Husky coach hospitalized during Cal game BERKELEY. Calif (API — Washington assistant coach Mvlcs Corrigan was in stable condition today follow ing nearly four-ond-a-hnlf hours of emergency open-heart surgery. Corrigan. 49. the Huskies' tight ends and plncekic kers coac h, approached team doc tors during the first half of the Huskies' 24 -23 victory over California on Saturday and complained of losing all feeling in his right leg. Trainers immobilised his leg with a splint, hut when his condition did not improve through halftime, he was taken to nearby Alta Bates Hospital. Tests indicated Corrigan was suffering from a dissected aorta — substantial dele duration of tIn* heart's main artery, said hospital spokesman Mark Hurdy. The surgery began shortly after midnight Saturday and ended early Sunday morn ing- Corrigan had further surgery Sunday to restore hlood flow to his right leg Corrigan was out of immediate danger !>v Sunday night hut was due to remain at Alto Hates for about o week Ho will Im> sidelined for the rest of the season, leaving coach Jim Ijamhright with two vacant assistant slots The positions opened when Don James resigned ns head coat h and when l.nrnbrigh! slopped up from defensive coordinator, WALNUT CRKKK. Calif. (Af’l — Wash ington State flanker Deron Pointer, who caught HI passes for 255 yards, and I'Cl.A linebacker Jnmir Miller, who registered five sai ks. earned Pat ifit 10 Conference players of the week honors Washington s|iei ial teams players Jason Crabla* and Scott Cnmnlaw also shared the weekly honor announced Monday Pointer, a senior, set a school record for yardage and had lou< hdown reception* of 53, 50 and 24 yards in the Cougars' 44 25 win over Arizona Stole Miller, a junior, keyed the Drums' defense, which limited Brigham Young to just 25 yards rushing and forced six turnovers, in a (>H M victory over Brigham Young. Crabbe. a senior, and Greenlaw, a sophomore, teamed up on a big special teams play in the Huskies' 24-23 win at California Greenlaw recovered Crabbe's onside kit k with two minutes remaining, setting up Washington s winning touch down dive Oregon student tickets for the Oct 23 Oregon-Washington game in Seattle went on vile Monday. Three hundred tickets are available at $12 apiece. This year marks the fourth time in five years the Ducks will have to travel to Washington. Tito Ducks have lost six con secutive games at Washington dating back to 19B1 The Huskies beat Oregon 24-3 at Autzon Stadium last season FILE PHOTO Washington tight ends and placeklckars coach Myles Corrigan Is In stable condi tion following open-heart surgery. too AT YOUR OWN RISK OOOO AOVtCI AHY SUBJECT Uptua SASC P O Bo. 0516, Euqana, OW 9/403 Q w futur* illy Inwflld 1 Advertising/ kWMlhirwfMim Ora gen Dally Imarald r.i GREEK HAPPENINGS Attention Greeks! N i no. loo law Vo bacomt In votvad artth Sts IMartrUamlty and PanhaMantc Councdal Election* to treaaur*., community mow*, alum™ relation. and several otfier poMiona are October 20 Pea up appacafton* in Suita 5 EMU ASAP Gel m vetoed1 Xil XT Congretutettona ItsaBier and Todd On you. long averted and mucti deserved pm rung! 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