■ OREGON MOZART PLAYERS The Oregon Mozart Players will play at The Hult Center Saturday night. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $25. $18. $14 and $10. Call 687-5000 lor more information Oregon Daily Emerald October 15, 1993 * EX-MTVVJs RATING GUIDE £ it it it it \Un Huulrr Murk ► it it Mart Quirni it Strir Inaai % Reviews Story by Kaly Soto and Jenny Whitty Photo by Thomas Bergstrom Emerald Robert Plant, former lead singer of Led Zeppelin, hyp notized his audience at The Hull Center Friday, Oct. 8. THE Hill FOR ROBERT PLAIT The folklore surrounding !j>d Zeppelin is immense. and last Friday. the main character in many of (huso bl onds came to Eugene Hubert T’lant has (seen tho subject of numerous wild road storios. wo decided to sot* if wo could find out what d was like to tour and work with Plant in a hm kstage i apm itv. as an audience wo soo tho finished product hut what about tho people that put it all together' Who are fhov and why did they choose this lifestyle Our first stop was the Hull Center box offic e to pit k up _ our tickets Wo decided to try to add an interview to our review Hut wo had to find him first Wo walked around the Unit Cen ter to whore tho tour buses wore REPORTER’S NOTEBOOK parked. There wore three, and wo were positive th.it one of them contained the former lead singer of t.od Zeppelin (we had wholly neglected the possibility that he could afford to fly from place to place) Thu first bus wo attempted to hoard was a bus carrying the light and production i rew We were pleasantly surprised to meet Chris ("No last name, please") and Mark (not really) At first they were apprehensive about allow ing us on their bus Hut after a few minutes of (legging, Chris relented and invited tis aboard Tfie hits was file si/e of a Greyhound cruiser and looked like the concierge room at the Eugene Hilton It was wood paneled, and had red velour seats that were very plush The el in Ironies equipment was plentiful (four Com pact Dim players, two color televisions and a refrigerator stocked with frozen English entrees, including chocolate hobnobs and a microwave) Chris and Mark had just returned from a five day stint in Vancouver, It C Before that the tour had stopped in Port land Both Chris and Mark expressed preferem es lor small er tours because they "get to know people better I hey Turn to PLANT. Page 8 Eugene SfENE ■ DANCE JAM y The Dance Jam will be held this and J every other Wednesday at Condon School It is a chance to dance in | an alcohol and smoke tree environ ment. The cost Is $3. For more information call 998-2368 Friday, Oct. 15 Inka Inka WOW Hall. 9 pm Tickets: $5 in advance. $6 at the door Sowbelly. Buckhorn and Panda John Henry's. 10 p m. Tickets: $3 Saturday, Oct. 16 Oregon Mozart Players The Hult Center. 8:30 p.m. Tickets: $25. $18.$14.$10 Renegade Saints John Henry’s. 10 p.m. Tickets $6 Lawrence Gallery Georgia Gerber exhibition Gallery is open from 10 a m - 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 17 The Story and Leftover Salmon Good Times, 7 p.m. Left over Salmon 10 p.m. Tickets: $7 China My Eyes, Belmars and Mandingo John Henry's, 10 p m. Tickets: $3 Tuesday, Oct. 19 U K Subs with Jonny Bravo WOW Hall. 8 p m. Tickets: $6 in advance, $7 at the door Wednesday, Oct 20 Marty Ehrlich Quartet WOW Hall. 8 p m. Tickets $7 in advance. $8 at the door Dance Jam Condon School. 8-10 p m. Tickets are $3 Call 998-2368 tor info Thursday, Oct. 21 SHOcase Free Noon Concert The Hult Center. 12:15p.m. Pele Juju WOW Hall. 8 p.m. Tickets: S10. S8 in advance DEMOLITION MAN STARRING: Sylvester Stallone. Wesley Snipes and Denis Leary OIRECTOR: Marco BrambJita RATING: R RUNNING TIME: 105 min utes PLAYING AT: Araa Thaaters By Rivers Janssen Oregon Dmty Emotald It would bo nice to think that action movio directors and screenwriters would recognize when a formula becomes stale. Perhaps they could release a film that didn't include catchy one-lin ers to introduce every climactic action sequence. Or maybe, for once, they could devise a plot that actually surprises the audience, so we can do more than anticipate the conclusion of each scene as they occur. . Turn to REVIEW, Page 8