Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 18, 1993, Page 16, Image 15

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Moderated by:
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Monday, October 18
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Duck women, Pilots win at Drenth
By Dave Chartoonneau
( J* 0QOn Ckuty im& tkS
The Oregon women's < ross
country outclassed a strong
field, and the men wore out
classed hy a tough Portland
team Saturday in the |eff Drenth
Memorial at Alton Baker Park.
However, both teams had
their most complete team out
ings of the season as they ran
their final meets before the
Pacific-10 Conference Champi
onships in two weeks Both the
men and the women had all five
scorers in the top 25. with run
ners stepping up to strongly fill
the important fourth and fifth
scoring positions
The women put together their
best team performance of the
season, placing all five scorers
in the top 20 to win the meet Ire
nearly 40 points over second
place Nebraska
The men also had a strong
team performance, as their five
scorers finished within 20 set -
onds of each other. But the
Ducks finished second. 33
points behind Portland, who
had five runners in the top 15
Freshman Milena (ilusat con
tinued to establish herself as the
big gun for the Ducks on the
women's side. Glusoc finished
third behind Wake Forest s
Nicole Stevenson and Sarah
Howell of Valley Royals
Howell won the race with a
time of 17:17.5. 10 seconds
ahead of Stevenson and 1H sec
onds ahead of C.lusac..
At the two-mile mark, the
three were well ahead of the rest
of the field, when Stevenson
and Howell broke away from
"I'm not too happy with my
rat* today," Glusac said "When
they started to break away from
me, I wasn't feeling very good
and 1 just lost my concentra
Although the Ducks, who
came into the meet ranked sev
enth in the nation, failed to have
the top finisher, they made up
for it with a well-balanced team
effort that catapulted Oregon
over top 20 opponents Nebras
ka and Wake Forest.
Jenna Carlson ran strong and
took eighth, three seconds ahead
of teammate Melody Fairchild,
who ran her best race since
returning to the Oregon roster.
Niamh Zwagerman missed
cracking the top 10 by two sec
JtF F P ASL AYO«gon Utuy tmtnkl
Freshman Milana Glusac led the Duck cross country team to a victo
ry at Saturday's Jaff Dranth Memorial at Alton Dakar Park.
onds and finished 11th. Joni
Wareham took 20th for the
Ducks, getting good points as the
fifth scorer, something the team
has been lacking in recent races.
Other Oregon finishers were
)ill Callero at 54th. Christine
Kngesser at 55th. len Doyle at
71st. Vicky Fleschner at 78th,
Laura Poole at 84th and Shan
non Elliot at 80th.
The Ducks finished with 28
points. Nebraska was second
with 67, and Wake Forest fin
ished third with 85. The only
other Pacific-10 Conference
team, Washington, entered its
"B Team" and came in a distant
seventh with 155.
In the men's race, the Ducks
watched the ninth-ranked Pilots
dominate the day. Portland's
Peter Julian was the top colle
gian and three other Pilot run
ners finished in the top seven
among college runners, ns Port
land won the meet with 21
points. Oregon was sec ond with
Only nine places separated
the five Duck scorers; the only
problem was the top Oregon fin
isher was Rick Cantwell at No.
15. Cantwell and teammates
Tracy Hollister and Karl Keska
came in right behind each other,
seven seconds apart.
Oregon managed to pick up
second thanks to strong perfor
mances by its fourth and fifth
scorers, John Dirnoff (21st) and
Jason Humble (24th).
The Ducks finished 15 points
ahead of Wake Forest.
The men's race was won by
Nike's Dan Nelson, who broke
the 24-minute mark by three
seconds. He was followed bv
Danny lx>pez and Shannon But
ler before the first collegian
crossed the finish line.
Saturday's meet was the final
tune-up for the cross country
teams before the Pac-10 Cham
pionships Oct. 30 in Palo Alto.
The District VU1 Championships
will be Nov. 13 in Washington,
and the NCAA Championships
are Nov. 23 in Pennsylvania.
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