EDITORIAL Student funds spent on women’s retreat The Incidental Fee Committee recently granted $3,500 dollars of student funds to the ASUO Women's Center. Keep in mind this is above and beyond its normal oper ating budget. Tho money was allocated in order to fund food, advertising and child care for committee meetings, a facilitator to help organize committee meetings, and a retreat. If money is being distributed adequately, then so be it. But $1,000 for a retreat seems like an impressive rutruat. It seems there would have to have been some pretty intense persuasion on the part of the Women-* Center toward the IFC. Especially if the procedures below wore followed accordingly. 1. Write a short, half- to one-page explanation of your request. The explanation should include the amount request ed. what the money will be spent on and the reason for the request. 2. Make eight copies of the explanation. Give seven to the IFC, and one to the ASUO Coordinator of Finance. This paper must t>e received at least 48 hours Indore the meeting at which the IFC will hear the request 3. Meet with tho ASUO Coordinator of Finance to discuss your request. The ASUO Executive will then develop un Exe< • utivo Recommendation. This meeting must occur at least 24 hours before your IFC hearing. 4. The IFC will place you on the agendo and notify you of the date of the hearing. At the hearing, you will he given a chance to expound upon your written request and then answer questions before the IFC votes cm the request. These procedures for special requests are used in order to fairly distribute funds, and. when used in that fashion, the process has the potential to be fair and respectable. However, in the case mentioned above, it was not. It is clearly stated in tho procedures that the organization must submit its reciuost and meet with the ASUO Coordina tor of Finance. He then gives his advice to develop an Execu tive Recommendation. Unfortunately, ns the finance coordi nator said, these proceedings were not fallowed. Somehow tho IFC in this case felt free to abolish their own procedures and avoid the meetings and advice of the ASUO Coordinator of Finance. If $3,500 dollars seems like a large amount, especially when at the beginning of the year there was only $7,000 dollars available in special request funds, maybe it was. The ASUO Coordinator of Finance never even knew of the request let alone the grant of the request until it had already been final ized. These procedures have lieen created for the liesl interest of University students and must be followed. We are tulking about a great deal of money. Though $3,500 dollars may only be a small sliver, this is merely one example. OMIIy Emerald PO ttOI J139 fUGtNt OBtGON 93903 Th« Qropoo DMy it putrfithed da»>y Monday through f f Memory Unon and » prosecutable by taw Edilor-m-Chiet. Jafce Derg Managing Editor Editorial Editor drapMca Editor f mlaric* Editor Caiiey Andar*on David Tho»n Pafttty THo» Waatwnan Sport* tailor Editorial Editor Photo Editor Supplomonl* Editor mgnt Konor: ua>« un«Jw>noMu Je« PtckhatOI fcntfxy»y Forney Katfy Soto Asmctat* Editors: Scot Clemens. Stuaont Government Actuates Heoecca Metr.n. Communrfy, Rivers Janssen. fegher £dK*horvA to 59 found that 1.4 per cent of men had bad same-gen der sex within the last five years , of the survey. In 1991-92 the Mitterand government of France surveyed over 20,000 adults and found that 1.4 percent of men and 0.4 percent of women had had same-sex intercourse within the five years preceding the sur vey. While 1 do not believe that homosexuals should be perse cuted. I do believe it is inappro priate that the Emerald and oth er media present out-dated research in order to help homo sexuals feel more comfortable. There is nothing wrong with a strength-in-numbers mentality hut only if the numbers are cor rect. And the 10 percent number is incorrect. If homosexuals want mainstream society to face the possibility that there is a gay gone, then homosexuals should also face the possibility of the number of people that it actual ly affects. Chris Stringer Russian LETTERS POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all letters containing comments on topics of interest to the University community. Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must lie verified when the letter is submitted. The Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for length or style