105 personals U Of O MNOLK i «00-tA? r080 at! i»? Cat Tof F '9m 1100 Howard k> Anting in |l *) eat) a quNM. chttrful cottaga tc fan Naar but & grocery Not north o' loo ta> we«. lugana (Faa card rf I men* m I Buay lamata doctoral tludani war atoatanl ratarancaa *06-2031 Found: Watch at lOdi * Urn-rady on Tuaaday. October 12 « lha aariy am Call tW-*536 Loot Qray aw—tahirt wo rad ptatd lattara A on on a Fiirama aanwnantai vatua H tound. can Donna at OMSK ai oaaOTM, MOWN a OfUOOCMOOl A—MOVtO 20-yaar lha—Waa. back' ground Tarm PdPorWFuf reaum* tar *ca Edttng Laaar pi OWCAMOUKI JOTHCTVOWQMO Word ProceaamgflEdtmfl Tarm PaparoTha—a/Otaaartadona CaB 6&K6008 Anytma CALL US FIRST FOR WRITING HELP M»| • WfWn« /Mmi • Tyffttf Al writing tfytn and aubyacta wnloonr MEdtt 343-2747 'Quarantaad Error Fraa Profarta' nmtviDfnin Fraa pdrupldelivery. Can Honda al 935-1992 evaningaVt—aanda mate UNnMiTir Barbara Land 4W-3MJ I VmH| lAr LX.) idfti u»v r ISWI j1 344-4510 For all your typing needs |See Section H5i Word Processing and Editing Fast and Low Cost Footnotes EMU Room 34 • 346-2859 120 TUTORING E«gll*h Languag* Tulortogt convw salion. Kfftting awstanca. p*0*979 MilLIIM ig NQ • OVfrVIM Cn*W WitTi ODomar. •acOMol ooncMoo $450 586 raao Playboy cotlacdon 172 laauaa tom 67 to 63 A» Nm cantartoida Can 343-7511 «H«r6pm WJI nagofcal* t r cotor TV, $7ft <38, GO «m«t. $6$17 wt Cak 344 ISIS. 4»v» for lot WnMnolon g«N.nMHcan9835451 u>*»d£T Mad Cars, Sucks, boats 4-ntiaai art, motockomaa. by EBI. IMS. OEA AvaMka you' araa no* CM ’ 8004364*3 Ed C-12’0 1(70 Votvo wagon. Good around town' car. $300 Cal Rata *1 343-1587 1886 Honda CMC. 4-apaad Run* $ looks good Pnca raducad to $3200 84.000*. tupat gat mkaaga 3444213 N Trans-Am V-8. T topa AT. PW POl. Am. Cruaa. puS-oui Sony aarao Maw was. pawn Run* A look! aicat law $390O-otta« 6804577 MOTCPCvClES scooters 78 Puck mopad, naads tuna up E» caOant transportation ISO MPG Mskiwt laI>s lock l cat* $195 080 342 5797 155 BICYCLES CHEAP BWI Uaad 12-spaad Bndgmtona (rad) & nevar uaad natmat $100 060 I mum irk k! CM Rata 686-3569 C I /\SSI 1 11 I ) poi ic:11 s Deadlines I uw Adi I p m . one businew Jav pnoc m inmtKMt I >ti|d4 v Ad»; I p m two hmmo* djy’i prior co inwrtion Errors/Refunds rtcarJackmuaf IkrOilt .iliuu .inMhfd ai oar jdtWawi do m j rrvufa ot tin rvpa^i Ai^t*. j| rnw eh* dungn the tnrtnmf, ci the «d. tf irpurtrd K I PM Rrlurwb *\M hr bmnnl to >.mk$ ooh So u»h irtxmdi t*$B hr tsurd dvn dir *1 irjs&or ( min imm br titrJ *uhm 6 m«tmbk <4 mut Mountain Blka-Trak 6000 Alumi num. Quack Ralaasa *n«alt A ooat Ike brand naw $300060 68fMS77 X SpaciaMiod Rockhoppar Moun tain Bha While. good condHion. $300 Call Jm at 686-3»i itb COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS For sata. Brothar'a CC-90 correct able typewriter Parted condition $130 060 Call *6^7793 LAS£M ntltnXMS Poetecrtpl $9M PC or Mac. i-aoo-ao7-77«a Vktaowriter-Magnavoa Gfaat aord proceteo< kr Hudentj Portaele Healed ««ktkon» $100060 M3-066? 