Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 13, 1993, Page 4, Image 4

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Ambassadors will reign at this year’s homecoming
By Marius Meland
< >pgor> OJ'ty Fmerakl
Diplomacy will take the place of
monarchy at this year's homocoming
game at A Utzon Stadium October 30.
The traditional institution of the homo
i oming king and queen has boon abol
ished. and a male and female student will
serve ns the University's ambassadors
"The University decided to get rid of
the homecoming court a few years ago."
said Ann Strapnc. homecoming chair.
“The election of tli«* homecoming ting
and queen was too much of a popularity
The search for student ambassadors is
being conducted by the Student Univer
sity Relations Council, which is part of
the Alumni Association. "We want stu
dents who are active on (ampus and in
their community, and who have main
tained a fairly high grade point average.”
Strupac said "This is no heautv pageant,
nor is it n popularity contest The iimlws
sadors should represent the student hodv
in a positive way."
In addition to earning Rood grades and
tx'ing involved on campus, the ambas
sadors must he juniors or seniors and
must have been enrolled at the Universi
ty for three years.
"We decided that we didn't want trans
fer students, because we wanted students
who have had a full University of Oregon
experience.” Strapac said.
The ambassadors will be announced
during the half-time show at the home
coming football game. There will be no
crowning or rolling, nut the ambassadors
will each lie presented with a flower bou
quet and will leave the stage with Uni
versity President Myles Brand.
'The ambassadors will receive $500 in
U S savings bonds Strapac said. "They
will also get sky suite tickets for the
homecoming game and a dinner for two
at Chantrelle."
The application deadline has been
extended until Friday, Oct. 15. Applica
tions may lie picked up in Room 204
Johnson Hall.
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un/l rArttltmm © IW 'TIT
Incidental If* Committee will meet
today at 4 30 pm Location to be
announced For more information, call
346 3749
A*ian Pacific American Student
Union will moot today at 5 p in in
Room 225 Omnnoting Outer. For more
information, cal! 346-4342
KMC Board Houae Committee will
moot today from 4 30 to 6 30 p m. in
EMU Cedar Rooms A and B For more
information, call 346-3270
lapanese Student Organisation will
moot today from 5 to 6 p.m. in the EMU
Cedar Room C and I) For more infor
mat ion, call 666 4464
Muslim Student Association will
meet today from 5 to 6 p m in EMU
Cedar Room E. For more information,
call 346 3796
Overrate™ Anonymous will meet
today from 12:30 to 1 30 p.m. at the
Koinonia Outer Parlor
College Republicans will meet
tonight from 7:30 to 8:30 in EMU Sentry
Room B
Student Employment will have sum
mer employment program orientation
today from 2 to 3 p m in Room 12 Hen
dricks For more information, call 346
Outdoor Program will present an
Essentials of Sea Kayaking" clinic
tonight at 7 30 in the Outdoor Program
Room. For more information, call 346
Walking Groups will moot today at
7 a m and 3 p.m in front of the Student
Health Outer For more information,
t all 346 2728
Peace (-orps will present information
ami a slide show today from 10 a m to
3 p.m. and at 12:30 p.m. and 7 p m in
EMU Cedar Rooms A and B For more
information, call 346-6026
Academic Advising and Student Ser
vices presents Pacific University Pro
grams. with Mark (.reamer, to speak
today at 2 p in on optometry and clini
cal psychology, at 3 p.m on occupa
tional therapy and at 4 p m on physical
therapy in Room 164 Oregon Hall For
more information, call 346 3211
Career Planning and Placement Ser
vice will have office orientation today
from 5 to 6 p.m in Room 221 Hen
(arecr Planning and Placement Ser>
vice will have an interview skills work
shop today from 2 30 to 4 p m in Room
221 Hendricks
Deadline for submitting Et Alt to the
Emerald front desk Suite J00 FA4V. is
noon the day before publication The
news editor does not have a tune
machine Et Als run the day of the event
unless the event takes place before
Notices of events with a donation or
admission charge will not be accented
Campus events and those scheduled
nearest the publication date will be giv
en priority The Emerald reserves the
right to edit for grammar and style Et
Als run on a s pace-asm la bJe basis
Coming Friday
in the Emerald