i» MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS *2 VMfrtmhB M«»m 750cc •**<• ** STOOD Rum to *«*. qu-c* 345-3668 iw COMPUTERSELECTRONICS LASEMHWmum Postscript- $599 PC or Mac 1-900-507-778* Supra Fa* Modam. 2400 twfcxJ m ckidm communcjifjona *c^wa/f 5 c* Imm. * *ci lon&bc*. $100060 $44 9962 ire SOUND SYSTEMS CASH!!! buy. sad and sarvtca VMS VCff» «*) ttorwM Thompaoa Etaetmnt* 11220* 3439273 Claaalqua rack. 350 wat!» ampt,h«r •quahiar. lumuM. dual caaaatte. lun ar and two huge. obnomoui ipwAar» i600 080. call Hny 486 7682 175 INSTRUMENTS Paavay 4-channel HP-4 mlaer/amp with speaker*. patch cat»«a included Never used $400. Drlton 3*6 ’76C _ TANARA ELECTRIC BASS to' law aPeoway practice amp Great letup tor Warning $120 Scott. 4856047 East Coast $179** Mexico City $188* Britain $949* France $965* Belize $969* * Thailand $430* Brazil $450* Australia $530* *A/*art *4 cacti tom *ur*iarti bated cr fardb %i v? '** « kxJed - itdcaftn smon or yourt' **xn toured GK lor owr *c»K*«3e drsnabcm Coundllhwd 715 S W Morrison *600 Portland. OR 97505 SU-Itt-mi • WB-MMB4 205 OPPORTUNITIES BUNGEE JUMP North America's highest bungee tndge jumps held on Sundiys Heserveiions & Grit certticales 1 S03 S20Q3Q3 The Woman's Studies Program seeks proposals tor summer ses sion, tanging Irom Weekend Work shops (1 credit). Four Week Courses (2 credits), to Eight Week Courses (3 credits! New lormats may also be tried Two-Weekend Workshops (2 credts) intensive Two Three Week Courses (2 credits), etc We strongly encourage proposals m areas ol Race and tthniaty, Social Class Issues Gender and Science and lesbian. B*se*uai and Gay Stud ies Remember thus each credit re quires i<3 hours ol dass contact Dead line kv submission ol proposals is 5 00 p m . f nday October 72 Send propos ais to Catherine Raiasiguier Acting 0* rector. Women's Stwies. 32’ Men docks For more information. call 346-6629 (t -5 pm) or 346 2666 +■ GTF Position Available _i y) m>_ _ Ml irviwuuta ami appka»*w» .a *»»r 4. fc-MU I 'kjAme a hidj*. Oa I2ad u S 00 pjn. ASUO • mi AA/KXj AIM _ 205 OPPORTUNfHES Co4l*g* kMarthtpl Avaltabl* ‘^•V'jVaja g*v** 1J06-i4*-5»40 S*T 55 ln»»*»t* Com* *** wo- -■ - * ■> "*• i MU •••yi’ 10 ? O'<“>••> Mft- • *i i-m POSTAL JOSS $1A J9?Sf • 1JV** Mem vog CM (1} 905 96? 8000. f >1 P 964? SURC HOMECOMING S»ud**t A'ttfcaKMUKfcK FVogifam A,r# you a fu'vor or tan** «u# fcr*Mi at UO° Ar» you #cfc-vi» to co#rwnuo cafi 34^?t0T y~7 «L_ik [ft J 210 HELP WANTED Ad Distribution $/*v to start mg^Wee*ends Ova* 2nd job. stu dents R”**y'U*> ^ ^ ' BOO-WACB* fisheries Earn up to $2,000 $4.QCXymo on Ashing vessel* or >n canneries Many companies provide transportation and 'oom A board lor mors information cat) t 206 MS 4155 e»t A6069 ATTENTION Student Protects. Inc has one open sea! on its Board of Directors The Board meets Nee* a month an em ploys over 50 students m the opera ton o* f oo!notes Students only. n*o year committment Apply m room 34 EMU before October 29 Bartender A CW“r Ited Rooster Restaurant 1905 W 6th E ugeoe _ BILLIONS Of S have been earned n the envirdAmentai industry las! year Elite company setting the pace A e* pandmg locally, needs motivated & teachable people No espenenca nec essary Training Part A full time av*) able PmN sharing A bonuses 345 92 fl) Connecticut family seeks nanny to car® for 1 three year 0*0 Musi k)v« dogs $4SG»‘wk Connecticut famtiy. ;? 