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH!!! We txiy. and service VHS VCRs icd tureen ihompscn Electronics HZ? Oar W3«/l 180 RESALE CLOTHING Haiiown Magic Pr*sto' Changa-O' O'* m«ssy Ck>*»< oQuais on« !an actors The Board maatt tenoe a month an am ptoya over SO students in ma opera Aon ot Footnote* Students only. two year commatmenl Apply n room 34, EMU before October 29_ BR.LJONS OE S bate bean earned m lha environmental industry teal year Elite company setting the pace A at panting locally, naeda motivated A teachable people No espenence nec eosary Training Part A tuS time oval able ProSt sharing A bonuses 143 8070 CRUISE SHIPS NOW MIRING Earn up to $2 000*- month . ml! trav el Summer and Career employment available No espenence necessary For more information can f 206 634 0466 X C6069 Earn a lira cash slutting envelopes al home All materials prowled Send SASE to P O 333 Olathe KS 6606' FUND RAISER Pane $600 si 5 days Groups. Out* mtanrt •dndwtosls ' *»775 3«t srt IQ! General labor needed for smau umd scape protect in South Eugene lies pie hours Can 343 63a' Janitor-graveyard shut 5 hrsday Call 345 3606 between 2 5 pm KWVA it hiring a Production Man •gar tor the ' 993 94 school year Stipend or ESCAPE crecM it a van atom Applicants must be currant pad 00pm Monday. Oct idth m a seated envelope Carts tor inter views will be made during the weefc ol Oct tftth KWVA t* an AA/tO sm MONEY FOR COLLEGE GO your aluden! loan rapao. plu» wo $300 (M> month lor luH-lima atudantl Work on« mafcand a month Oragon Army Nalonal Guard ha» monay lor coflaga Mudanta Cad 666 7920 Poaillona aval labia Chad Cara law Force Non traditional Alta«» Coordma lor Job daacriprons and apphcalwoa avwlabia -n Suit* 4. E MU Daadima Oct 22. 6pm ASUO .11 AAEOf .AOA Poatal Joba Avar labia' Many poarfona Graal banefiia Cali i 600436 4365 Ed P MOB •“ POSTAL JOBS *** Sian $1 1/4 Uhf . t»na*t* For apfjicanon & ntormaoon Ca» I 216 324 6228 (lamtQpm)7 day* 215 WORK STUDY The office of Academic Advising and Student Services is receiving appli cations for a student worker rn^pie tor work study who wifi assist (tie Pt©health Sciences Coordinator. Mar fees Strange The student must have a year's e*per«nce tn the sciences and De ptanrwng on a care©' «n one cl the health protessons Contact Markss Strange 164 Oegpr. Hal 346-3211 WORK STUDY JOB Poatar paraon Job lor iha UO Outdoor Pfogram Indapandenca. Uaval. lama and opportunity lo gal up doaa and par tonal noth aH lha buitatm board* n low Hm 37. EMU. 3464365 225 APTS DUPLEXES PROSPECT PARK Country qtnrl lit tkr rUy! t. ? A 3 Badroor" Apartmant* atm