Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 19, 1993, Page 8, Image 8

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Sponsored by Dean of Students Office
Oregon Daily Emerald Sports
Barkley still can’t beat Jordan
Boy. oh boy, do 1 find sorry
for good of Charlie
l.ook at the guy. For years, he
has had to deal with being the
star who was never quite ns
good ns the superstars Yes. he's
a groat player But ho was just
not in the same league as "Mag
ic" Johnson, Michael Jordan and
I.arry Bird.
While Magic. Bird and Jordan
all led their teams to NBA
Championships. Barkley was
stuck playing with a bunch of
stiffs for much of his career, giv
ing high-fives to Mnnule Bol for
hitting one of those silly three
pointers in another Sixers' loss,
rather than drenching his team
mates with champagne.
Eventually. Chuck got traded
to a team that had the possibili
ty to win a title, the Phoenix
Suns. Charles was happy.
Phoenix was happy, and it
seemed like Chuckv and the
Suns would go all the wav
Wrong. Jordan and the Bulls
disgraced the Suns and Barkley
in the playoffs
Then Jordan retired.
Barkley desperately wanted to
bent Jordan once, just once
Barkley even won the MVP last
season, but who's going to
remember that ? What everyone
will remember is the fact that
Jordan led the Bulls to three
straight over the Suns.
When Jordan retired, it
reminded me of when Mike
Tvson was sent to prison No
matter who wins the heavy
weight title while Tyson is in
prison, it's not the true title,
because tho real champion is
behind liars.
Whoever wins the title this
coming NBA season should
have an asterisk next to 1904
saying "* The year after (ordan
No one knows this more than
At least Charles can feel better
because. after all. he is, without
a doubt, the best player in tho
NBA He will be the man to car
ry the torch of popularity for the
NBA Right'
Once again, wrong. Now that
Jordan is gone, no one cares
about those veterans anymore.
Jordan. Bird and Magic have
been replaced by Shaquille
O'Neal. Alonzo Mourning and
l.arry Johnson. These are the
guys who are going to carry the
NBA into the next century.
Besides, most fans can't stand
Barkley, the NBA front office is
tired of dealing with him. and
even his own coach seems to get
a little irritated with Barkley's
mouth at times
Face it. he's not as media
friendly as Jordan and Magic
ware. In fact, he's not even as
media-friendly as Sean Ponn at
Iordan's retirement had to
crush Barkley Besides the fact
they wore such "great friends,”
— oh yeah, I'm sure Jordan just
jumped at the chance to pal
around Chuck — there's just
nothing for Barkley to do in the
NBA anymore.
If he wins a title, he'll still
have to deal with everyone say
ing. "Yeah, but you'd never
have heat the Bulls if they still
had Jordan." To make matters
worse, Barkley has reached his
peak and will have to watch as
one by one the young guys pass
him on the scale of popularity.
So last week, Barkley
announced he will prohably
retire at the end of this season.
Hey Charles, no one tares!
Barkley's announcement was
a sad attempt to once again steal
the headlines from Jordan, but it
didn't work. I don't recall "Date
line NBC" interrupting its show
to announce Barkley's plans.
Go ahead, Charles. Retire at
the end of the season. The big
story when the 1993-94 season
comes to close won't be "Will
Barkley really retire?" It will be
"Will Jordan come back?"
Charles should take golf more
seriously. Maybe, with a lot of
practice, he'll he able to Iwat Jor
dan on the links. He never will
on the court.
Dove Charbonneau is a sports
rt> port or for the Kmorald.
Pac-10 honors Cota
Oregon free safety Chad Cola
was named Pm< ificlOConfcreni w
defensive player of the week for
(ns performance in the thicks' -t.V
tt< win at Arizona State on Sat
(iota, a junior from Astiland,
played a huge role in the Ducks'
\ ictorv. making 11 ta< kies, inter
t epting a pass and forcing two
fumbles, both of which were
recovered by the Ducks
Cola's interception marked the
fourth consecutive game in
which he has picked off a pass.
Mis four interceptions lead the
Ducks this year
UCLA receiver ).) Stokes and
Arizona kicker Steve McLaugh
lin were named as the Par.-Id's
offensive and special teams play
its of the week.
Stakes caught 10 passes far 190
yards and four touchdowns,
including a 95-yard score, in the
Bruins' 39-25 win over 12th
ranked Washington. The four
touthdown (Pitches tied the Pai -
10 single-game record, and the
95-yard touchdown is the longest
offensive scrimmage play in
1 KiLA history
McLaughlin kicked two field
goals, ini.hiding the game-win
ner as time expired, in the Wild
cats’ 27-24 win over Stanford.
Oregon quarterback Danny
O’Neil, who threw for 364 yards
and four touchdowns Saturday,
was nominated for the offensive
player of the week honor.
Chad Cota was named Pac-10
defensive player of the week.
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