WORLDWIDE NEED Kor plasma Iih erases everyday. Come Ar help J Mar IUolo0< al> H.imiu Dm Mir Center inert tlir world neeil with a plasma donation Kant S'iO on your first donation Open Tors, thru Sat Call 683 9430 1901 W Wh Ave —Oregon Daily Emerald Sports Ducks. Devils look to end losing streaks By Steve Mims Oregon Daty £me#ak1 Oregon and Arizona Slate will meet on Saturday night. vrith each team looking to break a two game losing streak in Saturday's (COO game in Teinpe. Ariz Arizona State was ranked num l>er 23 in the country one month ago. hut has since lost three of four games by an average of almost 1H points per game The Ducks opened the season at 3-0 Indore losing their first two con ference games to C-alifomla and use "This game is of enormous importance for both teams." Ore gon head coach Rich Hrooks said this week. "We am playing on the road in a game that we have to win The overriding concern is the importance of this game to both teams.” Arizona State is expo* ted to switch quarterbacks this week in an attempt to change things around That means that sopho tnore Grady Benton, who set an NCAA record last year for com pletion porctmtage by a freshman, will give way to true freshman Jake Plummer, who has com pleted only 21 of 40 passes for •407 yards and two touchdowns in three games this sear Brooks is quite familiar with Plummer, a Parade magazine and SaperPrrp All-American at Cap ital High School in Boise. Idaho. Inst venr Oregon tried to recruit Plummer last year, but was unsuccessful "Both of their quarterbacks have similar abilities," Brooks said "They throw the hall und can run with it as well. I was impressed with Plummer against Washington State last weekend ” Oregon's secondary is beaten $20 OFF ftjLi With Coupon Expires December 10, 1993 LAZAR S BAZAR 57 W. Broadway • 957 Willamette Downtown Mall Not Valid With Any Other Coupon Valid Only At 57 W. Broadway Location up with injuries to Ales Mold ed nnd Eugene Jackson, along with the season-ending injury to Herman O'Berrv earlier this year As a result, the Ducks have giv en up five touchdown passes of more than 20 yards in losses to tin I and tlSC Brooks said he expet is the Sun Devils to try to do the same thing this weekend "1 would be surprised if they don’t go at our secondary." Brooks said "That lias been our nchilles heel Our strength on offense is throwing the ball, so I guess the ball will be in the air a lot." No matter who is playing quar terback, the Ducks will have to focus on stopping Arizona State's running game, which features the talented two-back combination of George Montgomery and Mario Bates. Bates was on his way to an All-American season last year when he suffered a severe knee injury in the Sun Devils' third game Bates has not run ns well this vear ns he did before the injury, but is still averaging 78.8 yards per game on the ground. Mont gomery. who also suffered a knee injury last year, is averaging only 3(1 yards rushing per game. Arizona State’s defense has struggled at times this year, but is anchored by one of the con ferem e's best players, defensive end Shante Carver. Carver has eight ta< kliec including five quar terback sacks, giving him a school record of ifi sacks. "Shante Carver is one of the premier pass rushers in the nation." Brooks said. "We must bo aware of his presence at all times Hopefully, we can come close to what we did against (USC linebacker) Willie McGinest last week." Oregon's offense this year lias been a tale of two halves. The Ducks have outscorod opponents 9<)-4fi in the first half this year, including an incredible 51-0 in the first quarter However, the Ducks have been beaten up by a combined score of 45-11 in the second half during the last two weeks. Injuries hit the Ducks hard again last weekend when Mold ed was hurt on the first play of last week's game, leaving him questionable for Saturday's game, in addition to center Tom Cur ran. linebacker David Massey and center Tim DeGroote. Wide receiver Derrick Deadwiler is not expected to play this weekend, but Kory Murphy should return after missing most of the last three games. Defensive end Romeo Handison and left guard Kric; Barnes missed some practice because of injuries this week, but both are expected to ix> ready for Saturday. CALL 346-4343 BEFORE 1 pm. TODA Y TO PUT US TO WORK FOR YOU TOMORROW' 100 BIRTHOAV GREETINGS DARCY, the dev* ,n cksgutse Happy 20th bethday1 NICOLE: 2 mot* days M you're legal (In Canada1) Happy 19th' 101 AT YOUR O.VN RISK OOOO ADVtCE-ANV SUBJECT S2 lAu* SASF PO Bo. 3613. Eugene, OR 87403 KAM 1*1 Thank* lor a great Black A While' party on Saturday1 let s jam again toon1 V Thetas BSE KAM 105 PERSONALS DESPERATELY SEEKMQ 1 Lenny Krevttl tickets Please can Chnen at 342-2101 JuHa, meet me at Pegasus Piua m the basement lot Monday ngh! lootbak and Si 00 slice* oi BBQ chicken pin* Sea you there1 Christian Slater UOP OMMLES t 800442 7060 oil 187 Cat To* Free 110 LOST i FOUND Lost Gray sweatshirt with red ptatd letters A on on it Estrame senlimental value H tound. ca* Donna at 486-4686 115 TYPING SERVICES At 34*6796, NOBM a ONAO SCHOOL APPROVED 20 year thests-ckss back ground. 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Run* & looks good Pnca roducod to $3200 64,000*, super gas mkagpo 344-4?13 BULLREGARD by James Stoeckl cdduau. you A1AD£ IT Vou fiNALLY fLLvJ THL COOP —, NO MC«£ AW/vi AND Pad ccNTtcuLiNb 'toon nfL, mAKiNCi youn M£*i-S, AND TtLt-lN6 yet) UJHtN y»o shoul d e>£ AT NIC,nr, . . :*AAA H.K - ^ \ 11'3 ^ ^ Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU GENUEMEN. AG YOU RETURN vnxjRHO&msrY surre$. you tape «w you the rip UTATIGN OF THEUJHOt£ U-G. NAVY. I HOPE yOU'U-BEAP. THAT IN AHNP-. I } » t NOT THAT VM OPPOSED TO FUN! HECK, rn NO OTMNGeK TOUGHJt/VS TMFKE UfNE LOS OF StfAAN&ANS OJFUNO THE 6UF MM, OUT ME TCNOO WHINE TO DRAW THE UNE1 TWO OF you. GREAT. / and i'm y A CHAPLAIN