U5CARS TRUCKS 1970 Volvo ■agon Good around town car. *300 Ca* fan* at *43-159? 'W Eacon Pony, 4 te«ad. >«d great cond 53.000 maaa *3500 663-3647 15c MOTORCYCLES SC00TERS 92 Yamaha Matfm 7S0ce w.haanel. *1000 Runt aicaaaw Need to t«a qurc* 345 2568 iS5 SOCLES LADIES BIKES Scnvann 3-apaad. *66 RaNagh 3 tpaad. *60 Opan Road 3 to«ad. *65 Sctrmnn Cnatar. *100 Conor Cruraar. *60 Brtcayne 10 tpood *65 Otdcruaar. *40 Saturday at '0 00an NO CHECKS 2569 tWyard 165 computers Electronics For tala, Brothar't CE-80 corracl abla typaavrhar Padect condition $130 060 Cad 465-7793 LASER PRINTERS Potttcrlpl (599 PC or Mac. 1-600-907 7796 MACINTOSH CLASSIC 8 Brand now-Oom pay mora’ Buy factory drract for *739 895- 3233 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH'*! We boy. se« and serve* VHS VCtti *nd stereos Thompson t kectromcs 309273 Clateiqoe rack. 350 watts ampM»et equalizer. turntable, dual cassette, tun er and two huge. obno«'Ous speefco*s $600 OBO. call Henry 485-2662 180 RESALE CLOTHING Halloween Magic Preeto' Change-O' One messy cioset equals one latter waitet Cash paid everyday lor used, quality ciottung at Second T noughts 77 W nth 683 6501 205 OPPORTUNITIES BUNGEE JUMP North America s htgrvesi bungee onage Jumps held on Sundays Heservabons & Grft certificates < 503 520 0303 College tcKolartMpa Avaltoblt Recorded message gives details 1-20*246-5940 WTT 55 Interested in earning money as a nanny? Come see us TOOAY »n the f MU from 10 2 Oegon Nannies Inc The Womens Studies Program seeks proposals for summer see Sion,ranging from Weekend Work shops (t credit). Four Week Courses (2 credits), to Fight Week Courses (3 credits) New tor mats may also be tr»ed Two-Weekend Workshops (2 credits) intensive Two-Three Week Courses (2 credits), etc We strongly encourage proposals m areas of Race and Ethnicity. Sooai Qass issues. Gender and Science, and lest»an, B*se*uaf and Gay Stud es lions'* catf 346-2 to? fil ~7 < -Js. 210 HELP WANTED fisheries Earn yp to tS. 000 $4.O0O/mo or> fcshmg v«um*s ptoyer Live-in home cart for an efderfy couple Room A board and salary Most daytime hours tree Cali. 669-7635__ MONEY FOP COLLEGE Get your student loan repaid, plus earn $300 per month tor MMime students Work one weekend a month Oregon Army National Guard has money tor college students Can 666 7920 Nannies, we have the peftect job lor you* Fnendiy tam;*»s nationwide $i50^450/wfc tor l year stay Airfare A lee pwd Ca* Oregon Hann«*ra at Mi 3/55 Security person-f ndayt and Satur days 9pm 2 30am $fi/hr Red Rooster, i 906 W 6th Ave Skills hamers A chiki care workers tor speoai needs cbitdrt*' with BsabdBpi FiwbiwPThrs 464620 / 342-47*9 TECHNICAL ASSISTANT Dynemlx, Inc it currently seeking « qualified Technical Assistant to till a temporary part-time position Respont* btliftoS mch>de tracking inventory (both software and hardware), and instating upgraded software Strong DOS and PC hardware experience a must Equal Opportunity Employer Send resume and cover totter to Human Resources Dynanm*. Inc 1600 MiUrace Drive Eugene, OR 97403 The Oregon Deity Emerald la looking to hire two students for columnist positions. Coiummsts are required to write a piece of opinion. poktcai com mentary. humor or otherwise at toast once every two weeks Pay »• 60 cents per column mch Applications can tie picked up at the Emerald front desk be tween 6 a m and 5pm this week and must be turned *nto the front desk by Friday. Oct 15. by 5 pm Please sub mit copies of prevnx;s/> written mater uk with the application The Oregon Da*fy Emerald if y equa opportune employer Willamette Pass Ski Corp. area Positions range from management to entry level Applications are available at 2282 Oak mont Way, Eugene. EOE _ — POSTAL JOBS **• StWI ft! 1/41/hi • txn«fts fo4 appkoatior. ft mlo/rntton Cal )216-32*-622t (7am-iQpm) / day* ;i5 WORK STUDY Tha office of Academic AdvtaJng and Student Sertrtcaa >• receiving applt cadone tor a aludent amtftar eegtne lor mar* study «t*> «d umi tN> P-nhyuev Soencee Coordinator, War tu Strange The atudent mup M*« a