1/2 children. infant experience nece* sary Busy household $40C)/wfc CaW Oregon Nannies at 343-3/56 DANCERS. M time. part time. &K shifts Earn e*ce»ent money Apply »n person, 2091 W ! ith. as* for Ken Earn extra cash stuffing envelopes at home Ail materials provided Send SASE to P O 395, Olathe, KS 68051 FUND RAISER Raise $500 n 5 ctoys Groups. Ciuts mosvai edrdvOaH i «*>»77$»366i eit tQt MONEY FOR COLLEGE Get your student loan repaid. p*vs earn $300 per month for Mi time students WoTV one weekend a month Oegon Army National Guard has money for college students Cali 686 7920 St/JY VALLEY fiUO RESOKT In WahO is hiring tor the Winter season A variety of positions are available Wait & bar staff, cashiers, cooks. ba kers. dishwashers management Housing ava ’ __ TECHNICAL ASSISTANT Oyaamti. Inc t% currently aamhing a quaBftad Tachmcal Ataiatani to »*« a tampprary par! »tma poarfeon Raapon* metode t»«C*ung ^vanto«> (both tttfhwftr* and ftardwar*}. and ^Halting upgraded •cfavarv Strong DOS and PC hartfcaar* «*«pa***nc» a mu** (quo* Opportunity Empioya* Sand imupw and covar to«#r to Human Raaourca* Dynarrax. toe sfiOO Mfraca Ofva Cugana. OR 97403 The Oregon Ootty f iwiW Is looking to Mn two students for columnist positions Cotomntflti at ft required to wr*e « pmc# of opinion. poetical com merrtary. humor or otherwise at teas* one* every two wests Pay * 60 cents per column me* Applications con be picked 14J at the fmeratd horn cv*iu be tween 8am and 5 pm !tu» mma and must be turned nio the hoot cJesk by frday Oct t5. by 15 pm Pleasesut> mit caprns of previously written material w*th the appicebon The Oegon Datfy E merakJ e an squat mwrtunay emptoy*^ Nannfe*. we have the parted job tor you' Friancfy tamAes nation wide $150 $450-,wk tor t year stay Atrtmo & *wb pad Cal Oregon Hamves m 3433*55 Security person-f 'xtav* and Safur days 9pm 2 30am $&*« Med Rooster 190b W 6>h Ave _ SkiBs tramer* 4 child care worker* tor special needs Children with dtaabASes 1»«b»ePT hrs «84 s*t>oo* are available at the «k* area Portions range from management to entry level Applications are avertable at 2292 Oak mont Way, Eugene. IGF — postal jobs— Start $t 1 /41 *hr * benefit* f or application A information CaH t 216-324 9228 (7am-1 Opm) 7 days 215 WORK STUDY WORK STUDY JOB Post* person Job ky the UO Outdoor Program independence tray*, fame wxJ opportunity lo get up ckxse and personal w*th ail bufletm boards oc^ tpurtwit *r* csom $gAo*eJ i"**-.* larp* \rsvd bki p*t» ist Smofc#** USG'*'"* MS S’IS 1491 N 5th Spf»nyft#4d Nkr« 2 bedrooms PirtonQ S39C No Ptb Si**** t* tCQO**trw* spy GLASS ASSOCUTIS 6M-1130 MW 10th 1 Mh A OUVt • $*us*o» WKJ jo*s *»tx" S306 * Covered p«r*>»oy V*w> cfw 96W t*rfh 4tu Mv>3 ■»c QUADS Claan. modam, targa. tumlahad N««t to camput is' »mo taw »3 <«!•'«« DORM CONTRACTS Fmtmv Coad Oorm Contract Kv sate CaO Jay tt Mft Pimm buy my boon contract'* a mala Contact Caro* M3 MM 5 or ]tt96tr t*av*m*M4oe 256 ROOMMATES WANTED Fam**« •tuctont to «r\ar« ”*r«rty V ruth«d 2 BORM on 13PVMI $250 * !? ufc*» Dap ***** paid ?i6? 1200 moot* in oomao t co-op U!i» N». cjiMi. .rxtoJod *n com yMrw, ' ' * U- ■ ' 270 CHILDCARE CHH.0 CAPE Thrtwo ttAwrtoooa p«* mrtwjfc m cx/» fxxno -#■'} kxto Mutt fviv« rahtransportation A 'o««wx«» Hour*? *ag*> • Pfeaaa cal 68P0 tflO 295 CLUB SPORTS Billiards Club OrgeniiationeJ Mealing Ditie Sat October 16 r>me 2 00 3 00pm Place Century Room f Sponsored By Out) Sports CYCLING -Friday Social RkSe Everyooe touted. 