UNIVERSITY Changes add new look to weight room By Daniel West Oogcvs Dfrfy { m&ax) The Harry Jerome Weight Room has a new look because of a recent Sfl.OOO renovation. The weight room was moved because the area was too small, and when it was relocated it gained about 1.000 square feet. The renovation in« hided new weight racks, machines and .1 new stereo. Although the weight room is currently open for student use, it isn't complete A ventilation system will be finished soon and mirrors will be added. T like it. it's a big improve ment." said junior Ben de Sug ny. "I like having all new weights and machines to work out on and the rubber mats real ly cut down on noise from weight being thrown down " However, along with the reno vations comes the burden of a student user fee. Beginning today, a user's pass will be required in order for students to use the new facilities. The pass costs $15 per term or $40 a year. The faculty are also required to purchase a pass, which will cost $50 per term or $150 a year. The faculty pass includes pool use and locker service. These passes will be available for pur Sophomore Paul Kalil (front) and frashman Jaff Ventura (back) work out on lag curl machines at the Harry Jerome weight room. <.hasu at the weight center, and the money will go toward pav ing for student supervisors, upgrading the equipment and maintenance. The issue of a student fee first arose last spring when the phys ical education department dis tributed a questionnaire asking students if they were willing to pav a small foe it the weight room wore remodeled ■"The survey < onduc teii was positive. A majority of the stu dents agreed to pay a small price for a new gym." said Karla Rice. Recreation and Intramurals diret tor The ASt ’< ) granted money for the renovation hut also cut the funding of the weight room RIM was budgeted for the student supervisor through the t oliege work study program, hut AM O suggested RIM trim its budget Now the weight room has to find wavs to pay fur budget cuts "We hope students understand what’s happening and are happy about the new equipment." Rice said This isn’t the i ase with all stu dents Some students are upset that they’re now being charged for the use of the weight tai ill ties and question whether the renovation is even worth the lee "I don’t feel that I should have to pay for the use of the weight room when I pay $900 a term lor tuition,’’ said senior Anthony Willey I feel that the old gym was set up much better There was much more spai e to do even ise RIGHT(@)N TARGET o^ nDa /v Emerald I ADVERTISING DEPT. 346-3712 Cash For Textbooks Mon Sill Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 Campus SUBSHOP 1225 Alder 345-2434 Sul t *i*J airti j*» ,.4hrt 4m,m •« >i tuupum i W ivwrun vw»a»P*t eg hOCICY MILL fiftRMS» 185 E 18tli Next to Safeway 1950 FRANKLIN Nexl to Food Value #40850 TIBET 8 #40968 CHELSEA 8 COURIER® #40932 PONDEROSA® YOUR CHOICE Reg. $44.95 #43860 CHESAPEAKE ® Req. I #43526 TRAIL GUIDE® $39.95 | #43864 BONANZA 8 $8.00 I #43713 SUNDANCE 8 OFF 1 1000 dCORDURA PLUS STEP NOW ONLY *31“ UP MODELS #43705 TRAIL BLAZER 8 #43608 CAMPUS 8 #43531INNS8RUK 8 ,#43701 CASCADE 8 'GREAT CHOICES WITH Rc $33.95 58.00 OFF NOW ONLY *2595 AMUL GIANT 6” POTTED HANGING OR UPRIGHT HOUSE PLANTS REG. $7.95 5^99 rdUSS KALVIN'S GENERIC BRAND VERSIONS OF PAUL MITCHELL ® FREEZE AND SHINE ™ 147508 Reg. <5.7512 oi. 147408 PAUL MITCHELL® FAST DRYING SCULPTING SPRAY711 Reg. S5.4512oi. NEXXUS ® THERAPPE ™ #15208 Reg^X9!M2o^^^ PAUL MITCHELL ® AWAPUHI ™ SHAMPOO #47608 B>9. $3.8512 oi. PAUL MITCHELL ® THE CONDITIONER 147904 Reg. $3.85 6 ox. NEXXUS® HUMECTRESS ™ CONDITIONER #15404 Reg. $5.15 6 ox