The Com Stop Open Mon-Frl 8-7 8at 10-4 B**mnRmmwi4Fmry -Upton I3h 485-6253 TUESDAY s p A G H E T T I EAT EVERY TUES! indudes Garfc Bread 1130 am 1o 10pm Pizza ?£T£$ ITALIAN KITCHEN 2673 Willam«tt« 484-0996 EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS ET ALS MEETINGS IH. will moat unity at 4 30pm Tb* location It to bo annouiund fat man Informalion. toll 34* 374» Aaiaa hulk Amaru an Stadanl Union will moot today at 5 p in In Room 213 Counaallna (-onloi For mom Information call MR-4242 (Ml) Board Hama Cammlnaa will moot today from 4 20 loft 10 pm in EMt! Cwdar Roomt A and B For mom Information, call 24ft 1270 lapaaaaa Stadanl Otfaaiaalino will moot today from 5 to ft pm in EMU Cadar Roomt C and I) For mom information, call ftftft 44*4 Mtwlita Bradawl AaaaciaUaa will maal today from 2 to ft p m in EMU Cadar Room F- For mora Informa lion, call 14ft 1711ft Otartalati Anonymaw will nwar today from 12 20 to 1 10 p m at I ha Parlor at tha Romania Cantor (allow Rapahliraaa will moat tonight from 7 30 to ft.30 in EMU San! nr Room H Ooodllna for lubmitting El Ah to tha Kmarald front doth Soria 300 EMU. » noon tha day bafon publi cation Tha nan aditor doit not hot* a tuna mochina £1 Ah run tha day of tha arml on/aar tha arrant tab at ptoca bafon noon Sotrcaa of aaanh with o donation or admitiwa charga mill not ba accaptad (nunput roan It and Ihota ichadulad naantt tha publication data artII ba firm priority Tha Emarald maartat tha right to adit for grammar and tlyla El Ah ran on a tpaca-aivlloblo bant Voters informed of sales tax effects By Jult* Swenson Ortgan CtoV lm**a With 22 days to go before the Ballot Measure 1 "sales tax for schools" proposal is decided on, the University sponsored a forum Monday night to better inform voters about what the measure's effects would be on higher edu cation in Oregon. But if the turnout last night was any indication, the voters likely won't make an intelligent choice. Fewer than 20 people showed up to hear legislative and Universi ty officials speak at Willamette Hall in a forum addressing what would happen if the sales tax is defeated tor the ninth time November 9. If passed, the measure would enact a five percent sales tax, with proceeds supporting kinder garten through 12th grade and community colleges. At least half of Oregon Lottery revenues would be used for education. In return, school property tax es on owner-occupied homes would be abolished, which are currently $10 per $1,000 of a property's value, according to the legislative Revenue Office. The sales tax would not apply to services, and many goods would be exempted. The tax would be repealed in five years unless voters clw;ida to reinstate it in the 19HB general election Although the measure doesn't include support for fdur-veor col leges and universities, thev would indirectly be supported. General Fund resources, now needed for elementary and sec ondary schools and community colleges, would be shifted over to higher education. Moseley said. The measure includes only community colleges, and not four-voar colleges and universi ties. because that proposal was most attractive to citizens who were polled before the ballot title was crafted, said |im Scherzinger. director of the state Legislative Revenue Office. Since propo nents of the measure wanted it to have the best chant* of passing, a sales tax for four-year colleges and universities was oxempted from the measure, he said. ASUO President Eric Bowen said the effects of measure 5 should lead people to reexamine what the purpose of the Univer sity of Oregon is. The tuition increases are substantially above inflation, and what students or their parents had projected to pay. Bowen said he once heard a joke that the University should be called ' The University ot Cal ifornia at Oregon More than 50 percent of the University fresh man class is from out of state. "The U of O is no longer serv ing Oregon," he said. “It needs to keep its mission." The University of Oregon has lost S42.4 million in state Gen eral Fund support since Measure 5 was implemented in 1991. If a sales tax or another form of repla<»ment revenue is not estab lished. the state system of high er education in 1995-97 will have an estimated S100- $120 million less than it has now. according to a report from the University Office of Communications and Marketing. "Without Measure 1. the leg islature has no choice but to make further cuts in education." Mose ley said. "With no sales tax. and if Measure 5 keeps progressing, it would be a rather severe con straint on what the University of Oregon would be able to do." Today is the last day to regis ter to vote for or against the measure in the Nov. 9 election. Students can register in the EMU Breezeway. at booths at Prince Lucien Campbell Hall, at Oregon Hall and at the ASUO Executive office. BRIEF Those interested in the future of Alton Baker Park are invited to attend a public forum and workshop Tuesday at Campbell Senior Center, 155 High Street. The drop-in session is the first opportunity for Eugene resi dents to submit ideas for passive recreation uses of the park. Ideas will be incorporated into a park plan developed by an appointed citizen's committee. The forum begins at 4:30 p.m., followed by group discussions at 7 p.m. The East Alton Baker Park project is managed by the Eugene Planning and Develop ment Department and Willa malane Park and Recreation Dis trict. The East Alton Baker Park Citizens' Committee was orga nized after Lane County voters approved a ballot measure call ing for the park's development for passive recreational uses. Cl ANSI 1 II I) roue n s Deadlines Line Ads: 1 p.m., one business day prior to insertion. Display Ads: 1 p.m., rwo business days prior to insertion. Errors!Refunds Please check your ad! The ODE will run a classified ad one additional day as a result of any typographical error that changes the meaning of the ad. if reported by 1 PM. Refunds will he linmitcd to credits only. No cash refunds will be issued after the ad deadline. Credits must be used within 6 months of issue. 1: i AT YOUR OiVN FUSK OOOO *OV1Ct-AN¥ SUBJECT $2 plu* SASC P O Bo» 3S>6. tugana, OW 97403 nM ns# Congratulation* Gabrial* on bamg alactad aa PMiaianc Praardane Wa r* to proud ot you1 n»»_rm* nM «x ThauCM Thank* ao much lor lha parly1 You guy* art lha baad • nM ex_nM Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU \MnnA6lO66£PM0A | lATtNUKT/MTYQN THENET-1 [Jiewftrsor: I do you cane. 1 here often* f\ hacJser ‘Tin Man*... I like that... "7X