POLICE BEAT The following incidents were reported to the University Office of Public Safety and the Eugene police department Oct 2 12. • A bicycle was reported stolen on 13th Avenue and Agate Street Oct 2 Accord ing to police reports, the owner had locked the bicycle up between two dorms for a short period. When returning, the bicycle was gone. The bike was valued at $1300. • A theft of a $200 bicycle was report ed on the 1500 block of Hast 15th Avenue Oct. 2. According to police reports, the owner Imd locked the front wheel to a hike rack, only to find the front wheel and the lock loft on the rack • Another theft of a bicycle occurred on the 1 BOO block of East 11th Avenue Oct. 3. According to police reports, the bike was locked to a hike rack over the night, hut was gone the next day. The bike was worth $290. • A $200 bicycle was stolen from the fiOO block of East 15th Avenue Oct fi. • A 48-year-old male transient was arrested for disorderly conduct and crim inal trespass on 13th Avenue and Agate Street Oct. fi • The Theta Chi fraternity was cited for noise distort Mince on the 1 ltg) block of East 19th Avenue Oct fi. • A bicycle worth 5400 wns reported stolen on the fiOO block of Fast 15th Avenue Oct. fi. • A University student wns < ited for noise disturbance on the 400 block of Knst 15th Avenue Oct. 7. • A male reported n theft of n $600 bicy cle from the 1400 block of Fast 1 HIh Avenue Oct. H. • The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity was cit ed for noise disturbance on the 700 blca k of Fast 11th Avenue Oct. 9. • A 33-year-old male transient was cit ed for drinking in public on the 200 block of Fast 13th Avenue 0*1. 9 • A 42-year-old male was arrested for criminal trespass II on tin* 400 block of Fast 13th Avenue Oct 9 • A 32-year-old and a 33-year-old male were cited for drinking in public on 11th Avenue and Patterson Street Oct. 9. • A 20-year-old female and a 19-year old male were cited for drinking in pub lic on 19th Avenue and Alder Street Oct. 9. • A lfi-venr-old male and a 19-year-old male were cited for minor in possession of alcohol on the 1300 blot k of Airier Street Od. 9. • A 19-year-old male a 23-yenr-old male ami a 20-year-old male were cited for drinking in public, on 14th Avenue and Alder Street Oct. 0 According to polit e reports, the 19-year-old male was also cit ed for minor in possession of alcohol. • A 22-year-old student was cited for noise disturbance on the 500 block of Fast 12th Avenue Oct. *1 • A 18-year-old student was idled for minor in possession of alcohol on 13th Avenue and Ferry street Oct. 9 • One 24-year-old male and two 23-vear old men were cited for drinking in public on 14th Avenue and Alder Street Oct 9. • A 20-year-old male was arrested for minor in possession of alcohol on 14th Avenue and Kerry Street Oct. 10. • A 27-vear-old male transient was arrested for second-degree criminal tres pass and open container on the 500 block of Fast 13th Avenue Oct 10. • A 24-year-old University student was cited for noise disturham e on the 1900 block of Kincaid Street Oct. 10 • A 22-year-old male and a 24-year-old male wore cited for drinking in public on the 1000 blot k of Fast 13th Avenue Oct. 10 • A 24-vear-old male was cited for drunken driving on Franklin Boulevard and Villnrd Street Oc t. 10. • A first-degree Burglary was reported on the MX) Block of West 15 th Avenue Oct. 10. According to polic e reports, a Univer sity female student was awakened By a hand reaching through her bedroom win dow rubbing her thigh. The burglar unlocked the window and propped it open. The suspect is a white male. • A 39-year-old male was cited for drink ing in public on the 1700 block of Oak Street Oct 10. • A 30-year-old male and a 35-year-old male were cited for second-degree trespass and a 34-year-old male was arrested for trespass on the 500 block of East 19th Avenue Oct. 10. • A University student reported a Uni versity parking sticker stolen on the 1300 block of Kincaid Street Oct. 11. According to police reports, it was found on anoth er vehicle, and a 19-year-old male was cit ed for stealing the sticker. • A man was arrested for criminal tres pass on the 1300 block of Aider Strc-et Oct. 12. According to police reports, the man had fallen asleep in a restaurant and was refusing to leave. — Compiled by Susnnne Steffens THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIALj °^$R75 j X U with 16 os. soda \/ * | One coupon poi puichase ■ F« delivmy only Campus an-a only j^Kxpues 12/3CV93 687-8600 rwUNDERLAND 5evK>CO GAMES 5th STREET PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 VIDEO ADVENTURE kVALlIY WVIA PLAZA I •+ »» 'M* $20 OFF I With Coupon Expires December 10, 1993 LAZAR S BAZAR 57 W, Broadway • 957 Willamette Downtown Mall Not Valid With Any Other Coupon Valid Only At 57 W. Broadway Location It Takes the Best ef Botk Worlds to Prefare You for ae International Affairs Career Combining a multidisciplinary academic tradition with real world job skills, the M.A. Program in International Relations at I the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University gives its graduates the edge in the international job arena. G Advanced technology teaming environ men! and global teleconferencing. 