Washington seniors proud of their accomplishments SEATTLE (AP) — Time is running out for the Washington Huskies. They're down to the final six weeks of their Rose Bowl loss season. The Huskies seniors were hit hardest emotionally by the Par.ific-10 Conference sanctions against Washington's program in August, bringing on coach Don James' retirement. They're still coping. They're sad they won't be going back to Pasadena.Calif., fora fourth straight New Year's Day. But they're also proud of the way they've handled their adversity. "They couldn't take away our pride and our spirit." linebacker Andy Mason said. "We're out here playing for ourselves and the team right now. There's nothing they can do to us now." "It’s kind of sad because it's coming to on end pretty soon." defensive end Jamal Fountoino said. "Then we'll focus on oth er things in our lives " Washington's senior leadership has boon instrumental in the team's 4-1 season It's a season when the Huskies talked brave ly after the Aug. 22 Fat-10 sanc tions were announced but weren't sure themselves how they woultf react to the harsh reali ties or their punishment. The Huskies had to reach deep down into their character last Saturday in Berke ley. They scored two touchdowns in the final 2:0fi to come from behind and beat Cal 24-23. "If we get bent, we got beat." Fountains said "But we're never going to give up.” Washington's seniors think they're spe cial and the numbers back them up They've appeared in three consecutive Rose Bowls, won a national championship in 1991. compiled a 34-4 record and have gone 21-1 at Husky Stadium Washington's season ends Nov. 20 with the annual Apple Cup game against Wash ington State in Seattle. The Huskies seniors believe they're going to W'in their lost six gomes this year. ”1 think everyone is going well now." Mason said. "Hopefully, we can finish the season at 10 and 1 The seniors get a chance to get even this week for their only Husky Stadium defeat. No. 12 Washington will play No. 22 UCLA (3-2) Saturday in Pasadena Fountains and Mason vividly remem ber UCLA's 25-22 victory in Seattle Nov. 10. 1990. They were redshirt freshmen then and remember the sting of the defeat. That was a particularly tough loss because the Huskies felt they had a much better team that day. Fountain® and Mason aren't sure about this season. They watched videotape of UCLA's 68-14 vic tory over Brigham Young last Saturday. "They've got great athletes." Fountain® said. "They've got as much athletic abil ity. if not more, as we do." Switched from defensive end to line hacker this season. Mason leads the Huskies with 38 tackles and five sacks. Fountain® ranks second on the team with 36 tackles and leads the Huskies with 12 tackles for losses. In the Cal game, Mason had two sacks, including a game-clinching sack with 40 seconds to go that took the Golden Dears out of field goal range. Fountaine had a team-leading nine tackles, two for loss es. 'Tve really enjoyod this year," Mason said. "It's nice to make big plays." Despite all of the Huskies' adversity, so has Fountaine. A year ago. he delivered hits on Stan ford quarterback Steve Stenstrom and Southern Cal quarterback Rob Johnson that put them out of the game. Fountaine hasn 't had the opportunity to make those kinds of tai.kles this season but he’s having a bet ter overall season. "It’s been fun." Fountaine said. "A lot of players complain how hard it is. But my dad says. ‘Wait until you get old and then you'll be wishing you could do all those things again because life's a lot harder,' I’m starting to realize that." 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