year's aipervinc* «or mm UO (Xitdoor P’ograr- Independence, trava*. tame and opportunity to gat up done and personal urn at the bu«et>n board* m town Rtn 37. f MU 346 4365 22b apts Duplexes bum to U Of 0 from m* grMtf 1 t**i room apartm^t * OuUrt ctow* ** iocobon Owe* iorga yWC No pwts o> Smofcwr*. USfttwo PROSPECT PARK Country quirt in lh* city! 1.2 A 3 Bwdroon’ Apartment* *rlh pr>vat« (Jock* vwirt. pool. twrxn»s court*. playground and mor* 1710 Horlhrt+m BNd 484-6553 t«ai N Sth Springfield Ntca 3 bedrooms- laundry Parking S390 No Pats Show by apontmant SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 686-1130 345 W 10th 15th 6 OLIVE * Studioti and toll* hom S395 ■ Covered parking Very clean 96 W iSth •. - s 4*4 »3 225 APTS DUPLEXES 240 QUADS Clean, madam, large. lumlahad Ne»1 to campu* JS"imo 1000 Mama a 3 *tA <929 25C DORM CONTRACTS TWO FWC Dorm Con tract* Moving won'Ca* 34# #»» c. 3*fr# t M :si ROOMMATES WANTED Female etudent to *ftare meaty tor o.*fted 2 BO MM on I WvMi 1250 . t/J *e Dtp out, pad *6.}W_ HOO month In woman » co-op UN hea. caote. phone netodad n com ptetety tor molted noma MS-OMt ?85 CLUB SPORTS BASEBALL AN thoM interested in trying out kv me ChA> Sport* Teem. fNur» * * meeftnQ Wed . Od 20 At 7 00 p m •n Cottar C A 0 Billiards Club Organl rational Moating Data Sat October IB In» 200300pm Ptace Canto*> Boom r Sponaorad ByCtobSpcrt* CYCLING -fridey Social R*de i.veryooe 25 lasy mile* 3 00pm of m# o* 13N* A ttone»**y GOJU-RYU KARATE OO A n«vs cMd sports organs ebon sr*# meet M 5 30. Mondey Oct \ ft m CAtV 0. i MU Aw ntereeied rwrr attend No necessery* 225 APTS DUPLEXES OREST VILLAG APARTMENTS ut • • i t minuusjrom aownwwn, but a world away from city hawlr» QUIET COMPLEX SWIMMING POOL ^ WEIGHT ROOM 2 BUS TO CAMPUS 2 Bedroom. 1 1/2 Bath $515.00 & $535.00 per month 687-1318 On SprncfT Butte, corner of Donald & Ko\ Hollo*, S.K. Kugene | TNK FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON R X-— "0(1. God! N't Die bar ton. . that crtopy Ttd Shttdon and Louit .. Thayra aWnkhaadt. you know." Calvin and Hobbes by Biir Watterson TUE. DMS SEmNG COLDER. BUGS ARE Wing W THG TWCKLCW.' HAW HA.' i Good wobahce T) 'EM ALL ■95 ARTS a ENTERTAINMENT AN I ( INI MAS 91 £ 1 1th • (■ rih .’45m | H»tf Mt/tU tMlMwili" ORLANDO SH I M Ull Club Nod Ceramics Co-op Pre-Season Sale KrI., Oct. 15lh 3-8 p.m. Sul., Ocl. Ifclh 10-5 p.m. Hth A V.lUid U' I 71J Icommunity • MafTrtpwc /j S( 'ctebtalton ii Z,rJ ^ Saturday on thrMifiel Stage J V . Ponl Brendan ! 1 fort avwccuv-wrislj V , Rich Glauber s 1 WiXky flurry *»#y for hhl J vvw «.y »urwry v»y >*n»*y.* -v/» L. Rainbow Warrior i ^ Or%)»Aej ertectrorw” ft>% nw « ! »Dr. Atomic's ) \ Medicine Show J | $cx:t«i -wit* « f» rn#dLY*> port* *i 1 ? corrwKty 1 | Universal h Language”* JlM* Mfe • CnMfNd ■ Lh» Enteiwtinijl ? nwitjwimNoaswiE'Wiifl^ S iitiLiliiiA 295 ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT M ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln •hmfU Inka Inka Reggae \ll \ V ' 'It /( mill 50 $ TEEN EXPLOITATION "CAMP OUT" FUttOf TMlttMT* EMU fir room 6pm-mldnlght admiiilon S3 320 SERVICES Pregnancy Tastt t Pr ogrwtcy Support Contar V#H lUh US 04 (X) Wn?* wedcomo, loan f m ry» th.ng* Over E 0?ly dele* taon Someone to ta£ to con » 60 7-8651 Word Processing .mil Editing I .mr/ / ou Cost footnotes l MU Room (4 • »4(> 2B59 295 ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT EMU Cultural Forum PRESENTS Friday, ftov. 9 th an evening e{ “Stout* (%cm the Menve idihle" with LAURIE ANDERSON Mutt Cental Tickets: $16 UofO Students, $1H General ON SALE NOW AT ALL HULL CENTER OUTLETS • • • Friday, How. 12th an evening with THE SAMPLES Saxeng Jheatxe (ZfUscuted Heating) Tickets: $8 UofO Students, $12 General ON SALE TODAY AT 11 AM AT ALL HU1T CENTER OUTLETS BAD BRAINb, PRONG, BARKMARKET VUCLVl 3LUt Tickets: $10 UofO Students, $13 General ON SALE TODAY AT HAM AT EMU MAIN DESK. WO W HAH, AND UKAI RKCX)RD STORES s | l 1)1 \ I I l( M IS \ I I \lt M \I \ 1)1 s|\ For more Information contact Adam Zacke or Sena Baltgh at 8464878