Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 11, 1993, Page 4, Image 4

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Teres* Davis and her children, Vincent, 5, and Alyssa, 3, welcome visitors to their new home.
Continued from Page 1
Davis's home is paid for b>
Habitat for Humanity and she
will make no info rust house pay
ments on n 20 year loan to the
organization. She will also help
build fulurt! Habitat homes.
Davis had volunteered for provi
otis Habitat projis ts before Iteing
selected as a house recipient.
Tin really glad to Ire a pari of
Habitat," she said "i really
mtede<i tin* affordability.
Springfield/Eugeno Habitat
for Humanity was organized in
11)90 In addition to building
four houses in Lane County, the
group sponsored Habitat homes
tn Nicaragua.
Continued from Page 1
'"Hiore's n hug*1 blanket of
silence about the amount of
forced drugging happening
nationally." he added. This is
about our whole so* iety "
Rob Rockstoh. director of
health and human services for
Ijine County, said some changes
have been made in the mental
health department since )ang's
death. He agrees with Oaks's
argument from a consumer
stand point.
"I agree with David that there
ought to he more consumer
involvement." he said. "(His
group) is certainly an important
voice to he heard."
However. Rockstoh said the
Oregon Advocacy Center report
was "unduly harsh” in some
areas Much of what Clearing
house is opposed to am not gen
eral practices in Lane County,
he said.
Rockstah said Lane County
has a different report of the inci
dent that varies from the new
report. However, he said he
plans to moot with Oaks to help
work out any problems.
Clearinghouse is asking for
student volunteers to join in
their efforts. The group will be
at Saturday Market this week
end to offer more information
about the Jang incident. In
honor of John Lennon's birth
day. their theme is "Imagine
Creative Alternatives for Emo
tional Well-being."
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