cry if daca*. «ow*. pool. MM court*, playground and mora 1710 NortKvtow Blwt 464-6553 14*1 N MM Me* 2 badroom* laundry Parking 1390 No Pal* Shown by acpo> inouM uwcum HIM MWIM I MM 1 OLIVE ' SludK» and IO«* Irom lags ' Cowad parking- Vary daar gsw ism *M S633 ' QQRjlJ QOM TWO FMtl Don* Con trad* Moving toon* caa y*6 mat or aaoeiss elections REGISTER TO VOTE UUOOMcaa lulla 4. EMU laaamanl :s‘ club sports BASEBALL AM Osoaa Inlaraalad m trying owl lor in* Ckjb Sports Raaaba* loam thara >» a moating grad Ocl 20 al 7 00 p m in Cadar CAD___ QOJURYU KARATE DO A nav» club sport* organ.rnnon as* m**t al 6 30 Monday Oct 18 n Cadar D EMU A« miarasiad pieasa altond No aipanance nacasaary' <• RECYCLE THIS § PA PER % Exercise your brain with CIIL1IL1S8S mmo the varsity sport of the mind. Sion Up! Oct. 25th-29th at EMli Rec Center or at any Residence Hall For More Info Call 346 3711 i.-—HEAVY IIETALJ £[.s » *di the link or nig Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson i ANOTHER \ r TOOCRDONM ; FOR HE .' X >— S. COULDNV KX) CHASE ME TONARO TUE OTHER GOAL FOR ONCE * 290 CAMPUS EVENTS Nm Lunch «in* Outdoor Program Wtnaaa wtrrlanaior lamor on *aatfr>r»g Colorado a Cafciorn^n r>v»r» Wodna* day. OcS 20. 12 30pm el the U ol O Outdoor Program >n Ihe Baaamarrt ol me EMU FREE' jpPE ( nor. nth of ( Kuihtt J8S2. Willamctir St (SIM) 68 ’ 1H U> HOIKS M l 800 am 6:00 pm Sat. 10:00 m\ 4:00 pm Sun Ck*cd I S“'4 ( tihurg K»l (503) 686-0233 HOURS M f 8 00 am S SO pm Sac. 10 00 am (00 pm Sun l Quality Copies MAIL BOXES ETC' Offrr rrUrtmubU at p*rtu tp*ittnjf Matt fiaxtt hi ( mien CROSSWORD By Eugene StuJJer ACROSS 1 Wftuctsm S Bandy of CAW • loading man’ 12 Thoy l»VO I ho h^h Mo 14 Muscai quoUty IS‘Hoods up!" 16 Sistor ol flunk Ji 17 Toaso 16 Mu nod Iho pecnic 20 ' Tho I urn of tho 23 f itti king of Isrooi 24 Roman Naso 25 Short orator© 28 f ioid. lor shod 29 Booth* s drum 30 ‘Pmoloro’ lottors 32 HumOioto 34 Stanch 35 l *o child s ploy 36 Barbra. m "funny Cwrr 37 Run 40 Run 41 Slapl !*• 42 Ad as a match maMof? 47 Sagacious 40 Thorough 40 Prognottt cator 50 Sampto tha $.iotwro«s 51 Suns to drop oW DOWN 1 Crw« t? v <4! 2/.4/S4S 3 0u*di school »%M>n 4 Pul up on U\m bultot* board SO* povion 6 TwUa *cb 7 AJ*n«u» • M« M4ft « r**i Hun 9 Si«y 10 Mr* IpMIt 11 Coming of Ag# m Samoa* aulhOf 13 A buf |ha! 19 Gndkich ponent 20 t Mimpljr of pat*»oc« Solution llm# 25 min VMMrday'i anaww 10-11 21 tag*' 22 Johnny oI CoOfMMft town 23 Aclr®%» Duncan 25 Th#y r«* oh an »®rv»d un d®r glass 26 Sul»s® quenfty 27 Congf#gi ttonal cry 26 f tbuf rich breakfast 31 Guys and D©#*’ roki 33 Ho Mjs count® f pruductivu ° 34 l 00%m 36 Hoad at 37 Proverb* 38 H.tfcrt b«nd 3® American (Jeauly. •9 40 Hound 43 On irt® 44 ‘Bui — on for«v«r* (T®nny son) 45 End of th® OCD’ 46 Ending lor h®»r or hotl