Learn about: ♦ why diets don't work ❖ nutrition ❖ exercise ❖ self esteem/body image ❖ making positive choices for a healthier life ¥ when: Wednesdays Oct. 20, 29 & Nov. 3, 10, 17. 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the Student Health Center Medical Library. uosiudcm HealthCemcr To register, or for more information, call Health Education Program 346-4456 WAREHOUSE SALE TWO DAYS ONLY SAT, OCT. 16th* SUN, OCT. 17th ★ PRICES SLASHED ★ TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 30o/-50$ SPECIAL GROUPS OF MERCHANDISE NOW SALE PRICED AT 1.00 ★ 5.00 ★ 10.00 ★ 15.00 ★ 25.00 MERCHANDISE FROM ALL 9 KAUFMAN’S STORES HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO OUR WAREHOUSE LOCATED AT THE REAR OF OUR 135 W. BROADWAY STORE. SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION! PARK FREE SATURDAY & SUNDAY AT THE PARCADE OR OVERPARK. OPEN SATURDAY 9 A.M.-6 P.M. ★ SUNDAY NOON-5 P.M. Wild Life Safari Day • Springfield's annual leaf collection program begins Monday The program, called "Leaf it to Springfield." offers free, biodegrad able plastic bags to people living in the Springfield city limits. Bags are available on a first-come, first-serve basis Oct. 18-23 at City Hall, the city Maintenance Division. Lively Park Swim Center and Willamalane Senior Center, l-enf pickups are scheduled to begin Nov. 29 For more information, call 728-3637. • Saturday is Wildlife Safari Day at Willamette Science and Tech nology Center. Judy Zeno from Wildlife Safari in Winston and a variety of wild animal* — including an Arctic fox and an American alligator — will be at WISTEC from 10 a m. to 6 p m. Admission is $4.50 for adults, $3 for children and senior citizens and 512 for a family. WISTEC is located at 2300 I.eo Harris Parkway in Eugene. • "Beyond Color: Painterly Art of Planting” is the topic of a hor ticulture lecture Oct. 21 at Agate Hall. Nori and Sandra Pope, a Canadian couple who revived a walled garden and nursery in England, will speak about their gardening experiences. A plant sale will follow. The lecture begins at 7 p m and is part of the Hendricks Park Hor ticulture Lecture Series. Admission is $3. • Tickets are on sale now for a ski expo and special showing of Warren Miller’s new ski film, Rltick Diamond Rush, 0(1. 27 at South Eugene High School. The event begins at 7 p m. and benefits high school ski teams at Sheldon. South Eugene, Churchill and North Eugene. Tickets are $6 and can lie purchased from ski team members or at ULLR Ski & Sport. Willamette Pass office. Berg's Ski Shop, Anderson's. Oregon Trail Council. Board Sports and the Emu Main Desk. • Oregon Food Bank has scheduled a statewide food drive to help hungry people through the holidays. Food collection barrels will be at all Thriftway stores in Eugene and Springfield on Saturday. Shoppers are asked to donate a grocery bag with non-perishable food to the fowl bank. • The Eugene chapter of the Sierra Club will discuss President Clinton’s forest plan at a program meeting Oct. 19. Mark Hubbard of Oregon Natural Resource Congress and Rick Johnson will discuss ways the plan could lx* revised and improved. The meeting begins at 7:30 p in. at Roosevelt Middle School library. 680 E 24th Street • The United Way needs volunteers for the following positions: gym supervisor at Roosevelt Middle School, two to three hours per week: appointment companion to accompany individuals with dis abilities at doctor appointments, two to three hours per week; yard work volunteers to do basic yardwork for people with disabilities, half or full days: data entry clerk or driver for the Tree of Joy gift tree, three one-hour shifts, registrar or video operator lor November work shop, For more information, contai t the Volunteer Connection, 683 9000. ET ALS MM HN< „s Returning Student* Auoi latmn will meet today from 5 to ft |) «i at Reflate * !-amimg For mon infortunium, tall J4(» 4305 |apan Kit Kane* and Teaching Program v*(ll met?! today from 2 30 to 4 p ra in the l Ml Walnut Room MJStlll i ANKOUS Irvtuh Studrnl In Min will pm%*nt "Den mati, October ttH3 — l/nncnMnof«>in| llw Rok tie of Damth few* tonight at 7 in the KMI' Hen Under Koom For more informa tion. rail 34ft 436ft At aiirmu Advtting and Studrnl Smim will tpontor a dotutiion on applvtng to medical and dental « htwl, interview Tor mat*, coat* and ctmaequem e%. and typical qumtimva today at ft a m and at 3 30 p in m Room 164 Oregon Hall For more in forma Cxlis $3 Sowbelly Dockhora ySM CcL 16 $6 The Renegade CxL 17 $3 ThvMiovs China My Byes 131E. lift 3423331 kill UpltUpk tion. ( Jill 34ti-J2 J 1 (.enter for Akian and Pai iHi Sludira will present the lecture "Thailand'* Rural Indus truduatioti Projod; A Model fur Devoiouing Countries by Kan Harming today Irons 12 10 to 1 30 [nil in KMU Conturv Hoorn F For mom Information, rail 340 1521. Drimtte and Tout.he will conduct a pre teniation (onight from 6 30 to H m the tier linger Umnge l S Peaie Corps will conduct present* liont today from 12:JO to 1:30 p m and from 7 to 0 p m m l Mil Cedar Rooms A and H The Peace Corps will have an information table in the KMU from 10 a m to 3 p in For more information. <.all 34b <>02b Immigration and Naturalization will have an information table in the KMU today from * 10 am to 2 pm Athletes in Attion will present "Fast break" tonight at 7 30 at 2710 Marlow Road For more information, call 465-472.1 1 MINI r CARNATIONS | $2.49 Float oritn nliw • Mim natUNr !.U>S*.U^ A&UdEBi t a***tn VaOkxmat wtiM(jpK.ivr4ii.aM4t: ITM (iHtm, )j|K Or. t?4U. *5-12*1 Cash For Textbooks Mon - Sat Smith Familv Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block f rom Campus 345-1651