1 HOUCXNIMELVINS 2 KEROSENE HAT ~ ~ CRACKER I 5k3-1 m6YhWearth 4 TRANCE MISSIONTRANCE MISSION _ 5 SATURATION_ URGE OVERKILL 6 LAST SPLASHBREEDERS 7 CANDLE BOX _ __ __ CANDLEJOX 6 MR HAPPYNO MEANS NO 9 SOME FANTASTIC PLACE SQUEEZE 10 JUST ANOTHER BAND LOSLOBOS__ II UNPCROROUNP RETURN DIGITAL UNDE RGRQUN0 12 PEGHEADBLACK HAPPY 13 SIAMESE DREAMSMASHING PUMPKINS_ 14 TRANSNATIONALCLUTCH 15 TERRITORYSEPLTURA 16 SHOW __THE CURE 17 SHAME A A SINROBERT CRAY 16 DOYA THINK IM SEXY REVOL TING COCKS 19 WAR Of WORDS_EIGHT_ BBBBHBBHBI pem 20 EVERYBODY HURTS YOU JUST MIGHT FIND IT IN THE ODE CLASSIFIEDS! TBSBsrTr3r»r3u«ns,«^i^nsiTrc^s^B,s^?T<5"SiMWM. _*A"»m'*a*no*t*u*am .imp*«»«»hm» i»*»u» Minn tw rfefWy 5 15 (*3). 7 15. 9 15 ton U* T "A GRAND NEW MOVIE TMl »vM«| mm4 miny »f«1arW tmvmdm *i«m *ai m4mMf ■ Ill . vll.A I WICKEDLY FUNNY. 11(1 fttSt C&MAT RLM '»» IW L r«m r.,~,v luuiw. hum l SAj.i.Y romm nu)A SWINTON B111.Y ZANB Orlando am mix ohlrt ?x *x " 'A BONE-CRUNCHING MOVIE.' 'N BIJOU I All mu n BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! HEAVY METAL mirat WITH SPECIAL GUESTS PRONG and american recording artists BARKMARKET I SOUND OFF BECOME WHAT YOU ARE GROUP Juliana HatfwM Three LABEL: Atlantic Recently looking over my library of tapes and compact discs. I realized my collec tion was lacking in ono area — music by females. Having heard a catchy song by someone named luliana Hatfield on the radio. I decided to pick up her new album. Become What You Are I was not disappointed This trio, made up of luliana Hatfield on vocals and guitars. Dean Fisher on bass and Todd Philips on drums, has got to be one of the hottest alternative bands around with a female out front luliana Hatfield can only be described ns a sorority girl gone "bad," but she c.an justify it bv pointing to her success. With her fashion-model attitude and looks, and cute, girlish voice. Hatfield lends the band through some candidly revealing songs that fre quently rock Become What You Are. which is out on Atlantic, starts off with "Supermodel," a song that takes a sarcastic, hut ultimately affir mative. look at jHKiple who make their living as models. "I came over as soon as she called/ Cause she's a living doll." and "$5,000 a day is what they pay my baby for her pretty face" are sample lyrics from the song The second song, "My Sister." is definitely the best song on the album and is about the |>orfeo1 sis ter one wishes one could be with hut can t lie — because she is not around Hatfield goes from hat ing this sister to admitting she really loves her She says she's a "hitch", hut then goes on to say “She's i ooler than any other girl/ that 1 have ever met. ' ' N1\ Sister" has gotten a fair amount of airplay, mainly on col lego radio. On a song with the ironic title of "For the Birds," Hatfield mus es about the death of a bird. The lyrics of the song are full of sym bolism. "Mabel” sounds like it is about a homeless woman, whom Hat field looks after. As would hap pen at a live show, this song flows immediately into "A Dame with a Rod ." With the feedback from the ending of "Mabel'' still doing its thing, drummer Philips counts out four clicks with his drum sticks. setting the pace for this hard-driving song, in which Hat field proves without a doubt that she can play guitar and use a gun as well as any guy On "Addicted." Hatfield's experience getting over a drug addiction is described "My body is a shell/ A broken empty shell/ A chemical well/ A little, private hell," she relates early in the song, which reminds me of some of the songs on Alice in Chain's recent album Dirt. Hatfield gets through it. "I can't take this lying down/ 1 can't handle this wait ing around," she sings tri umphantly On the energetic: "Keelin' Mass achusetts.” Hatfield sings about what she does when ennui sets in. "Spin the Bottle," "President Garfield" and "Little Pieces" tell about the stages of an apparently unsatisfactory relationship. The last song on the album. "I Got No Idols." which was co-writ ten with Philips, Hatfield repeats the refrain of the title. She can say she- has no idols because she is one. She is also a goddess as well, even if she wouldn't admit it. Hatfield really is quite a singer/songwriter. While the lyrics on Bet nine What You An• may seem simple and not too great on paper, they take on gruatur significance when they are accompanied by the music:. Some of the lyric s really strike a chord. You really have to hear Become What You Aiv to appreciate it. It 's the art that went into this engag ing piece of work that makes it so great. - John Fteischli fCf Qr0\/on Dotty irr>&takJ THE LAST DRAG ★ ★★ GROUP: The Samples LABEL: WAR mem he Samples' fourth release The Last Drag seems to con tinue the buna's habit of con vincing the listener that though the album is good, the next one will be great. They have not delivered that great album yet, but once again it seems clear that it will be the next one. Their label. W.A R ’ (What Are Records?), is the Ben and Jerry 's of the recording industry. W A R.?‘s guerrilla marketing tac tics rely on a large fan base to put up posters, check on stock in local record stores and request songs at radio stations. The band is on the road constantly (cur rently in the midst of more than a month with only four days off) and makes frequent appearances in Eugene. There are many brilliant tracks on The last Drag. including “Lit tle Silver Ring," "Carry On" nnd the obligatory song with "rain" in the title. "The Streets In The Rain.” Guitarist nnd singer Sean Kelly wrote the bulk of the album, but his bandmates turn in some good songs like "Conquistador" nnd "Eatonville.” Kelly's writing is still rather inconsistent but there are many moments that show just how good he can be. The wonderful simile in "Every time." "As darkness falls on me/Like the cold use of words." is just one example. Especially because the album begins with the crowing of a rooster, the simple sunset sounds of the title track would make the most appropriate (which is not to say predictable) ending. Instead, we get five more tracks, the bulk of which are dull and uninspired. Only "Darkside" captures some spark with its exploration of the good and evil in every personal ity with music to match the dichotomy. The Ijist Drag is probably the weakest album in The Samples' catalog, which, considering the lofty standards they have set for themselves by producing some wonderful work, is not much of a criticism. The Samples are still one of the most promising bands in the country, but it is time they made that great album and fill filled that promise - Eron Witzel for trie Oregon OtWy fmeroW Free Low Fat/Low Cost Cooking Workshop $ Learn to cook with less hit on a student's budget Hints on grocery shopping * How to read food labels * Tips on low-fat cooking I % - Meets four coi (Oct.21&; 3:30-5:00 pjn. in the Stuc itive Th r.4& 11) lealth Center Cafeteria. ¥ . y- \ UO Student Health Center Health Education Program To register, or for naorc information, call (or come by die Peer HealdiAdviscrs « Get results! Advertise in the ODE*