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Switiertond D c Outslonding focufty corrvntHed to effective teaching and thoughtful advisement 3 Alumni network of mot* than 4000 professional graduates worldwide 3 Maxwell Sehaal af Citixeaihip a«4 Paklie Affair* Syraevta Uaivartity Y«t, I .nM nlnmalwi on >n* Mo-wM V hoofi Noloioonal M A fioonxn m W»no«onal (oloAoni Name ____ Adc*es\__ City/Slole _ Cuiieol School Zip i ^tot« mal to intttnoftonal l»la>oft» hoyom Vocwi* tfntvonlly )H lynwow tyfoevM NY UM4 1270 o Cot I 0» fom (US) 441210* (111)443 SISt I IFC pays bad debts for last year’s LGBA By Edward Klopfensteln Otapon [\My tm&dki The Incidental Fee Committee paid $194 in had debts for the Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Alliance Wednesday, debt t ar ried over from alleged misman agement by last year's LC.BA directors Co-directors Jodi Mai and Sjamcwr de Mille originally asked for $529 to pay for ads, videos and the LGBA's contribution to a dance held last April, but were given money to pav for just one bill. "What happened here was a program that overspent." said Eric Bowen. ASIJO president, who attended last night's meet ing. "The LGBA made a com mitment (with the companies) and never contacted the ASUO to find out if there were funds available," "The last directors left the accounts a mess,” said Mai. The debts were mode by for mer co-directors Sarah Koss and Troy Shields, who left their posi tions Inst June, said the current LGBA officers. Mai and de Mille became directors in September. "We re not the only student group with this problem (of an overdrawn account)," said de Mille. He said he and Mai were often told opposing information about how to keep their accounts and pay expenses since taking the jobs. One official was surprised, he said, when de Mille and Mai said they wanted to keep anoth er set of ledgers in the I.(.BA office The co-dins tors want to see a form of accountability with all directors under ASIJO auspices because they don't believe one exists, do Mille said. The original $529 came from $ 1 ‘Hi fora Yellow Pages ad. $192 to the Utvvndcr Network for the I.GBA's part in a co-sponsored dance, and $140 for tapes from Network Q. The network pro duces news videos on gay issues each month. The Ijivend^Net wnrk is a statewide gay newspa per based in Eugene. The IFC shaved $126 because it represented bills duo from Sep tember. Chairman Jian Liu motioned to pay the Lavender Network bill out of IFC surplus funds. Com mittee member Jack Oroc/.o se< - onded the motion. "If you come up short for some super empowering thing, then come up (to the !F(!) in the future We're not going to doi k vou for this." said Lyons. ET ALS MKKTtNCN liu idental Fn Committee will im-e! toda\ at 4 30 pm l,oiaUao to \m timuuiu«(i For morn information. call J4b 374V Aiun Kaiifk AmerH an Student I nton will meet today at 5 p m m Room 225 Counseling Center Fur mure information, call 346-4342 FMt 1 Board Mourn (awnmitlar will n«Ml today from 4 H) to 6 JO pm in KMU Cedar Room* A ami B For mom information, call 346 3270 lapanm Student Organisation will meet today from S to 6 p m in the EMU Cedar Room C and 1). Fur more inform* tion. call 66b 4464 Mualim Student Association will moot today from 5 to 6 p m tn KMU Cedar Ruorn K For more information, cal 1*346 3706 Overeaten Anonymous will meet today from 12 30 to 1 JO p m at the homoma Outer Parlor Collage Republican! will meet tonight from 7 10 to 6 30 in FMU Sentry Room H MISCELLANEOUS Student hmplm mmt will have summer employment program orientation today from 2 to 3 p m in Room 12 Hendrick* For more information. call 346-2314 Outdoor Program will urwimt an "lawmtuds of .Sew Kavakmg dune tonight *1 7 30 tn the Outdoor Program room For mom information, call 146 4365 Walking (.roup* will meet tixiav at 7 a m and 3 p.Bt in front of the Student Health Outer f or more information. < ail 346 2720 Pmr ( urtM will present information and a tilde snow tixiav from to a m to 3 pin and at 12 JO p m and 7 p m m KMIJ <.«xUr Rixmts A and H for more informs lion, call 346-0026 Academu Advising and Student Ser maa presents Pacific University Programs, with Mark Creamer to speak today at 2 p m on optometry and clinical psycholo gy. at 3 p m on occupational therapy and at 4 p m on physical therapy in Room 164 Oregon Half For more information, call 340 3211 (Carver Planning and Placement Service will have office orientation today from 5 to 6 p m. in Room 221 Hendricks (Career Planning and Placement Service will have an interview skills workshop today from 2 30 to 4 p in in Room 221 Hendricks Ihradhti# for utbtnitting t.t Alt to the Knteraid front desk. Suite J00 h\1V. it noon the day before [Mihluvitian The nrmw editor dorn not hos e a time machine ht Alt tun the day of the event tiniest the event lakes place before noon