2f> easy m.len 3.00pm at ffw *io*fc on l3f* i Un*Mer*«ly TABLE TENNIS Inteceated in joining the U of O table tennla team? Player* o? aH levels are welcome to attend an informational/ practice &ea*on Thur§. Oct M at t 30pm on (he maw* ipot ol Gerl*nger 220 Question*9 Ajfc tor Vcev ti SA3 Oft*-1 Taenia Anyone? Informal tennis club forming, a« levels, tor mora information contact jef» at HP P'63 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON |i a1.,-ear Hirtu O/nuk ' 'Mp’ll , Just scffu«y *h?n vW*f >ff4tjtj*h*'_T Eskimo mcus unttt , Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson I 1 ♦ 285 aus SPORTS GOJU-RYU KARATE DO A «rv» chf) 'iv-r'5 -'>> at ( JO. Monday Oct »ft *« C«**v D. ! MU A/» m‘**l p*Yv»lMtt attend ,y4* dtMMMY ‘ ICE HOCKEY Tryouts few aft ptayo»* (Xrm and tn’.'jtf'. •#XJ ft 00 pm. Thursday. Get n at tan« Country tc» UofQlQ ‘ CLUB SPORTS WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL Opan praettea Monday* and Wad naaday* »-« pm Coma to Ann*.. Hm 3W A» nw»**ieo ptaywt nateem#* :« campus events Hong Kong Sludant Aaaoctatton n«na>M mia»aat mailing Thmiday Octoea. 14. G»t>a»l >01. f .T0pn> OCT.14th GREENLAND... AN EXPEDITION WAYNE HAACK AND CECELIA NUNN‘S THRILLING PRESENTATION Thurs. 7:30 pm, FREE' 100 Willamette Hall I \ll l ie VUI I Club Mud Ceramics Co-op I’re-St'uson Sale Kri., Oct. 15th 5-H p.m. Sul., Oct. I6lh 10-5 p.m. TKatUt "&t*i (?tmU* IMh A \ilUid <4' til.1 295 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT NMitiiuniin ORLANDO WM« mi MONTH m.m w» "tiaiuiMNm HEAVY METAL , - twlTEo—«» «rV »» * ROMPER STOMPER, HEAVY METALJ ^ > u m THB UNB or rDUJ »*»• l l AVMMtm ivmrtnorriNGJ V|* 4.UJ fxtotm & kick im+m you to Uorn mor« about Dm MOW' m HlGflMARt SffORt C«r$mA5 A FREE hoH hour miao pr—ntohon w»H b» Jwti THURSDAY OCTOBER 1 4th EMU Fir Room 5:30 PM 320 SERVICES ft— Pregnancy Taata Lugane Pregnancy ixippo<1 CaMar 336 6 Uti 3450400 Wai* *n* wflkome. Tu#» tr* »D4 Bacauaa paopla cara »'W pragnan cy lasting tarty ikrtedon GaH l»l Way 66/ 6651 Word Processing and Editing r.isf .md low Cost f oot notes fMU Room 14 • J46-285li CROSSWORD By Eugene Shqffer ACROSS 1 ‘Moon Hoi*’ an 5 Ht'pti v*g«r o»g • Too confident 12 A* taunt 11 0«tc1o< Moat'd 14 Mtwtutn port C4y 1* Com mo lion 16 —»ho* •it mg 17 Rtgtidmg II Att 20 Suggti lion 22 Slut O.Uoa htto 26 Bonn* » ptrlnt' 29 Quiet 20 Dtblof * Itllto 11 Somttum mt> baUtt 22 Rtc loom? 22 G'ttl 24 Figo'ton Auttitlut cotl ot am* 22 Court 26 Mtll t Wttlung ton c»ty 37 Sousa's ton# 40 Industry 4ltS 41 low-down pints? 45 Gratis 47 Old Franc* com 40 ZHrvago « tov# 50 Has th« sntftbs 51 Clwtos Dunon SJtcom S3 MaMi CArtCA 53 Cushy 54 Wtnssi 55 Hiving th# luH compl# m«nt ol Solution tUr DOWN 1 MaoanJj. •0 2 Hal ilall 3 f mand 4 Chacka to* lypoa 5 Tina • Haavy waighi 7 Dianay land fcicaia • TV com manlaUk Alaiandai 9 Raaul ol a hung jury 10 laal abt» 11 Slicky atuft 19 —data Pan 21 Lima daml a: 23 mint. Tartar day's ana«ar 10-14 21 *1 baliav# 24 Spring 29 Shafc* « lha guu 26 Shaken't Kadiddl* hoppaf 27 Golfa •Cham 26 A good parson lo know? 32 labor laadat Samual 33 Angai 39 Pal tonal ovation? 36 Taka lop honors 36 Thoracic rag ton 39 Patla •oppar 42 Hoi rock? 43 Moran ol ■Happy Oayt* 44 Auction 49 Monogram ol -OC Blua Eyat" 46 Carnival Sabattian