Sales tax forum meets today Students interested in finding out more on Ballot Measure 1 can attend an informational forum today. "The Sales Tax and Higher Ed” forum will he it) Room 100 Willamette Hall from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Panel members include Jim Schunringer. who sat on the com mittee that drafted Ballot Mea sure 1 This will be a forum for stu dents to ask questions so students will vote with the facts." said Philip Bentley. ASUO stale affairs r Check for N in-store accessory ^ specials! / Shopeertyu they're going fa 1340 Wiiiame 687-028: r coordinator The forum will offer student* a chance to clear misconcep tions about the measure, said Bentley "Students interested in being informed should really try to attend this." he said EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS -Mu WES] yjum « The Finest Chinese and American Food Open for lunches and dinners until 10:30 p.m. Mon. - Thurs. and until midnight Fri. and Sat. Restaurant A Lounge 947 Franklin Blvd. 343-4480 New service assists foreign students By Susanne Steffen* Omgon D*»r Emm**) The University is becoming increasingly more international, with an International College that includes more than 1.600 students from more than 90 countries. In order to help assist the International Office of Education and Exchange with the steady increase of international stu dents arriving each year, a new program started this fall. The program's main purpose is to help the new students bet ter adjust to the University during their first crucial term. The person behind the program. Magid Shirzadegan. an international adviser at the international office, has named the new service the International Peer Assistants Program. The adaptation to a new lifestyle and educational system is a potentially painful process that can take both time and effort, but with the help of the international peer assistants, this process ran become a step easier. The 10 international peer assistants employed by the Office of Education and Exchange have been providing support and resources through the hospitality table, which is an essential part of the new program. The table consists of brochures and flyers that concentrate on the most important resources on campus, and the peer assis tants have boon trained to provide the information and support the now students need, which can involve anything from aca demic to cultural issues. Tho hospitality table started during Orientation Week in the EMU has now relocated to Room 314 Oregon Hall, where the peer assistants have office hours Monday through Friday from 12 p.m. to 2 a m. Along with the hospitality table, the peer assistants will have four workshops this term that will concentrate on how to adjust in tho classroom and how the American educational sys tem differs from those of other countries. The first workshop will take place today, and the next ones will lie on Oct. 29, Nov. 12. and Nov. 19. The workshops have already received a lot of attention because they will provide students with new information about how to better comprehend and American university Exercise your brain with THE MALLARD MAULERS If you know four students (or if you are four students), sign up now to compete with other wild and crazy adventurers in College Bowl, the varsity sport of the mind! It’s an exciting game that tests your knowledge in everything from literature to science, from music to film. Two teams with four players each square off in fast-paced rounds dedicated to making you look either extremely intelligent or extremely embarrassed. You might end up representing the University of Oregon regionally and even nationally! So. get a team up (name it anything you want - the wilder the better) and exercise your brain! | THESODAQUACKERS Register: October 25th-29th. All dormitory teams sign up with your RA, everyone else sign up at the EMU Rec. Center, or call 346-3711. Preliminary Rounds: Wednesday. November 3rd. Campus Finals: Wednesday, November 10th. Cost: $3 per person or $12 for a team.