Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 11, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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Biblical bull
It's starting again Karh Fall,
as geese honk their wav south,
fundamentalist Christian* send
bizarre biblical letters to the
I'm tolerant of religions. After
all. my ant estors in l.ithnama
prat tired a religion — paganism
— that was persmmted by a real
live armed Crusade Lithuania
was the very last Furopean
country to "officially seem to
When Christians push biblical
passages on us under a publit
spotlight, it's lair game lor ratio
nal examination Consider \ irgin
birth, really. Or that time jesiis
got drunk and claimed he was
drinking lus own blood And
how about Jesus' "rot k n' roll
scene after being dead for three
days? What a pile of bullshit,
I see this kind of thing on the
job. I work for human rights peo
ple in the psvt hiatrit system
People are allowed to "go crazy
publicly only as long as they
push the dominant insane delu
sions of the time, such as Bible
I'd like to remember a Univer
sity grad student, lung Sunk
fang, who really .n ted spiritual
Sook knfdt silently in prayer
near campus Friends situ erely
wanted a safe plat e for her, so
unfortunately they brought her
to the ps\t hi.ltru system
There she was put tu solitary
t onfinoment, lied down for sev -
en hours and forcibly i it jet ted
with Haldol, whit h doubles as
iin animal tranquilizer. Sook
tiieti. This summer. .1 federal
agent v issued a report on her
death, concluding that four
human-rights violations were
The Crusade continues to
hum people and —- through eco
cide I artI) herself
David Oaks
Clearinghouse on
Human Rights & Psychiatry
ODE sells sex
I would iust like to be one of
tiie first people to say how grate
ful I am to the Fmrmlcl. for
allowing such wonderful,
insightful and detailed descrip
tions of stnp bat 1 (such as Lol
lipops and the Silver Dollar
Club) to grai e the pages of the
paper How heartwarming ami
trulv delightful it is to see hon
est, true and relevant stories that
both sexes would eo|o\ rending
Hu! what really makes me
melt is when while flipping
through the pages, I find dis
count coupons for admittance to
these clubs I suppose that suit e
we sell sex and women in
general - to the public, I guess
it's only natural that we offer it
at a lower rate (after all. isn't
that a student disi mint7)
So once again, i would like to
thank to staff at the t'memld for
making such wise judgments in
its journalistic endeavors And
to the writers of such articles,
isn't it about time you grew up7
And last hut not least, thank you
Tamara Dykeman (ODf: Letters,
(k 1 a) Kiglit on! (Or should that
be, w rite on7) I t ouldn't have
said it better my self
Robyn Hagg
AA hypocrisy?
In the course of a telephone
i all to the i ampns affirmative
action office, I learned that a
new director took oft'u <• Sept. 1.
190 1 I asked about the former
director. Hverott Hells, who
seemed to be func tioning well
throughout the summer, and I
was told simply that he left and
that no further information
could be made available to me I
found this situation both puz
zling and disturbing.
The diro< tor of the affirmative
action offit e holds a powerful
and sensitive position on cam
pus It would !«' unseemly if the
administration did not commit
itself to an intensive search fur
the most qualified, intelligent,
knowledgeable and dedicated
individual for a joh of such
What troubles me is the hint
of impropriety in the appoint
ment process for a new direr tor
of affirmative action, a proi ess
that seems to have 01 i tirred
sometime in August whim ( lass
us wwrtt not in swssion. I have
found no evident w of a nation
wide hunt, although A A policy
mandates an open search with
adequate advertising Surely , if
lime vs as a fat tor. the adminis
tration could have appointed an
interim or at ling direi lor yvhile
conducting a proper seart h
I also wonder yvhy the Uni
versity is unahle to find .1 quali
fied member of a protected class
to fill the position (the two last
direi tors have both been male,
and I believe that the present
director is a white male) Has
the affirmative action office
la-en exempted from adhering to
Its ovyu guidelines-' Is It not held
to the same standard as the rest
of the t hnversitv '
L R.Jacobs
MBA 82
The Oregon Daily Emerald will attumpl to print all letters
containing comments on topics of in tori’st to the I'lmcrsilt
hatters to the editor must he limited to no more than ~f>0
words, legible, signed and the identifii atitlll of the w riter must
he verified when the letter is submitted
The Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter lor length or
snacks, drinks, school supplies
balloons, juices, popcorn
concert tickets
hull center tickets
greyhound bus tickets
international i.d. cards
anterican youth hostel cards
passport photos
quality film processing
ups shipping
theatre discount tickets
ltd tokens and passes
pay: u.s. west, eweb, nwng
fone bux long distance cards
Weekly Special
Sathers Bag Candy
'R0g. 59&
EMU Board of Directors
1993-19*4 School Ymr
fhaM m •lu4rt.li Kj*« ral|Md)
Applications are now being taken for one EMU Program
Representative (Appointed by EMUB) and one At Large
Position (Appointed by ASUO President). Deadline for
applications is Friday. October 15.5 p.m. Position
Descriptions are available in the ASUO Office, Suite 4.
EMU. AU are encouraged to apply. Stipend or work study.
Interviews will be scheduled week of October 18-22. Must
have two terms experience to apply for EMU Program
Position. Questions? Call Frank, 6-0007.
-I I.‘
& l
£MU Passport Game tdinners! ;
Mountain Hike
CD Player
Free Billiards
Free Bowling
Craft Center Certificate
Laurie Anderson Tickets
Oregon Grind Tickets
Sailing l-esson
Krgo Lesson
Mountain Bike (luidcbook
Campus Copy Certificate
Classified Ad Certificate
II of O Refutable Mug
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
Sievcn Jarvis
Mark Church
Scott Adams
Stephanie Dixon
Eric May nor
Jamie Kiley
Lon Oswald
Clcven Mmari
Teresa Da Vigo
Heather Linnmcyer
Rachael McGhee
Tobiah Brown
Benjamin l.u
Jessica Willey
Shannon Holbert
Tor Rockness
Kristen Boggs
Todd Matthes I
James Cervantes ^
Kim Marshall
Melissa Holloway
Anne Moscr-Komfek
Rick Hedges
Charlene Montierth
Terese Meshanko
Chris Stafford
Brian Bordenave
Mike Clancy
Robert Bielinski
Stephen Hidalgo
Jewel Gaston
Sherban Dnilea
Danielle Stromc
Marla Gierthy
Josh Vinlove
Winners will have until Friday. Oc‘obf.r
15th to claim their prizes in the SARO office.
EMU Suite 2. 346-4000. Thanks to all who
OCT. 11-15
rL- .yjftfefoft;ftft ftftft
i / i y .
poSrzxM * m*p«
Drawing. Tuesdays, 0a.'\l-No* i^gj- 6:-30 '9 Pm
r—"— ^
Multicultural Center
Position Opening
The Multicultural Center (MCC) intends to
foster a deeper understanding of the many
cultures present in our community.
Located la Ibe EMI), tlw MCC wM brief tofriber students,
atbalaWralars, faculty, staff, graduate IcacMag fellows, and
cooMBiiatt; meat ben to explore Ibe ctaaplexIUes of cultural
■ad clliatc dlrerdty. If you are Interested la learala« More
■boot Ibis 2* FTE Graduate Teacblat Keltowtolp, Mop by
Ibe EMC or AStiO offices for a copy rf tbe podtloa •
deacrlpMoa aad appllcaMoa laforsaalloa. Deadllae for
appbcathMM Is 5 pja, Friday, October 22.
Cal 34641007 for store tafonaaUoa
-: — *