » *t>alonay hit 32 Miami» county 33 Acapulco gokJ 34 f ond —. Wit 3ft Jaya s 'Tha Crying Gama* rota 37 lattar opanar 39 Stick lo 4 rvanaat 41 Uangto * 43 Omd 44 M*n*d m«ta1*1 call 7 Transmit 0 Stucfc up? 9 Towel marking 10 Dander 11 Soap ingredient ol yore 17 A t*H«n 19 Jo&h 22 Very dry 23 Le* lamina) 25 Dry water course rhannel Solution llm* 28 min* Vattarday‘8 anawai 10-20